Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

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Su Yan said: "He doesn't have a bad temper. He's a character, you won't be angry if you lick him."

"That's true?" Cao Weibo curious, "Don Juan, is there any temper?"

"If you are right, it is an encouragement to the outside world. Even if you are wrong, you can at least make you happy. I have nothing to lose. Why do you want to be angry?"

Cao Weibo suddenly stunned, this logic... I couldn’t refute it at all. After a while, I muttered, "I really obey you, and you are not wrong with you, so you should call you holy... ”

"I am not a curse. But you are happy." Chen Xiaoxu said with a smile.

Bored in a car, Wang Xiaobao took out the vacuum-packed chicken legs and bought them for everyone to eat. Except for Cao Weibo who wanted to drive, the rest of the people had a bottle of beer. As a result, Chen Xiaoxu certainly did not.

Su smoked the spit and he did not kill the incident. The result seemed to be like what she said. Suddenly, he came in from the window of the car. One did not know whether it was a bee or a calf. He screamed and turned around around the crowd.

Everyone was scared to fight, Chen Xiaoxu suddenly came to the spirit, let everyone not fight, open the window and let it go.

"Don't hurt it, it's just a little bee, don't want this kind of harmless!"

As a result, after the window was opened, it did not go. It was always in front of the human eye, which made people feel guilty. The last one did not check, and it was just a little on the neck of Ye Xiaomu.

At this time, the chicken jumped out from under the seat, slammed into the stomach, and Chen Xiaoxu lamented it, but he also knew the temper of the chicken, and he did not dare to offend, but only blinked.

Su Yan quickly took out the safflower oil and wiped the wound on Ye Xiaomu.

The itinerary of the expressway is boring. Several teenagers chatted together. They talked about everything, but the topic was always brought to practice by Chen Youbin. Although these are all very advanced, I always talk about this. After a long period of time, I was not interested. Only Chen Xiaoxu was willing to talk to him.

Ye Xiaomu looked at the two guys around and felt very fun. These two guys are different from ordinary people. They are really perfect together. Wang Xiaobao is sleeping on the side. This guy is a powerful character. What is very strong in interpersonal relationship? This is his specialty, but he is very sincere to himself.

Su Yan has a exquisite heart, look at things to be particularly accurate, Cao Weibo loves to force to speak big words, but the reaction ability is faster than the average person, and work is also serious. Plus himself... gangs - oh no, everyone on the team has their own characteristics and character, although the overall strength is far from the three leagues, the double eight sons, and even the average team can not match, But Ye Xiaomu likes these people around. I really hope that everyone will not be separated and will stay with me.

The car drove to the evening, to the legendary Lijiang, Yuan Xi called Suyan, meaning not to catch the night road at night, or not to sleep during the day, so the four cars together opened the high speed, entered the city, found a Very nice inn stayed.

The ancient city is very lively. At night, some people in the WeChat group went to the bar to drink. Ye Xiaomu did not want to see the white eyes. They went out to find a quieter bar and chatted with them. Wang Xiaobao invited the guests. I wanted to order some red wine. Cheap 998 bottles, scared toothache, and quickly ordered a few bottles of beer.

Chen Xiaoxu left alone in the inn on the grounds that he did not drink. As a result, when Ye Xiaomu came back, he found that he was not there. Su Yan gave Ye Xiaomu a look. Ye Xiaomu realized that he must be dating alone with Yuan Xi. went.

Yuan Xi and Chen Xiaoxu walked along the street together, and went to the place where there was no light, sitting on the edge of the stream.

The two talked rhythmically in the sky, and there was no special content. After a few days of getting along, they found a very tacit rhythm.

"How do you feel about getting along with me?" Yuan Xi suddenly asked.

Chen Xiaoxu thought for a moment and said: "It is very comfortable."

"How comfortable is it?"

"From small to big, I am different from others. I have no friends. The teachers and brothers also took me to play. They think that I am a weirdo. After I grow up, because I don't kill, I don't eat it, but they are rejected by them... But I don't care, I always think that such a person is very good, until I meet you, oh, in fact, they are also very good, and they are very comfortable with them."

He indulged and said: "But it is with you, it is different from their feelings."

"How is it different?" Yuan Xi asked.

"I don't know, it's not the same."

Yuan Xi took a look at him, took out a piccolo from his pocket and blew it up. The melodious and clear music flew out of the flute, and Chen Xiaoxu listened to obsession.

After Yuan Lan blew a song, he said to Chen Xiaoxu: "In the future, we will not meet alone."

"Why!" Chen Xiaoxu was surprised.

Yuan Xi bent over the corner of his mouth, feeling a little crying. His head also hanged down slightly. He said, "What you see now is an illusion. I am not a good girl. I used to... I have made many boyfriends. ...you understand what I mean, you know why I like to be with you? Because you are just like water, people want to get close, but I don't want to tarnish you, maybe you have heard my gossip rumors. I tell you... most of them are true."

After saying this, Yuan Xi seems to have unloaded a heavy load and made a deep breath. He said, "Well, I am so uncomfortable with these things. I have said a lot better. Now... you can go."

"Why go?"

Chen Xiaoxu turned to look at her, and the blind man was really clear like water. "I don't care what you used to do, I only believe what I saw, and I also believe that...you are not the real one."

"But I am willing."

"No, most people, born and ignorant, everything they do is the desire to pursue instinct. This is not really alive. Once you are enlightened, you know what you should be. So, I don't care about your past, because now You have just lived to understand."

Yuan Xi looked at him and tasted what he meant in his words. He murmured: "But my body is not clean..."

"It’s just like skin. Why care?"

Yuan Xi was a little disbelieving. "You...relike a saint, no wonder they all call you Tang Yan."

Chen Xiaoxu grabbed her hand and said: "If you are in the dark, you will not see the name, but the name is not seen. Now in the Ming Dynasty, you will not see the dark phase, but you will not be able to see it. If it is the second phase, you will not see it. Do you understand? And no name, only seeing and not seeing."

Yuan Xi smiled and said: "You don't want to fight with me. The monk is much more visible. But... you can do this to me, I am very happy, but I am afraid that you will regret it in the future."

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