Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3338 joined the team 1

Su smoke seems to melt in the snow, the whole person suddenly relaxed, took a hard breath and fell to the ground. "what happened?"

Lao Guo told the truth.

Su Yan is speechless and very annoyed that he has not been able to get the signature of the Taoist style. She does not mix the cooking circle of the magical world. It is not a brainless worship of the Taoist style. (This kind of person is more in the magical world, Li Yuxuan is the powder. The first person of the road wind), but the reputation of Daofeng is too big, too many legends, even her heart is yearning for it. However, I thought that I had seen the wind in a close distance, and I was also satisfied with his legal residence.

Waiting for Lao Guo to hand over the charm to her, saying that it was written by the wind to personally enlighten her, Su Yan was so excited, for a long time to press the emotions, carefully study this charm, only a touch of two, A very simple picture of Tai Chi Pisces.

"This is a Pisces map, what is the mystery?" For a long time, Su Yan did not see any deep meaning of this picture.

"If I can understand it, what do you want to do, the wind says that you have a high talent, so I will leave it to you. Once you get through it, it will help you greatly in your future practice. Well, I will sleep, you will take it back. Take a look."

After driving the Suyan away, Lao Guo sorted out his thoughts and called Ye Shaoyang to inform him about the hydrangea. Then find some of their old relationships, those who run the rivers and lakes, secretly pay attention to the situation.

Sure enough, only a few days of work, the news about the mysterious hydrangea in the world has spread throughout the magic world, and there are new rumors, saying that Xuansu hydrangea appeared in the Miaojiang area of ​​Yunnan, the spell guild has been meeting urgently to discuss this matter I plan to organize a team to look for it.

A few days later, Ye Xiaomu put on a winter vacation. After returning home for two days, he moved back to Lao Guo. Several young people practiced together all day. Lao Guo’s different talent characteristics for each of them. They have developed different practice plans for them. The four are almost the same age, the temper is dealt with, the relationship is very pleasant, and a profound friendship is established.

After a period of cultivation, Ye Xiaomu finally broke through the realm. From the real person to the heavenly master, this is a difficult threshold to pass, he has been brewing, waiting for the opportunity.

For changes in the outside world,

On the day of New Year's Day, Ye Shaoyang suddenly received the news of the Spell Guild, let them receive the mission of the Spell Guild, and also joined in and went to the hinterland of Miaojiang to find the hydrangea.

The reason given by this spell guild is that although their strength is not good, it is reasonable to be ineligible to join such an action group, but because he is a native of Chuncheng, he is familiar with the situation in Yunnan, and they are also participating to lead the way.

Responsible for contacting Ye Xiaomu is a person of the Spell Guild. Ye Xiaomu doesn't know him. He doesn't know who he is. He explained to him several times that he lives in Chuncheng and has nothing to know about the rest of Yunnan. Three people have been to Lijiang twice in Dali... I don’t know much about the foreign tourists in Yunnan.

But the person did not listen, the reason is that he is a local, and outsiders are even less aware of Yunnan. And also the last trial, his performance is good, is the name of the New Year to let him join, suggesting that this is a good opportunity, let him not hesitate.

Ye Xiaomu thought, he was also on vacation anyway, staying is also staying, it is not bad to participate in the action to see, so he promised to come down, the other party said that someone will come over to contact him in recent days.

Ye Xiaomu discussed it with everyone, and everyone is willing to go. Lao Guo felt that this incident was very embarrassing, but it was not easy to tell them that they secretly informed Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang was also ready, and secretly came to Yunnan, intending to follow them.

A few days later, the people of the spell guild came to Spring City one after another, saying that it was because the spell guild was divided into several groups. Some people took the lead and entered the depths of the mountains. According to the clues, Xuansu hydrangea was somewhere in the west of Yunnan. In the mountains, the first to arrive in the Spring City are the "intelligence personnel" of the spell guild, responsible for investigation.

After these people went to Spring City, they bought a lot of outdoor survival equipment, and there were a lot of forensic medicines - too many things needed, not good to be shipped from outside, and some to find Lao Guo's shop.

But more of them are still coming by themselves, and most of them are women. They are all young mages under the age of 20, all of them are in various factions, and they are from three to five, and they also come from themselves. They bought the law from Lao Guo. After the medicine, they all went into the mountains.

Ye Xiaomu helped Lao Guo to live for a few days. Seeing such a female mage is endless, I can't help but wonder. I asked Old Guo to know that these are all rushing to Xuansu hydrangea.

"They all think that they are nine-day mysterious girl?" Ye Xiaomu was surprised.

"Do you think that they are in good strength and talent is not enough? It is impossible to reincarnate the nine-day mysterious girl?"

Ye Xiaomu default.

Lao Guo stared at the TV screen. On TV, a girl's talent show was being released. She was in the sea. Lao Guo was looking at her sister. Now she pointed to the TV screen and said, "Look at this, there are a total of ten signing places. However, there are thousands of people who participated in the election. In the eyes of others, most of them are long and have no talent. Why do they want to participate? Because everyone has a famous dream, and I feel very good about myself. The nine-day mysterious woman is not awakened, so as long as it is in accordance with the age, everyone will feel that they have hope, come and try their luck, and then normal."

Ye Xiaomu understood the meaning of Lao Guo and said: "That is nothing."

"Now there is nothing. The problem is... The nine-day mysterious woman has no characteristics. How do I determine if I am or not? When I saw the hydrangea, I used to think of myself as a nine-day mysterious woman. When things happened, I was in trouble."

"I did not understand."

Lao Guo did not answer, let him think. Ye Xiaomu suddenly thought of something, and said with wide eyes: "You mean, they will regard themselves as nine-day mysterious women, to compete for Xuansu hydrangea?"

"It may cause fighting."

"Not at all... Isn't it true that Xuansu Hydrangea and the nine-day mysterious woman will have induction? Do you know if it is true or false?"

Lao Guo said with helplessness: "You are really a scorpion in this respect. Is it really not important? Once you get the hydrangea, it is not. When you say that you have induced, how can others prove that you are fake?" You just look at it. If you can't find it, it's okay. If you find it, you will definitely make a big deal."

Although Ye Xiaomu feels that this kind of thing is a bit absurd, it is not impossible, but it has nothing to do with himself. He is going to make a soy sauce.

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