Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3287: 3289 God's Whispers 2

Yan Lengyu firmly believes in his own beliefs and continues to fly. The number of attacks on the ancient gods encountered in the face is also increasing. In the face of these "the remnants of the gods", there is no more fear in the heart of the cold, and the soldiers will stop, but it is almost coming. At the foot of the mountain, these "old gods" grew more and more, like layers of waves, coming together from all sides.

Among them, there are two of the highest waves, one by one, and they are recognized by Yu Lengyu. One is Bodhidharma and the other is Lu Chunyang.

Yan Lengyu also knows that this is the best test. I dare not neglect to move the yin and yang to the extreme, and make the power of twelve points to withstand the strongest attack of this wave.

At the same time, she was close enough to Sumiyama to see the seven-color rainbow on the top of the mountain like an arch bridge. In the hole below the Hongqiao, there was a soft light, which was so powerful that it could not be described. Although not glaring, people dare not look straight.

When he was cold, he was a little panicked. As a Promise Ghost King, he never had any real fear of anything. At this moment, he faced a mysterious light source and felt a panic.

This light source seems to have a mysterious power, and it has an instinctive attraction to him, and it is also alert to the rejection.

Light sources such as waterfalls generally pour down from both sides, emitting some kind of distant and ethereal sound, suddenly bright as a flood clock, suddenly as fine as a silkworm, the rhythm is also fast and slow.芮冷玉 concentrated attention, but still can't hear what the sound is.

The only judgment she can make is that this is definitely not the voice within the Liuhe. If the sound that the general beings can hear is three-dimensional, then the sound is four-dimensional, and the magic of it cannot be described by words.

Yan Lengyu suddenly thought of an allusion, and the heart seemed to be stuck. At this moment, the illusion of the gods of the gods had come to the front, and all of them hit the barrier that he built with yin and yang.

An earth-shattering attack.

Yan Lengyu broke all the illusions and broke all the waves, but he also fell down. It seemed to fall out of a space. After stabilizing his figure, he looked to the left and right. He was already standing in a flower. On the plain with trees.

The composition of the air has also changed. Although the aura is still very rich, it is not pure enough, and the vision is clear. There is no longer a sense of chaos.

In the distance, there is a Brahman sound, and you can see the scenery of a Buddhist temple from afar.

Here is the boundless world.

I am still coming out.

Yan Lengyu smiled and walked over to the temple.

Temple of the Law.

The Tibetan Bodhisattva is best inside.

He walked into the temple all the way, but did not see a person, even a small novice did not see.

Among the Daxiong Halls of the Fayu Temple, on the door of the upper end of the Buddha statue, there is a picture of the mountains and rivers painted with a brush. It looks very freehand, but it reveals some kind of magic.

"Women's picture of the leaves."

I recognized the cold jade, and smiled slightly. "I admire the eyes and ears of Bodhisattva. I have already known it before I have arrived. But the guts are a little small, and I dare not fight with me."

Finished, go to the front, the finger is a fork on the painting, leaving two black marks, this simple two strokes, but almost no one can open the seal.

Since he wants to go in, don't come out, so as not to get in the way.

"Are you a ghost king, or a female donor I saw."

A voice came from the temple, and the cold jade turned and looked, but it was a thin-eyed monk with a long, brow-faced, smashed smashed plaque on his body.

"Daoji Zen Master." Yan Lengyu folded his hands and slammed him slightly, then replied: "Amon is me, Ah Shuang is me, Ghost Boy is me, now three fit, what is the difference?"

Daoji Zen teacher said: "Otherwise, there is still a trace of good thoughts in the depths of your soul, but it is the woman who has taken root in the roots, even though you occupy its spiritual body, but you are still you, she is still her, others do not know I am not mistaken for the monk."

芮冷玉道: "I only worship you because you are a rare person in the Three Realms. How do you cling to the distinction between good and evil? The Dharma in the world, when you enter the Zen Master."

The Taoist Zen master sighed and said: "If there is no good or evil, this is all about it. People are still a little obsessed. If there is no obsession, how can everything evolve in the world?"

芮冷玉道: "So it is a mourning, how to become a Buddha."

Daoji Zen Master laughed. "Haha, so I didn't become a Buddha!"

"well said."

芮冷玉道: "Just, since you have not gone, you can't go away."

The Taoist Zen master rushed to the ghost king and arched his hand. He did not mind saying: "I am not in the dust, I am going to reincarnate. I am leaving you to see you. There is a saying to tell the ghost king. The ghost king comes from the mountain. The light and strange sounds on the mountain.

Amazed at the cold heart, although curious, no sound.

Daoji Zen Master said: "That is the whisper of God."

For the first time, I heard about this term, and carefully thought about the strange voice. It’s really appropriate to use these four words to describe it. I can’t help but ask: “What is that?”

"God's whisper is a revelation about the catastrophe, predicting when and how the annihilation will end."


Daoji smiled and said: "Although the ghost king has the supreme power, but after all, it is not omnipotent and omnipotent. The Buddha used to speak with the Bodhisattva in the past, that is, in the era of the end of the law, the evil spirits were born, and the whispers of the gods in the mountains, the thieves of the gods, the insights, the people God's blessings, you can get great wisdom, great deity, great perfection, can break the sky, restart the era... Is it the thing that corresponds to today?"

芮 冷玉玉怔, said: "If the catastrophe starts with me, I am evil. You tell me this, isn't it broken your own path?"

"This news has already been circulated. It will spread to the Three Realms in a few days. I don't think I can't help it. Besides... The Ghost King is invincible in the Three Realms, but in the midst of the limit, there is the will and energy of the gods and gods. I have seen it before, even if you are, you can’t board Mount Sumi."

This is not a lie.

The will of the ancient gods is terrible. Even if it is single-on-one, it is not enough to see under the top-ranking powers, let alone so many ancient gods together, if they are really indifferent to nearby people. In the three circles of the three circles, I am afraid that no one can get close to Mount Sumi.

"If I am in the sky?"

"I just didn't say it. Anyone who has penetrated the gods can get the blessings of the gods, and the great wisdom and great powers will be perfected, and the era will be ruined and the era will be restarted."

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