Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: The 3345 blood witch renews 2

Yuan Xi turned to look at the people waiting on the other side and said: "Sister Sue, please come over."

A woman in her twenties came over. Her name is Su Xiangyu. She is a Miao. She is a disciple of the Great Wuxian family. The Big Wuxian family has always been mysterious. She is guarded in the southwest and does not participate in the spell guild, but also sent out. A few disciples joined the WTO, and this matter was also promoted by Wu Hai. Because the martial art of the Yin and Yang division is generally inferior to Taoism and Buddhism, under the operation of Wu Hai, these yin and yang divisions are basically a whole, and because of Li Yan Xuan is the ally of the Three Constituents. Most of these Yin and Yang divisions have joined the Three Constituents.

Su Xiangyu's strength is good. Although the three priests have never been in contact with others, they have also joined the three leagues in name. Usually she does not participate in the action. This time, because the action was in Miaojiang, Yunnan, she persuaded her to join and also acted as Half of the role of the guide, she was arranged in the eve of the Yuan Xia, followed by them.

Yuan Xi said the situation again, Su Xiangyu was surprised to hear it, immediately called an elder in his family, explained the situation, and then listened for a while, told Yuan Xi and Wu Ba, the big Wuxian family was also discovered recently. The blood witch forces are resurgent, I am afraid that there are still a lot of people, but this group of people is even more embarrassed than that year, and has always made the big infinite family unable to find a clue.

This time, it is also a coincidence that Xuansu hydrangea appeared in the southwestern mountainous area of ​​Yunnan, attracting a lot of people who are looking for Xuansu hydrangea spontaneously. The big sorcerer family also wants to make a fun, and a group of people have come over, just a few days ago, they They also discovered the existence of blood witches. They speculated that there must be their nests near this area. Their family is investigating. If they can find the **** witch's nest, they will need the spell guild to cooperate with them to contain them.

"It’s a good thing to have your big sorcerer family." Yuan Xi shrugged and said, "What is the martial arts? It sounds flustered when it sounds. It’s really bad for us to deal with ourselves."

Wu Badao: "You Wu Ling believes that women can't come?"

Su Xiangyu said: "The elders did not say, but I guess it is coming. The blood witch is the tumor of our witchcraft world, and our family will not tolerate it."

Listening to her, the two are more reassured, and they are faintly eager to see the mysterious witches and believers. The spell guild has never seen her. It is said that her strength is still above the first person of the Yin and Yang division, Wu Hai. It is said that she is Ye Shaoyang's girlfriend, who lived together in the same year, is also a legendary figure in the world of magic, even if it is possible... Yuan Xixi can not help but draw the idea.

She is very confident in her communication and believes that "no matter what kind of person, as long as they do their best to get along, they will definitely let the other party like themselves."

Yuan Xi was chatting with Wu Ba, and suddenly a low voice passed to Wu Ba’s ear: "Look at this guy, it looks like a pheasant, pheasant, you don't know, that is the old and young series... ..."

When Wu Yiyi heard the word "Pheasant", he immediately knew that he was talking about himself. It was too big to see, just to see a group of people staring at themselves, whispering their heads and commenting, and suddenly frowning: "These people are Who."

"Oh, talking to the big man called Cao Weibo, this person is broken." Yuan Xi looked at him and smiled. "He praises you, the pheasant is handsome."

Wu Ba was speechless, but he also heard the meaning of the cover in her speech and said: "How do you find so many outsiders in your team?"

"They are not outsiders. They are the key training objects selected by the guild from the newcomers. They just lived in Spring City, and I called them together."

"Don't tease me. When did you bring a newcomer like this?" Wu Baguang glided over several teenagers' faces and screamed at the evening. "There are two small boys who are good, and which ones you look at."

When he turned his eyes back to Yuan Xi’s face, he saw a pair of murderous eyes.

After the materials were all packed up, the group went on the road - in fact, there was no way, that is, passing through the grass and the rock. In the process of walking, Yuan Xi told everyone about the situation of blood witch, so that everyone can be vigilant.

Everyone was carrying something and started a journey of two-legged journey. It is the real beginning of this operation.

Ye Xiaomu and his party gathered together, of course, others did not go with them.

When they arrived in the evening, they came to a mountain, in an open place, Yuan Xi let everyone unload the equipment and set up camp.

When the tent was tied, Ye Xiaomu looked at the people around him - they were on the back when they were on the road, and they all saw the back. The two teams added up to more than 20 people. One and a half of them knew each other. They were in a team when they went to the Xuanyuan ruins for the last time. They only fought together, but they could only barely say that they knew each other because they were against them. A few of them are quite invisible, and they can show a sense of superiority intentionally or unintentionally. Although Ye Xiaomu stays, he feels it, so he has basically had no contact with them.

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