Ye Shaoyang continued to attack, and the seven-star Longquan sword pointed out thousands of Jianguang in the air, slashing around the gods, and the gods could not hide, and they could only fight back.

Its counterattack made Ye Shaoyang feel a little pressure, but only a little bit, he also inferred the strength of this god, the hard power can at least rival a fairy.

In other words, none of these wizards are the opponents.

However, the most terrible thing about this thing is that it is made up of countless locusts. It has no fixed shape and no shape. It can change shape at any time during the battle, and the attack means will change. People are a bit overwhelmed. To put it bluntly, they don’t always follow the routine.

The second is that this guy is invisible. Although the sky can see it, the problem is... the open eyes are very expensive and the behavior of the gods, even if it is the master of the fairy realm, it can only last for two or three minutes. .

As long as you close the eye, it can attack you from any direction. Once the body touches, the mites on it will crawl on you and drill into your body. Ye Shaoyang has already experienced it once before, even he does not dare. Too big to support, has been using the sword array to launch an all-round non-dead attack, to avoid being close.

The more the battle is going on, the more shocked Ye Shaoyang feels inside, and this **** is really strong. Switching to yourself 18 years ago, and it can never be its opponent, then the question is: Why did Jin Shuai not call it to deal with himself?

Is Jin Shuai not going to this witchcraft? This is impossible. In front of the blood wizard, Jin Ming is his son, and the witchcraft he cultivated is also given by Jin Shuai. It is not reasonable to know that Jin Shuai himself will not. Either Jin Shaoshuai is not as good as his son, and he can't display such powerful witchcraft, but Ye Shaoyang expressed doubts about it, so he asked him to ask Xiaohui on his back.

"No, Jin Shuai is a witchcraft wizard. I have seen him and his tribes summoning the gods. They killed many of us... but in the end he lost."

"You defeated the gods?"

"You also saw how powerful this **** is, how we can play it, but this sacred summoning is extremely labor-intensive, and it requires sacrifice with at least seven blood wizards, using one's own flesh and blood and repairing Come and provide energy for the gods. Look at the few."

Ye Shaoyang then took a look at the blood wizards over there, and it was a lot thinner than before. It was going to be skinny, and each one looked like a huge eye, like a big-eyed thief.

"This method is good for losing weight."

"In the beginning, Jin Shuai had a battle with us, and sacrificed the life of eighteen blood wizards, but it only lasted for three minutes. The blood of the eighteen blood wizards was sucked up by the gods... Less than a minute, killing our best group of wizards, Jin Shuai himself also fled."

Sacrifice with the flesh and blood of the caster... This is really a sorcerer of the world, and this group of blood wizards is really abnormal.

Yan Xiaohui went on to say: "This time the gods have existed for more than ten minutes. The blood wizards are still not exhausted. Jin Ming and the strength of these people are always impossible to be strong. So everything is that Hydrangea, providing them with a steady stream of repairs."

Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked at Xuansu Hydrangea hanging in the air, and couldn’t help feeling in the heart. What the **** is this.

The battle is still going on, Ye Shaoyang singles out the blasphemy, Jianqi has been shrouded in it, so that it has no chance to fight back, but this thing is not killing, not only by multiple injuries, can restore shape, Ye Shaoyang then consume it, anyway I am now more than capable, and see those blood wizards who can support a little more.

"Shaoyang, thanks to you today, otherwise everyone will die here."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "For me, this time, the happiest thing is to see you."

"Yeah. For eighteen years, I never thought that I still have the opportunity to lie on your back." Xiaohui said, putting his head on his back.


A scream came, Ye Shaoyang turned to look at it, is a blood wizard, he has been skinny, he fell to the ground, twitching, grotesque in the mouth, but the voice is getting weaker, and finally did not move... Several other blood wizards have also appeared in a similar situation, and they have all collapsed within a few minutes.

Like the ice cream that was put into the microwave oven, the scorpion image melted quickly and collapsed into a ball. The mites also turned into green mucus and disappeared.

Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief and turned to look at it. He found that the purple smoke had disappeared long ago, and those who were trapped inside also came out, staring at themselves one by one.

They may have been watching for a long time.

Yuan Xi and Chen Xiaoxu are leading several mage to treat the wounded - three levels have been washed down. In addition to some people who have sacrificed, there are still many people who are injured and need to be treated. As long as they are participating in the activities of the New Year's Eve, this matter She always took the lead in doing it. Many people said that this was her performance in buying people's hearts, but the effect was really good. Many of the people she had personally treated had become her fans. Later, they joined the camp of the eight sons. .

Yan Xiaohui jumped from the back of Ye Shaoyang and deliberately nodded at him. "Wu brothers, thank you."

Yuan Xi also made the wounded at this time, let people carry them out, and Yang Shaoyang smiled and said: "It turned out to be Wu's predecessor. The strength of the predecessors is convincing, and the hero does not lose the year."

Ye Mingyang’s Jin Mingnu, who stood on the altar, said, “Let’s talk again later, the battle is not over yet.”

However, in the hearts of everyone, the battle is actually over: the gods are gone, and all of them are dead, leaving Jin Ming a loner (strictly speaking, there are two followers), what other means can he have?

Under the protection of two entourages, Jin Ming stared at Ye Shaoyang in a dull manner, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

The result was that he couldn't believe it at all. Originally, when he was trapped in three smokes, he seemed to have seen the dawn of victory. However, he recalled that he did not even know what happened, as if from this. After the people came out, they were confused and lost.

Who is this person, why not even the powerful **** is not his opponent. Not to mention that he still keeps Xiaohui and holds the sword with one hand. Is this still a person?

Jin Ming shook his head and murmured: "You are not a human. The Master of the World... can't have you so powerful."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are really right, I am not human. In essence, I am a ghost. Everyone knows this."

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