Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3300: Battle of the 3302 Shura 1

Zhang Xiaorui will be wrong. He said uncomfortably: "What are you afraid of? Master, since you are back, go and get them. Are you afraid that they will not be able to do it, and then there will be us! Who dares to jump out and oppose him? Don’t be honest!”

Ye Shaoyang laughed and cried. "Where are you saying so simple?"

Su Qinzhang interjected: "The brother has his plan, you should not care about this. Since you know that he is back, then keep the secret, no one can say!"

"Can't one say?"

"Yes, especially Xiaoyu."

Ye Xiaomeng took a look at Su Qinzhang, and he stopped talking.

Zhang Xiaorui let Su Qinzhang go to get the wine, and he must be drunk with Ye Shaoyang.

Su Qinzhang was speechless. Before her, her own head was similar to the store's second child, but he changed his mind and called Chen Xiaoxu to let him go to the wine cellar and take a bucket of his own peach wine. Chen Xiaoxu didn't even listen to his parents' words, but he was respectful to him as a "teacher's uncle". It is no problem to let him do this little thing.

Besides, Su Qinzhang also wants to take this opportunity to let him know with Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui surrounded Ye Shaoyang, crying and laughing, and it took a long time to really ease down. After that, Chen Xiaoxu came, holding a jar of wine in his arms and being brought to the room by Su Qinzhang.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the past. The child's long white and tender, like Zhang Xiaorui, looked a bit dull and shy, but Ye Shaoyang saw a calm and persistent trait from his eyes.

In addition to this, Ye Shaoyang did not know why, and saw that he had a particularly familiar feeling and seemed to have seen it. Probably because of the length of Zhang Xiaorui’s sake?

Chen Xiaoxu is also looking at Ye Shaoyang, holding the wine jar in his arms.

"I will introduce this, this is what I often tell you, my brother... the real head of Maoshan, Ye Shaoyang."

Chen Xiaoxu’s eyes suddenly became the boss.

"What are you doing, just call your uncle! Oh, no, you should call Grandpa!" Zhang Xiaorui took Chen Xiaoxu to the bed and showed it to Ye Shaoyang.

Grandpa... I don’t look much older than him, but it’s really awkward to be a grandfather, according to his seniority.

Ye Shaoyang made a look at the forehead of the handcuffs in the qq expression, laughing silently.

"Impossible, Ye Shaoyang... How could it be so young?" Chen Xiaoxu said no.

"This is a long story, but it is really him!" Zhang Xiaorui reminded him, "Some of us can't always lie to lie to you. You don't always want to see this ancestors, now you see, fast. , say something."

Chen Xiaoxu believes this is true. I don't know if it is nervous or excited. A face is red, and I look at Ye Shaoyang. For a long time, I said: "Yizu, Da Zhoutian spit the heart, how to solve the last four sentences? ”

This is the turn of Ye Shaoyang.

This child, it really is a martial art!

Now I told him the interpretation of the last four sentences. Chen Xiaoxu listened, looked down and thought, half awkwardly, suddenly looked up and nodded hard. "I understand!"

Then he smiled and said: "You really are Ye Shaoyang."

Zhang Xiaorui gave him a slap on the head and said: "No big or small, you have to be a teacher."

Then let Chen Xiaoxu toast to Ye Shaoyang, and then five people to drink together. Ye Shaoyang asked Zhang Xiaorui about her husband and learned that Chen Ping was on the mountain to entertain the heads of the distant masters.

Ye Shaoyang once again told his 16 years of experience back to these days. He did not know how many times he had said the same thing, but there was no way. Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui had never heard of it. This made Ye Shaoyang deeply regret. After he came back, he should not go alone to see him. He knew that everyone would be called together to talk about it again.

Drinking for a while, Su Qinzhang still has to entertain the masters of the masters, at least have to respect a round of tea, otherwise it will make people feel scornful. After he left, Ye Shaoyang went on to chat with Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui. Chen Xiaoxu sat on one side and listened to them.

Since it was discovered, Ye Shaoyang couldn't hide it. Ye Xiaomeng personally made a few dishes that night. Everyone was drinking together. Su Qinzhang also came over after the guest was finished.

Ye Shaoyang listened to them about what happened on the Maoshan in these years and they were very happy. They didn't leave until the middle of the night. Ye Shaoyang just sat down and wanted to vomit, and the door was ringed again. When he opened the door, he saw Chen Xiaoxu, who was swallowing and vomiting.

Ye Shaoyang smiled at first glance and said: "I know you are coming, come in."

"How do you know?" Chen Xiaoxu puzzled.

"Before I saw you always want to talk to me, you must have any confusion in practice. Would you like to ask me?"

Chen Xiaoxu nodded again and again.

Ye Shaoyang let him enter the house. After sitting down, Chen Xiaoxu began to ask questions. Ye Shaoyang not only answered, but also explained to him in one stroke. Chen Xiaoxu also invested more and more. Ye Shaoyang always paid attention to him and found that Su Qinzhang said yes, this guy is really It’s a martial art. When I first asked questions, I was a little restrained. When I talked, I completely let go and fell into an obsessive realm.

What makes Ye Shaoyang feel gratified is that the questions he asks are all karma that have been practiced to a certain extent. To be honest, with the strength of Su Qinzhang and the understanding of practice, these questions are all unanswered. These problems, Ye Shaoyang also encountered in the process of growing up.

So all night, Ye Shaoyang was confusing. When the day was bright, Chen Xiaoxu was finally satisfied. Ye Shaoyang was also tired. He got up and stretched out and said: "Okay, before the realm is promoted, You can't face any difficulties any more, for up to two or three months, you can be promoted to the upper fairy. "Thinking that he is only sixteen years old, Ye Shaoyang is full of emotions, this era, really is a genius."

"Zizu, after that, if I have any more questions, can I find you at any time?"

"You have called my ancestors, can you not ask?" Ye Shaoyang helplessly spread his hand and added a WeChat to him. Chen Xiaoxu was very satisfied. He said that he would go. He had to go back to practice and practice what he had learned tonight. Ye Shaoyang stopped him from behind.

"Can you tell me why you are so hard to cultivate, what is the purpose?"

Chen Xiaoxu looked at him slyly.

"Just ask, what do you think about it?"

Chen Xiaoxu was a little shy, scratching his head and shouting: "I don't know what the purpose is, I practice... because I like to practice."

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly and he liked the answer.

After Chen Xiaoxu left, Ye Shaoyang went to bed and poked a melon on the window sill to see the sun. He said, "Hey, you think this kid is not like me."

(The Shura war is about to begin, let me conceive it.)

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