Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3315: The 3318 Ghost King caught 2

Xiaobai said with emotion: "Fortunately, the boss is not there, or seeing this scene, it is estimated that he can hardly hold back her."

"Now what?"

Xiaoqing asked, "Is it here? No matter what it is, even if it is disguised by the ghost king, it is not inside. I mean, is there any way to get rid of the big cockroach alone?"

The wind shook his head. "At least for the time being, it will not die anyway. If you are here, you will not die. Let's go back and discuss it slowly."

Qi Lengyu has been asking for help. Although everyone knows that it is disguised, but listening to the heart, simply stay away from the giant tripod and continue to discuss.

"That... I have something to say."

A sudden sound that attracted everyone's eyes, turned around and looked at the past, seeing Chen Xiaoxu, was a little surprised. From the beginning of the battle, he has been watching the battle. In the middle, Qingyunzi asked him to help deal with the zombies—mainly giving him the opportunity to practice, but Chen Xiaoxu has always been on the sidelines, not doing it.

Throughout the battle, he had never had any sense of existence, and he did not participate in any discussion.

"Say it," said Qingyunzi.

"That, before the moment when Dading was buckled on the ground... I saw someone flying out from below. It was a shadow. I don't know if it was the **** of the Promise Ghost King..." Chen Xiaoxu looked at the group timidly. The sound is getting smaller and smaller. "I don't know if I got it wrong."

Daofeng and Lin Sansheng looked at each other and thought of a possibility.

Lin Sansheng suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "If this is the case... Will it be in a state of urgency, the ghost king will leave the spirit body, and the gods will go away? After all, she will not take time to take it with the spirit."

The Taoist took a breath and said: "The **** of the gods is invisible. The resistance encountered in the enchantment will be much smaller than that of the sacred body... but the same pressure should be faced by the stars, and only the Yuanshen fight against the stars. No one can do it within the Three Realms."

Lin Sansheng looked at him and said: "It is a ghost king."

Although this explanation is very ridiculous, it can't be refuted by the referee. After all, it is the realm of the Promise Ghost King. Even if he picks up the Taoist, he can't judge her upper limit.

"Why didn't we see it?" Xiaobai looked around and said, "Have you seen it?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Yuan Shen is out, what do you see? It is not that people have left their spirits." Xiaoqing retorted.

"But... why Xiaoxu can see?"

For a time, everyone’s eyes fell on Chen Xiaoxu.

"Maybe he has the talent in this area." Lin Sansheng finished, not waiting for everyone to refute, let the four treasures go out to verify.

The four treasures then sat down on the knees and began to practice.

Everyone did not see anything, only Chen Chen Xiaoxu, looking at the direction of the top of the four treasures said: "Grandpa, I saw you, right... three fingers."

The wind opened the sky, and it was only then that the **** of the four treasures floated in the air, and three fingers were extended against Chen Xiaoxu.

Sure enough, he has the talent in this area.

The return of the Sibao Yuanshen proves this and everyone feels very strange. Although the magical industry has always had the connotation of congenital magic, for example, Ye Shaoyang is a congenital spirit, and the four treasures are spiritual mediators... but this situation is still very rare, and there is a thousand miles to pick one. Anyone with congenital magical power has a high upper limit. If people are more diligent, they can grow into a generation of masters.

Chen Xiaoxu can see the gods in the natural situation (without the help of the instrument and without opening the sky), then naturally he can see other things, a bit like the legendary "eyes of the fire", how rare this talent is, almost Beyond Ye Shaoyang.

After picking up the Taoist people suddenly think of something, ask him: "Gongzi this year, Geng?"

"I? I am sixteen."

Sixteen years old!

He also asked what the Taoist people wanted to ask, and the pony picked it up. "Don't pull it. If Xiaoxu is right, the ghost king ran away and left his spiritual body, that is, the cold jade." And her soul? So now we are only covered by a cold jade person?"

This conclusion makes the Ghost Alliance people really mixed.

If this is the case, then some of the previous joys and excitement are in vain - the Promise Ghost King still ran away, losing the spirit, but for him, the problem is not big, at most, as before, unable to cross the space barrier, not casual Going to the world.

Although it is also a big gain, it is really inconspicuous compared to what he thought he would suppress this huge harvest.

But if this is the case... then now under the giant Ding is the cold jade, the real cold jade!

Everyone got excited, especially the white and orange, and they urged to open the giant trip.

"Wait, don't be noisy!"

Lin Sansheng shouted loudly, stopped in front of Liangzhou Ding, and faced everyone, slowly saying: "You thought about it. If this is the ghost king's conspiracy, let us release it. Who can afford it?"

"Hey, where are you standing on, and you are skeptical about it before!" Xiaobai shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Not on the side, we just can't afford to lose, Ju Ding can't open it easily!"

Everyone in the Shura community, including the seven sages, also agrees that they can't open the giant tripod. These are the top-ranking gods in the three realms. They don't care about anyone. If you look at them, if you are a ghost league. If you insist on opening a trip, you will not hesitate to fight.

"Don't be noisy! I have a way!"

The wind came out and said it with a hammer. Everyone looked at him on time.

He took out a picture from his sleeve and started to say: "This is a map of Shanhe Society. I can put this big trip together into the world in the picture and open it inside. If it is cold jade, I will take her out. If it is a ghost king, I will run away, let it be king in the wild world."

Everyone thinks that this method is good, but some people questioned how such a big party, Ding Ding, how to receive the world in the picture?

"If it is a mountain, I can't really do it, but Liangzhou Ding is a musical instrument, only a little means."

The Taoist hand took the Shanhe community to fly, and flew to the top of Liangzhou Ding, scratching his fingers, and writing a psychic rune on the Liangzhou Ding with blood, and then sticking the palm of his hand to perceive the location of the giant tripod.

The rule that Shanhe Society tries to enter and exit is that in principle, everything that is artificially manufactured can be brought in, such as clothing on the body, or even a mobile computer (only there is no signal in the inside), but it is not natural, otherwise it can be The whole earth has sucked in. This is probably the rule between different spaces.

Ye Shaoyang once thought about whether he could bring an excavator into it and help Lin Sansheng build a mountain gate. When I got busy, I forgot about it.

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