Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3373 Blood Witch Wars 2

"Unfortunately, there is no barbecue, or they are all grilled!" Wang Xiaobao used the golden body of Luohan to protect the main defense work.

"Don't be poor, this is an illusion, think about what to do!"

Just then, a voice came from a distant direction: "The poisonous illusion, killing is inexhaustible, you follow my voice, go out all the way!"

It’s the voice of Xiaohui!

So Wang Xiaobao opened the road, and the rest followed, rushing in the direction of the sound.

Along the way, there are countless killings of evil spirits. When a few people are exhausted, suddenly they are all in front of them, and everything disappears. In a blink of an eye, they have crossed the gray fog band, and the blue fog in front is like an arch bridge. Yokohama in front of you.

Many people were injured. Chen Youbin’s arm was also bitten by a scorpion. The wounds were green blood, and the pain was scratching. Fortunately, the mites were not particularly toxic. (Witchcraft is just like a spell, there is also a balance. Those locust illusions are supported by the magical power of blood witches. Such a wide range of endless locusts determines that each locust cannot be too strong. If you die with a bite, the caster’s mana I am afraid I am as strong as the Promise Ghost King...)

They also came out in Yuan Xi, and everyone was trimming at the interval between the two dense fogs.

"There are three people who have not come out." Yuan Xi said with some sadness.

"Before the medicine given by the saints, everyone took it out and could solve the poison!" Su Xiangyu reminded everyone, so they found out the medicine and swallowed it. The wound immediately felt a cool, green blood appeared white, as if there was anything. The ingredients evaporate from the blood and the blood becomes healthy.

They only trimmed it a little and rushed into the second heavy blue fog.

The blue sky and the night, it looks boundless, this time everyone is together, and came to an endless wilderness.

Everyone looked around and did not see any enemies.

I was wondering, suddenly the big earthquake under my feet trembled. Like the earthquake, a huge crack suddenly appeared. Everyone quickly retraced to the side. At this time, I saw a wave of people crawling out of the crack. Sensen bones, holding weapons such as hooks and long knives in his hands, burning green light in the two eye sockets.

The corpse soldiers, although they are illusory, have a big move and a big force, and they have a strong bone and are resistant to general spells.

Ye Xiaomu tried to single out one, and found that he couldn’t beat it. He was shocked by a round... but he quickly observed that these corpses could not use brute force. These guys are powerful but slow. And the lumbar part is its largest soft rib because there is only one bone connected up and down.

So he displayed the Maoshan volley, circling up in the corpse, looking for an opportunity, and using a smashing nail to break the lumbar vertebra of a corpse soldier. As a result, the corpse had no lower body and still crawled on the ground, trying to catch himself.

Can't kill?

Ye Xiaomu suddenly saw the illuminating eyes of the corpse soldiers, the light of a flash, the arms of the corpse, and the eyes of the smashing nails against it were two times, and the green light group was extinguished. The body also had a black smoke, and the melt disappeared.

He told everyone about this huge discovery, everyone spread out, there was enough room to flash and move, killing these corpses one by one.

But like the previous locusts, the corpse soldiers constantly crawled out of the cracks, occupying an absolute advantage in number, and several of them deal with one. Gradually, some people fell down, and they were shackled on the body and bitten their throats...

"You, follow my voice, before you can go out." Xiaohui's voice sounded again. Before she kept talking, she did not want to see their dead, but released their own knowledge into the illusion, looking for a way out. This can guide everyone.

Everyone was looking forward to her voice, but after hearing it, it was all forced.

Because her voice came from the crack.

If you want to go out, you must kill a **** path from the old nest of this corpse...

"Nothing to say, rush!"

A group of strong people such as Ye Chen and Yuan Xi rushed to the front, and the rest kept up...

"You can be arrogant in this Luohan gold body, you should rush to the front!"

Chen Xiaoxu saw Wang Xiaobao and said at a glance.

"I want to protect you."

"You rush to the front and protect more people."

Wang Xiaobao glanced at him and said: "I am not as great as you, I have to protect my closest relatives first."

Chen Xiaoxu doesn't say anything.

Under the crack, there was a cave going down. The corpse was coming out from the inside. Fortunately, the cave was big enough, and there was a eve in the Yuan Dynasty. They were careful to avoid. These guys were slow to find the way.

However, not everyone can hide every time, just take a look at the squad's heavy blows, non-death and hurt...

They ran for a few hundred meters like this, and the scenery changed and they returned to reality. This time, looking back, the team lost several people.

There is one last obstacle.

Through the purple smoke, you can already see the blood witches who are practicing, but you need to go through this last obstacle first.

This last obstacle must also be the hardest.

They also don't have time to rest. On Xiaobian's side, no one knows how long they can hold the power of Xuansu's hydrangea. They need to hurry through, or they will be unimaginable once they recover their strength.

"Ready! Go!"

When Yuan Xi finished, the first one rushed in. Everyone is close behind.

Purple void.

All kinds of strange monsters have long been waiting for them. After I entered, I didn't have time to understand the environment and I was surrounded.

Two wizards were killed in an instant.

If the first illusion of the locust attack is single, but it is good to kill, the second gravity road is big, but the speed is slow. This third illusion is that the mountain singularity has both the advantages of the former two: not only fast, but also powerful. It is still terrible.

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