Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3295: 3297 Ghost 2

Right Jun smiled a little smugly and said: "Is the emperor curious about her truth? In fact, she has no truth. She is a creature that should not exist. It was made by me."

Then I talked about the process of making her. After listening to the cold jade, I can't help but admire his "creative" in this matter.

For a moment, she understood the horrible thing about the "nothing is" in front of her. When she thought of the process of her being created, there was a hint of disgust in her heart. If the soul had original sin, then the guy in front of him was the most in the world. Abominable creatures.

"No name, it is not for you. From now on, you are a ghost."

Even the ghosts are disgusting.

Yan Lengyu expressed her dislike of her with such a name.

"Xie Dijun gave his name!"

The woman did not care, there was no wave in the voice.

"Emperor, use her to deal with Ye Shaoyang, that is appropriate."

Yan Lengyu shook his head. "Her attributes make me think of a better plan."

She gave up a hand to the ghost and said, "Come here."

The ghost abandoned her and squatted.

Yan Lengyu held her hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight force. The transparent body suddenly lit up a bright light, covered the whole body, and finally absorbed by the body, gradually disappearing, the white film on her face. Things have faded, and the five senses are displayed, which is exactly the same as that of the cold and long.

Right Jun stared at the two men for a long time and said: "There is no difference at all, and the look is like."

"This face is pinched in my own way, naturally the same, but this is not enough."

She reached out to the Yintang position with one finger, and moved a little bit outward. The fingertips brought out a bunch of white flocs from the head, like a reed. After leaving the head completely, it unfolded into a spider-like thing. The claws are still moving.

Yan Lengyu put it on the forehead of the ghost, and the "spider" immediately grabbed the skin, biting a slit, and then squeezing in.

Ghosts stunned and stunned. The eyes of the original hole suddenly became a god, and looked at the cold jade with an incredible look.

"I gave you my memory. From the future you are me, at least, in front of Ye Shaoyang."

"Yes. I will go to the implementation plan."

"Not busy. I have to prepare."

Yan Lengyu and his right to discuss his own plan, right Jun also thinks that this plan is very good, immediately called a confidant to handle. After careful consideration, some worried: "This plan is seamless, I only worry about being seen by Ye Shaoyang."

"He will doubt, but will definitely leave her."

A cold smile reveals a smile.

Ye Shaoyang, if you have weaknesses, then this weakness... is me.

In the world, Sanqingshan.

All the heads of the guild guilds, as well as the representatives of the sects of the first squad, came to Sanqingshan, and there were even many second tiers uninvited.

Everyone looked dignified and could not see a smile on his face.

In the past few days, there have been too many things happening, and each one is explosive for the magical world and even the entire three worlds.

The first explosive news is that the wind has come back, and the rebellion of the Valley of the Wind has been solved. At present, the forces have been integrated, and the world has been declared. There are many small forces in the ghost field that have already gone to the run.

This news has had a huge impact on the magical world. The Spelling Guild then summoned everyone to meet in Sanqingshan to discuss countermeasures. As a result, the meeting just opened, and the second explosive news came, and it exploded more than the previous one.

The Promise Ghost King actually occupied the capital city!

The spell world is in chaos.

After experiencing the collective squad, the spell guild sent people to appease the sects on the one hand, and collectively went to the sinister to inquire about the situation.

Yandu City was martial, but after the negotiations, they still went in. Yuan Xi and several other representatives saw Cui Tianzi, and learned about the passing of things, and then Cui Tianzi let them manage the world while secretly looking for the Emperor of the capital. A reincarnated soul boy, if he can find it, secretly protects him and waits for his awakening.

The reincarnation of the soul is the news of the third explosion.

Not only the world, but all the forces in the Three Realms were shocked by these three news. After the spell guild calmed down, it was found that things are not so bad at present. At least the major functional departments of the sinister are still functioning normally. The human soul can be sent to the underworld, and the ghosts can normally reincarnate into the human world through reincarnation.

This is the greatest comfort.

So the major sects met in a row and discussed around the reincarnation of the soul boy, but there was no clue. Perhaps the only clue was in Sumiyama, but no one could go there.

Everyone speculated that the reincarnation may be who, according to the time of the reincarnation of the Emperor Yaodu, this reincarnation boy is just seventeen years old this year (of course, it may be smaller, because no one knows the exact time of the reincarnation of the Emperor, so the scope is expanded to 14 to 16 years old, with everyone's understanding, he must be a very talented juvenile mage, so the major sects began to count the number of people, all the wizards under the age of seventeen were asked to go to Sanqingshan to gather, let everyone Screening.

All this, the several big sisters of the Yin Shi are also in the eyes. After the emergency meeting, the runner announced that the Emperor of the Batu is very likely to anticipate the changes before the Battle of the Three Realms. The probability will be released soon. Once the gods entered the reincarnation, and then waited until the end, the true gods followed the past.

In order to avoid being caught by the Promise Ghost King, the Great is likely to do so.

In other words, the age of a reincarnated soul boy should be between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five.

The reason why the age is so large is because no one knows how the Emperor of the Kings thought how to do it. After all, he did not discuss with anyone, and did not leave any traces - with his supernatural power, he wanted to live on the book of life and death. Doing some hands and feet and avoiding the investigation of the Reincarnation Division can be done.

The news spread to the world. The original mages, who were over the age of seventeen, seemed to see hope.

Because according to the results of your discussion. When the Emperor of the capital came to the world to complete the robbery, he would definitely choose the real life. That is to say, like all the reborn creatures, he would forget everything because of the mystery of the womb.

Therefore, as long as it is age-appropriate, everyone may be a reincarnated child.

In the mountainous area of ​​Yuntai Mountain, there is an inconspicuous grasshopper at the foot of a deserted barren mountain far from the main peak.

Yuan Xi pushed away the grassy window and saw that it was already dark. He said to himself: "I don't know how they are going to have a meeting."

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