Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3308: 3334 See also the old man 1

"At the monk's home." Ye Shaoyang replied.

Lao Guodao: "If you find someone, you shouldn’t let him go to Sumiyama and accept the power of the gods?"

Xu Wenchang asked: "What is his realm?"


"Dixian?" Xu Wenchang stunned and said: "This strength is a bit too bad. If a fairy can accept the power of the gods, there are many people who meet the conditions. I mean, in this case, Why did the gods choose him to be a **** official?"

Everyone thinks this is also reasonable.

Lao Guo said: "With his talent, the ceiling does not stop there. He needs to grow."

Xu Wen said: "Let's let him grow and see where he can go. Don't worry about taking him to Sumiyama for a while, so as to avoid any surprise. What do you think?"

Everyone feels that there is no problem, Lin Sansheng said: "The problem is that if someone keeps staring at him and dealing with danger for him, he may never be able to understand."

Lao Guodao: "Give it to me. I have experience in this area. Several children are here for me. Let him come too. I am slowly adjusting."

Ye Shaoyang agrees that Lao Guo has a general mana, but his knowledge of all aspects is very much known. It is simply a hundred Xiaosheng in the magical world, and he has the ability to know people. It is reassuring to him.

Xu Wen said: "That should be done. If he has any needs, the sinister may also secretly help. In short... He is now your core training object, and any resources are concentrated on him. No problem?"

"There is a problem." Guagua inserted a sentence, "Xiao Xu according to the seniority, but also called Xiaomu and Xiaobao Shishu, Xiaomu young master, is the next generation core of the Ghost Alliance."

Xu Wenchang looked at him and did not wait for the opening. Ye Shaoyang reprimanded the melon. "How many times have you told me that I am the same for the younger generation, and Xiaomu is no special to anyone."

Guagua is a little dissatisfied, but it doesn't make a sound.

Lao Guo waved: "It's not as complicated as you think. I teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and they are guided by the main. Everyone has different emphasis. There is no more preference."

Everyone discussed for a while, Xu Wenchang also went back to the Yinshi, and quickly told the big brother about it, so he left. Lin Sansheng can't stay in the world any more, and he said a few words with Ye Shaoyang.

Only Lao Guo and Ye Shaoyang are left.

Lao Guo is still immersed in thinking about the content of the gods. Shen Shen said: "I always feel that the content of the gods will not be so simple..."

Ye Shaoyang put a hand on his shoulder and said: "This stuff can't be figured out at once. Go back and think about it."

Lao Guo looked up at him and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I am going to see Yuqing. This is one of the purposes of my coming. Well, she still doesn't know that I am back."

"You should have told her long ago." Lao Guodao, "I will help you about it?"

"No, you tell me where she lives."

Lao Guo nodded: "Let's have dinner together at night? Forget it, you must eat with her. I told you to eat supper in the evening, just as I have to be busy, let the four treasures send me the child of Xiaoxu." Let's go, address my WeChat to send you."

Ye Shaoyang let Guagua go with Lao Guo, and he will come back to pick him up again. Guagua agrees.

Ye Shaoyang nodded. The net Hutong walked a few steps outside and turned back. He asked Lao Guo: "I am like this, looks handsome?"

"Handsome!" Guagua said. But his opinion is too subjective, and Ye Shaoyang does not consider it.

Lao Guo glanced at him and said: "Yes, anyway, you have always been awkward, and people don't know it, they have been used to it."

Ye Shaoyang laughed and cried.

He looked for the old Guo's address, just knocked on the door and found that the door was hidden. He wanted to knock on the door and simply pushed the door directly.

A very ordinary family, the furniture is a bit messy.

The living room TV is on, a girl is leaning on the sofa, holding a pillow in her arms, and is focusing on watching TV.

In an instant, Ye Shaoyang thought that he was looking for the wrong one. When he looked at the girl's face, he was relieved that it was Xue Qi.

Xue Qi also heard the footsteps. She was watching the TV and she did not raise her head. "You can put things on the ground. I will pack them myself. Will the money be given to you?"

What the hell? Think of yourself as a takeaway?

Ye Shaoyang coughed dry.

Xue Qi only looked up and swept him, frowning: "What do you watch me do, yogurt?"


"Go, you come to tease me!"

Xue Qi stood up, and then she looked at him seriously. For a moment, her eyes widened and she was completely covered. Then she blinked and said, "I didn't read it wrong..."

"I am giving yogurt."

Xue Qi took a deep breath and said: "You look like a friend of mine."

"Do you miss him?"

"I don't want to, I can't wait to kill him."

Ye Shaoyang walked over and opened his arms. "Would you like to hug."

"Go away!"

Xue Qi sat up, her hands on her chest and said: "The quirks are rolling away, you let me slow down."

Ye Shaoyang sat down on her side and faced her questioning. She had to talk about her own experience again. While telling me what other friends do not know that I am coming back, I am almost a storyteller, I really don't want to repeat these things over and over again.

After Xue Qi listened, it was speechless for a long time.

"Well, fortunately, you are back, you are coming back, have you seen Xiaomu?"

"No, I didn't recognize him." Ye Shaoyang said his own opinion. Xue Qi thought it was right. After all, Ye Xiaomu is now a mage. If he suddenly knows that there is a slap in the sky. I don’t know what changes will happen in my mindset, or keep the status quo.

When the two talked, the milkman came. After she left, Xue Qi told Ye Shaoyang that she had just sent the milkman to call the door. She was too lazy to get up and open the door, so she opened the door in advance and said she took one. Bottles of yogurt are deliciously served.

"What about rain?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"You don't know how busy she is, she basically doesn't go home." Xue Qi took out her mobile phone and said, "But today I will let her come back anyway."

She called Xue Qi and asked her if she was doing it. It was actually handling the case.

"Whether you are doing it, go home faster than you have, one of your suitors is coming, saying that if you don't come back, he will jump in my house, come on!"

"Who? Old Chen? Or Xiao Zhu?"

"I am going, how many people chase you, how can I not know. It is an acquaintance of Shicheng. In short, if you come back soon, you will not see him if you don't come back within half an hour!"

Hanging up the phone, the two are waiting at home.

Ye Shaoyang also drank a bottle of yogurt, listening to Xue Qi's experience of Xie Yuqing over the years. After Ye Shaoyang listened, he felt a lot of emotion inside. Just half an hour later, the door opened outside the door, and Xue Qi’s eyes lit up, letting Ye Shaoyang hurry and hide it, giving Xie Yuqing a surprise.

(Today is not going to be a chapter. Recently, the work has been reviewed. Many works have been requested to be revised. This book is no exception. I have been revising the past chapters all day, in order to let the friends who just saw the book There are still several chapters in the review, and there are problems in the system. This chapter also knows whether it can be sent out. Please take care of it in a special period and try to change everything out tomorrow.)

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