Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3363 Wu Ling Xin female 1

Everyone is very upset, although speaking, compared to the kind of grotesque nightmare that they usually do, they don’t seem to dream about it before, but the fear of unknown mysterious monsters is extremely strong. I still remember that I still feel that my back is cold.

Then, what is the meaning of this dream?

Everyone is puzzled.

"I think of a possibility," Ye Xiaomu suddenly spoke, looking at a few people around him and said: "I feel that what we dream of is true, that monster is really coming... um, or that stone statue, like A machine that connects the two ends, the mysterious monster is at that end, through the light beam released by the stone statue, we have examined our souls and airspace..."

"Examine?" Su smoke frowned.

"That is... observation, I suspect that the mysterious monster is looking for something, yes, who should be. He looks at it from a distance, and when he meets the characteristics, he takes a closer look, so all of us dream about it. But the distance in the dream is far and near, what do you think?"

Everyone recalled the dreams of the dream, and was surprised to find that it was a bit like Ye Xiaomu said.

"So, it has been observed in front of you for so long, is to determine if you are that person? Finally found that you are not, so gone?" Su smoke asked.

Ye Xiaomu nodded.

"But who is it looking for? Well, who is it, why can we control all of us through a pile of stones?" Chen Youbin muttered to himself.

No one can answer this question, but one thing is certain, the mysterious monster must be a super powerful evil, and the dark and cold void should be the world in which it is located.

Ye Xiaomu instinctively believes that this monster seems to be trapped in the world, far from the human world, there is no way to come directly, otherwise it will not use this method to find someone.

But why did he stay in front of himself for so long... Is there anything similar to the person he is looking for?

"Thanks to you, before, I listened to them."

Yuan Xi came over from the crowd, smiled at everyone, went up to praise the chicken, but the chicken has returned to the usual appearance, standing on the shoulder of Suyan, before it has been asking for Suyan, but It doesn't like Yuan Xi, and she is indifferent to her compliments.

Everyone came to the edge of the cave, Yuan Xi and Ye Chen, Qiu Feng, they met, thinking that the following eight achievements are the blood witch's nest, as for the huge stone statue before, the role should be used to guard this cave.

The poison was broken, and the cave was discovered. The task of this operation was half completed, and half of it was to enter the cave to find those blood witches, but the actions behind it were even more dangerous.

"The means of these wizards, we can count as much more. It is really powerful. If it is a **** witch's nest, it is very dangerous for us to rush into it. What about Su Shijie?" Yuan Xi said, find Su Xiangyu and let her go. I invited the people of the Great Wuxian family. Before the disciples of the great Wuxian family rescued them, they saw the stone statues being destroyed. They returned to the north of the mountain and looked down on the side.

Su Xiangyu took the lead, and after a while, he led several people to come over, a total of five people. Among the first four people, there was Wu Apo who had dealt with before. She was with three old people, surrounded by a girl slowly coming.

Although the girl was in the middle, as soon as she came over, she immediately attracted everyone's attention. She saw her yellow and white linen clothes, and her long hair was combed into a thick black and shiny twist. Waist, although not beautiful, but full of a kind of exotic and classical charm, people can not see the age.

Especially eye-catching is the fact that she has a huge vinewood wand that is almost taller than hers. There is a faint light in the vines that wraps around the top of the staff. I don’t know if it’s a jewel or a witch. The luster of the technique is an extremely precious implement at first glance.

This line of six people walked to the front of Yuan Xi and others, Su Xiangyu immediately respectfully introduced: "This is the most noble witch spirit of my great Wuxian family."

Sure enough, Wu Ling believes in women!

Just as she came, several people here were already guessing her identity, but after she was sure, she was still shocked. Wu Ling believes that the woman is not the strongest in the spell world, but the most legendary one, the status is also very high, the world wizard is no matter which genre is nominally her disciple.

Lian Yuan Xi and Ye Chen were also the first to see her, and immediately bowed their hands. Then Su Xiangyu introduced the first few people, the four elders around Wu Lingxin's son-in-law Xiaohui.

"Long-awaited name!" Yuan Xi very kindly said some polite words, and then introduced himself. Xiaohui did not listen carefully. She was not so concerned about who these people were. She kept staring at the hole and looked at it. She said, "I have been there before. I have been observing the situation on the mountain. Later I saw them with a crack. I will deploy the antidote, and I will not be able to help you.

"Where, thanks to the medicinal rain of the saints, I don’t know how many people are going to die." Yuan Xi said, while she sneaked at her at a close distance, she thought that she was a woman who had sent a rumor with Ye Shaoyang. charming.

Xiaohui’s gaze searched through the crowd and said, “Where are the masters who crushed the giants?”

Yuan Xi quickly greeted Ye Xiaomu and they passed.

Xiaohui Xiao saw Chen Xiaoxu at first sight, and was immediately attracted by his eyes. The child’s eyes were pure and terrible, revealing a kind of feeling that she could not say at all.

"It’s not me who thinks about this method. It’s my brother.” Chen Xiaoxu was a bit worried about her, pushed Ye Xiaomu out and saw Ye Xiaomu’s moment, Xiao Xiaohui was stunned.

Looking at the side of Yuan Xi, he immediately understood what was going on, and the speculation that had been suspected in his heart was completely settled. Sure enough, just listen to Xiaohui and ask: "What is your name?"

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