Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3291: The 3293th World is a sandbox 3

"Human priests are very rare, unless you deal with the peerless powerhouse, more often, too many strong players in the three realms are not necessarily the top powerhouses. This part of the people absorb too much aura and gradually become stronger, but this time No need for human officials, the gods will choose one or several people, give them adventures and opportunities, let them improve their strength quickly, and then demon slayers, kill more demons, release the aura, it will be enough balance for a while, From a hundred years to a few hundred years, but everything is reincarnation, and the entire Hongmeng universe is like this."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Lengyu with a smile and a smile. He believed that she must understand the information hidden in her own words.

"The will of the gods... can they control the fate and chance of the people?"

"Nothing is left to them."

"But they used to be the same creatures as us, and the strength may not be stronger than you and me."

"But they have been tempered. This is the point. Once you fly to Sumiyama, you will no longer be a mere, you will become a whole. For thousands of years, countless powerful people like you and me, they are together... ...you can think of them as an independent god. 'He' has hundreds of us so strong, so he can do everything. Although the world is not fixed by them, but the world is not able to jump out of their control. Fortunately, they have not done anything bad so far."

This remark has simply subverted the world view of Yan Lengyu. Her complex look is sitting on the futon. The original eyes are so deep that people can't see anything, and there is a trace of fear and sorrow.

He never thought that the truth of this big world is like this.

After a long time, he was calm and calm, and his tone was already firm: "If all this is true, why didn't the teacher tell me early, and... This is not consistent with the teacher's previous worldview."

The Emperor of Suidu sighed and said: "The reason why Sumiyama is called the unknowable land is because the gods don't like to be known, even if I and the Bodhisattva, I didn't know much about them before. I am also the most recently. Only through the truth, I understand the origin of all this."

Yan Lengyu expressed suspicion, "Isn't that the nine-day mysterious woman found you?"

"After that, I went through eighty-one robbery, the master of Fang Chengyin, and I have forgotten all the previous species. Besides, the nine-day mysterious woman found me, only offered the choice, and did not tell the truth about Sumiyama. ”

"So you haven't seen it for thousands of years. Now it's just a dozen years, but it's getting through?" Yan Lengyu was a bit confused.

The Emperor of the capital did not answer this question.

Yan Lengyu continued: "The teacher told me this, what is the intention? Not afraid of my leak?"

"You have no one to leak, let alone, these news will spread all over the world in a few days. The days of robbery are not finished, just because you have too many strong people in the Taiyin Mountain. When you harvest, you are the head of all the thieves, the first to bear the brunt! If nine days Mysterious woman is coming to you, what should you do?"

I didn’t want to say, "The teacher knows my choice."

"There will be someone who will deal with you."

"and so?"

"If you find you, you will die."

You are cold and jealous.

"You want to ask me, is there a way to crack?"

"I have already thought of it."

Emperor Wudu walked up to her and said, "Okay, the class is over."

Qi Lengyu got up, sorted out the grooming, and bowed to the Emperor of the capital with a very solemn manner.

“Thank you for teaching me!”

"Now, you can do it." Yan Du said calmly.

Yan Lengyu stared at him and said: "Teacher, I have always had a question to ask you, what I have done, do you really think it is wrong?"

"Good or evil is right, it doesn't make sense to me. I am the defender of the rules of the Three Realms, and you are the destroyer."

"Sixteen years ago, I came from Taiyin Mountain. I didn't know how to win you. Then I took back the spirit and took it for 16 years. Now even if it is a teacher, I have to pay for it, so I came by myself. Teacher What is the order?"

"Look at the outside."

Yan Lengyu turned around with him and looked out of the house. The small garden is already full of people, and it is the strongest who has the number of sinisters. The level of the light master has come dozens.

However, in the eyes of Yan Yuyu, these are like ants.

"The teacher is worried that I will kill them. Please rest assured, I am here to change the rules, not to kill."

"I want you to maintain the rules of the yin, and run like this."

"I am afraid this is not possible. What I want is to change the rules of the Three Realms. Otherwise, even if the position of the Lord of the Underworld is not attractive to me."

"The operation of the capital city, there are four pieces of implements, the dragon scales Feng Yu Tianshu Qing Ding, divided into four doors, for the four capitals of Fengdu City Fengshui, once destroyed, the capital city will be destroyed once, the gas leaks, the entire ghost domain will Being affected, and then the imbalance between yin and yang affects the human world. Now I divide the four pieces of the country into four people. If you use strong, the four will destroy the artifacts and let the yin and yang divide into a permanent disorder. I think this is not the result you want."

The cold brow furrow wrinkled slightly, and suddenly understood that the Emperor of the Great made him turn his head to see what happened. The Yinshi had so many big changes, but Cui Tianzi, Runner Wang, Miluo Wang, and Qin Guangwang, none of them were there.

It turned out that Emperor Yaodu had prepared for all of this.

"To do the same thing, not like the teacher."

"I just want to marry you, don't make changes for the time being." Yan Dudai smiled. "Moreover, you have more important things to do. You have to find him and kill him before the nine-day mysterious woman finds a man." You have no worries, you can feel free to reform, isn't it?"

Yan Lengyu did not make a sound. Indeed, the Emperor of the Bengbu knows himself too well. If all this is true, then he will never allow the gods to live to threaten his rule, not to mention the earth-shaking reform he will carry out. It is for the whole three realms, not for oneself. If this reform is carried out in half, but it is killed by the gods... It is not only hard work, but if the reform is not thorough, it will become real destruction, it is better to maintain the status quo. .

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