Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: Lenses 3348 Shenbing Feijian 1

Her words are actually for the autumn wind, but the autumn wind listened to the heart but it was very uncomfortable, cold-sounding, rushing Wu Apo and holding a fist: "Predecessors are on, in the next Wan Matang autumn wind, polite."

Wu Apo did not say goodbye: "You chase me for what you do."

“Why did the seniors hurt people?”

Wu Apo coldly said: "I just said that it is not clear enough. He publicly slandered my family benefactor Ye Shaoyang, just to be heard by the old man and teach him something."

"Well, just as you said, you won't hurt him like that."

"Well?" Wu Apo looked at him with an eyebrow and said: "If you really want to hurt him, he is already dead..."

Zhang Yu interjected in the side: "You are really touching this logic. Even if he is wrong, your punishment is overdone, let alone we are still there."

"You are, what happened?"

Zhou Qingxuan said: "We are the guild center to come out and act. So many people are here, but you are attacking us in front of us. If you really don't give face too much."

Wu Apo screamed, "When will I say to give you face!"

She looked at Zhou Qingxuan, "Are you a Tianzhuling person?"

Zhou Qingxuan glanced, "Do you recognize me?"

"Don't give yourself a gold, I haven't seen you, but you grow up with you. It's a mold. You have a bamboo stick in your hand. You didn't tell you, you walked through the river. Do you want to hide from the big Wuxian family? Ask how you can ruin that leg."

Zhou Qingxuan is furious: "It's you!"

"Not me, but you are no problem on my head."


Zhou Qingxuan jumped out at the moment, and the bamboo stick in his hand hit the head of Wu Apo.

The autumn wind quickly let him come back, and Yuan Yuan interrupted him and said: "Let him try, just as we look at the number of old women, so many people are afraid of him."

The autumn wind looked at the darkness nearby and said: "I am afraid she is not alone."

Su Xiangyu persuaded the autumn wind to hurry, so as not to cause greater misunderstanding.

"People are dying, or misunderstanding!" Yuan Xi yelled, and loudly ordered, "All people are grouped on the spot, four in a group, consistently outside, the levy attack. Yes, the three-color lotus lamp is hung up, Be careful with them!"

These two teams have no shortage of elites in the magical circles. They have a tacit cooperation with each other. After hearing the order, they immediately greet the people nearby, start to form a group, ignite the three-color lotus lamp, hang on the branch of a nearby tree, and A red candlestick was placed in each of the four directions, and it was placed not far from the opposite side of each group. This red candle was specially made with a dozen kinds of medicines such as cockroach and blood, and the point was yin. Fire, when the wind does not move, but once there is evil flow within a few tens of meters, the flame will turn in that direction.

To put it bluntly is to play the role of warning.

Black witchcraft can still be detected by this "candid candle" even though it is silent.

Wu Apo was also a crutches in her hand, and she was wrestled with Zhou Qingxuan’s bamboo stick.

But she is older, she is not as good at speed and physical strength as Zhou Qingxuan, and she retreats. Zhou Qingxuan is also the strongest of the first stage of the immortals. I was afraid that she was a conspiracy, so she was secretly guarded. Sure enough, the two were screaming, and suddenly there was a snoring in the back, as if there were flies flying?

Zhou Qingxuan’s mouth was cursed, and the three spirits in the sleeves flew out, hitting the back of the head, and the head did not return to suppress Wu Apo, only listening to the bang, the position of the neck behind the body sparked, a bee-sized living creature was Burned, fluttering his wings and falling to the ground.

"Not bad!"

Wu Apo sneaked into a sneak attack, laughing in the mouth.

Zhou Qingxuan used a bamboo stick to suppress her, and one hand kept releasing the charm. All the charms disintegrated into pieces in the air. Like the petals, they formed a very violent wave under the force of mana. It looked like a gust of wind blowing through the flowers. The appearance of countless petals, the scene looks very spectacular, and even some beautiful.

"Wan Hua Xuan Fu, flying against the sky, this is your family's pass to school, used in my old woman, really to the face."

Wu Apo also danced a cane, as if there was no dead end attack.

"What if you are his opponent?"

Su smoke suddenly asked.

This issue has aroused everyone's interest.

Cao Weibo said: "The defense, wait for the opportunity to fight back. But the premise is that it can be defended."

Chen Youbin retorted: "Defense is not a solution. He is very fierce. Once the momentum is suppressed, he may have to be pressed all the time. He has to face the counterattack and advance and retreat in order to win a chance."

"You said that the light weight, the positive counterattack, may collapse in a round of resistance."

The two argued.

Ye Xiaomu listened, they both said that they are right, defensive counterattacks and positive confrontations are OK, but also the usual practice, but is there a better way?

I noticed that Su Yan was waiting for his answer. Ye Xiaomu shook his head and said, "Let me think about it."

Chen Xiaoxu suddenly said: "Although he looks at the fire, but the flaw is very big, and he can't change his strokes in the middle. Once he is caught, he will lose."

"Where is the flaw?" Cao Wei said, "How can I not see it?"

Chen Xiaoxu began to explain.

After everyone listened, they watched the battlefield again and again, because they couldn’t see the flaws.


I saw a crisp sound, and Wu Apo, who had been defensively slammed, sneaked into the flower, and hit it on Zhou Qingxuan’s bamboo stick from an almost impossible angle, flying five or six meters high.

Zhou Qingxuan was shocked, but in the next second, Wu Apo’s hands were crutches, hitting him on his stomach, and a green light was shining around. Zhou Qingxuan was stunned and unwilling and unbelievable eyes looked at Wu’s wife. .

Wu Apo took a couple of breaths and said: "For a long time, I haven’t beaten people with such a hard bridge. Young people, don’t accept it. If I win you with witchcraft, I can do it three times. I’ve been fighting with you for half a day. , it is to give you a face."

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