Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3380 The Strongest Summoning 3

A few people don't give up, go to the front, each of them cast spells, put the aura in one place, hoping to penetrate this enchantment, and the result is not effective for half a day.

Xiaohui Hui sat on the ground and began to practice.

A white breath oozes from her, directly attached to the ecstasy hydrangea to release the energy enchantment, and then gradually rises, climbs onto the mysterious hydrangea, gradually merges into a mass, like the shape of a silkworm, in the mysterious On the hydrangea, one side crawls and spits silk, and a layer of crystal clear thread wraps the sacred hydrangea.

One layer after another.

The energy released by the hydrangea has gradually weakened a lot. Finally, the white silk thread wrapped the sacred hydrangea into a white sphere.

The monster was not reconciled, trying to leave Ye Shaoyang and catch Xuansu Hydrangea. At this time, Ye Shaoyang’s Wumang Mantra played a role and set it to his side.

"Young man, still arrogant, now it is my turn to lock you."

Ye Shaoyang tried his best to pour the mana into the Wumang Mantra and nail the monster to his side.

The connection between it and the mysterious hydrangea is getting smaller and smaller, and Ye Shaoyang feels that its power is disappearing.

"Brother, can you talk, if you can, say goodbye!"

Ye Shaoyang finished, the mouth of the spell, the body overflowed with purple gas, the monster directly flew out, not waiting for it to escape, the seven-star Longquan sword flew out, directly through the monster body through, and nailed it to the wall.

The monster body melted quickly and then evaporated, leaving a pool of blood witches on the wall, and... Jin Ming’s body, the bones were broken, leaving only one skin stuck to the wall.

Xiaohui fell to the ground and passed out.

Several elders quickly stepped forward to help her and fed her a pill.

Everything is over.

Yuan Xi stepped forward and took Xuansu hydrangea in his hand. In an instant, it was like electric shock. Every cell in the whole body trembled, but this feeling soon passed. Her body felt like a mysterious force. It’s full, it’s easy to get out of the air, and the feeling of spiritual power is at least three times higher than before!

God, no wonder those blood wizards are so good, this is really an artifact!

As soon as he looked up, Yuan Xi saw a few hostile eyes, they were autumn wind and Ye Chen.

She realized it in a flash. Before they survived, they always cooperated with each other, and now it is time to grab something. Then they smiled and said: "Everyone has worked hard, but it is worthwhile to do it, and finally got it."

Ye Chen also laughed. "It’s really hard. But... what is Miss Yuan’s plan to deal with this baby?”

"What do you mean by this? I didn't say it before I came. I got the Xuan Su hydrangea and looked for the female disciples of the major sects. I tried a test and tried to find out the nine-day mysterious woman. Can I privately swallow her?"

Ye Chendao: "You really want to think so, it's best, but... How do you know that this must be a mysterious hydrangea?"

"Yes and no, at least take it back and test it."

"No problem, you should show it to me first." Ye Chen said that he took a step forward.

Yuan Xi’s expression suddenly went cold and said: “Why give it to you?”

"Why then why are you holding it? Miss Yuan, if this hydrangea is yours, you will never be jealous, but you are like us, everyone has the same strength, you want to take it yourself. That is absolutely impossible. If you are not afraid of offending, if you drop the package, how can we know that the brothers of the Three Realms, what do you say?"

The people of the three borders behind him immediately stood behind him, staring at Yuan Xi.

The rest of the eight sons here, and looked at them, Zhang Yu stood up and spoke for Yuan Xi. Both sides are arrogant.


Ye Shaoyang coughed twice. He had just checked the situation of Xiaohui. She used excessive mental strength and was comatose, but it didn't matter. It stood up and looked at everyone.

Everyone remembers that he is the person who is most qualified to have this sacred hydrangea. He is killed by the gods. The evil things of Jin Minghua are also killed by others. The most important thing is that no one is his opponent.

Yuan Xi’s thoughts flew and went to Ye Shaoyang’s side. He smiled and said: “Wu seniors, this mysterious hydrangea should be for you.”

"You are not fighting?"

"This hydrangea is the predecessor who killed the evil spirits and got through the hardships. How can we smother it?" Yuan Xi said that he had put the hands of Xuansu hydrangea on, and Ye Shaoyang took over, and immediately felt the mysterious power in Hydrangea.

Sure enough, it is a treasure! It’s just that... there seems to be a kind of evil that cannot be said in this power, so that Ye Shaoyang’s heart is vigilant.

"Everyone will go out and talk about it. It is not safe after all."

Yuan Xi urged everyone.

Then everyone looked at the mysterious hydrangea in the hands of Ye Shaoyang, and the heart was unwilling to leave.

Chen Xiaoxu came over and wanted to say hello to Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang asked him to take the person to go first, and then watched the back of Ye Xiaomu's back.

He turned around in this cave and found nothing. He finally came to Jinming’s incomplete head and remembered that his father Jin Shuai was also dead in his own hands, and he felt a little emotional.

This Jin Minglian soul is broken, and it will be a ghost again after five hundred years. I hope to be a good person.

"You are all right in Shaoyang." At this time, Xiaohui Hui was already awake, letting several elders go first, sitting on the ground and looking at Ye Shaoyang.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Xiaohui shook his head and took a deep breath: "It's finally over."

"Not counting."

Ye Shaoyang told her about the buried coffin in the ground. After Xiaohui’s listening, she was very surprised. Shen Shen said: “Is it the body of Jin Ming, the thing in the coffin? Is it his soul or the god?”

"I think it's just a glimpse of God."

Xiaohui Hui lived, "Is it so powerful when I read it?"

"It may be some kind of witchcraft, so that Jin Ming's body has also produced some kind of change. You can't see the truth. I don't know it, but I think it must be related to the underground. This guy is the ultimate BOSS. ”

Xiaohui looked down at the ground and muttered: "I can understand this summoning, just... I don't understand what is buried in the ground."

The two men thought that it was probably Jinming who first discovered the monster in the underground, so they set it as their altar. Then they didn't know where to find the hydrangea. Xuansu hydrangea must have been found by them. It has always been in the world, or has it only recently come from Sumiyama (and how it flew to the world), there are too many mysteries here, it is difficult for two people to know, and from Jin Ming down these people are all dead, soul They are all broken, and there is no evidence to die.

Fortunately, the result of the matter is here, as the details are not so important.

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