Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

: 3389 Retreat sect 1

The other person snorted.

Lao Guo reacted very fast, holding a scorpion to Ye Shaoyang: "I said, I have to eat quickly, it is not too early, I have to go back at ten, or I can't explain to my wife."

Ye Shaoyang also said, laughing: "This is only seven o'clock, after eating up to 7:30, two hours is not enough for you toss."

"Haha, you don't know that I call the silver gun bully, two hours is not enough."

The two laughed in a wretched manner.

The next two people heard that they were two mediocre people who were going to do bad things. Then they let go of their heart. The voice called the brothers said with a thick voice: "This kid looks good, but there is Huigen, and the future is limitless."

“Frankly report?”

"I have to think about it."

Lao Guo stood up and stretched his neck to the head of Ye Shaoyang. He said that I heard it. The two are the disciples of Sanqingshan. One is called Pang Dian, the other is Xu Yanwen, who is from Jianming, and they are wooing Ye Xiaomu. Then, I will say it quickly that day.

Listening to these two people, it seems that they have not gone for a few days, and have been stalking nearby. Lao Guo secretly thought that when Ye Shaoyang came, he didn't go to the store to find himself. He directly asked about this, otherwise he really had to be discovered by them.

In order not to be suspected, the two continued to talk about women.

Ye Shaoyang seized the gap and whispered: "Weird, since these two people were sent by Jianming, what results were observed, and it was reported directly. Is there anything worth discussing?"

Lao Guo shook his head and pointed to the next door, meaning to continue listening.

"I don't mean to say, you and I have a unified calibre, and we say that this leaf is too big to use. The upper limit of Wang Xiaobao is the same, so that both sides should not bother too much, and can avoid a lot of trouble."

After Xu Yanwen (old Guo judged by memory and judged by voice), after a moment of silence, he said: "The meaning of the brothers... give them enough time to grow and let them not be bothered?"

Pang Diandao: "At least not be disturbed by others."

Xu Yanwen said: "Oh, I understand, the brother is thinking about the teacher."

Hearing here, Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo were surprised. What exactly did these two guys come to? They sounded like they were sent by Jianming Zen Master to draw Ye Xiaomu, how to listen to this voice, they don’t want to tell the truth after they go back?

Who gave them the courage, and why did they do this?

"These two people don't feel simple, not like a common mage..." Lao Guo said in Ye Shaoyang's ear, "I actually saw it that day. The temperament of these two people is not quite like their level."

"Which level?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Give people the level of lobbyists and pawns."

Then the two were silent and continued to listen to the conversation between the two.

Pang Diandao: "You have recently taken the time to go back to the mountain gate once, report the situation here, and ask Master if they have any new plans."

Xu Yanwen promised, Pang Dian thought about it, let him eat the meal and go straight, go back to see Jianming Zen master.

"The eight sons and three worlds will meet in the world, let them fight each other first, let's wait and see, and there are always opportunities."

Pang Dian took a long breath and muttered: "When Qian Kun, who is floating, I am afraid that there will be a result soon."

Ye Shaoyang heard this, took a sip of Yang Duo Tang, and thought about listening to this tone, there is a saga of genius, it seems that it is not ordinary people.

As a result, Xu Yanwen said in a sentence, he almost let him spray the mutton soup: "Brother, you said this leaf Xiaomu, will it be the son of Ye Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo glanced at each other and suddenly became shocked.

I only heard Pang Dian indulge in a long time and said: "I have seen Ye Shaoyang in the past. I said that these two people are really like, I am afraid that they are really fathers and sons. Otherwise, why is the ghost-caught alliance so good to him, even Xuanyuanjian? The peerless soldiers gave him, and we went to give gifts that day. The long look of the distiller's nose around him was not the old guy of the good man, Guo Jin."

"The trough!" Lao Guo silently sighed, and got up and rushed over. He was hugged by Ye Shaoyang and whispered in his ear: "The brother forgets, they are not wrong, you are human." There is no relationship between appearance and scaryness. What is the beauty of the soul..."

"I am going to your sister's soul beauty!" Lao Guo snorted with a mouth shape.

At this time, Xu Yanwen said: "There are many old people on the rivers and lakes who have seen Ye Shaoyang in the past. But for the identity of Ye Xiaomu, it seems that no one doubts. Why?"

"First, he is not famous enough. Second, no one associates with this." When asked about this Pangdian, "I asked you to investigate his mother. Have you checked it?"

"That Bo ty... seems to be no magic, um, the figure is the best."

Pang Diandao: "My younger brother, what do you pay attention to? Everyone is an adult!"

Xu Yanwen coughed, "Just kidding, and she doesn't look old at all... I continue to investigate, I suspect she was the red face of Ye Shaoyang..."

"You don't mess up."

The two laughed.

After the chat, the topic is not in Ye Xiaomu, but full of analysis and discussion of the status quo of the magic world. Many speeches have hit the nail on the head. Even the old fox, Lao Guo, has nodded.

The two men stayed for about an hour, chatting while eating, and then left. Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo face each other, and the expression seems to be asking a question: Who are these two people?

"They are not disciples of Sanqingshan." Lao Guo analyzed, "They also mentioned Sanqingshan in the middle of their speech. They also said that their mountain gates are not Sanqingshan. Moreover, listening to their words, the mountain gate seems to be very far and mysterious. Go back one. It’s not easy, is it a hidden sect?”

The hidden sects have existed since ancient times.

These sects are generally in the deep forests and old forests. The scale is not large. There are usually dozens of people. There are probably only a few people. The biggest difference with the secular martial art is that the disciples do not have disciples, famous disciples, and rumored disciples. The grades are very strict, and only the disciples who are truly talented and chance-bearing, as long as they are accepted, are all rumored disciples.

This means that the number of such martial art is definitely not much, but relatively speaking, the average strength of the disciples is very strong, far exceeding the general martial art. This martial art has another characteristic that is rarely involved in the collective action of the magical world. They don't talk to people. The purpose of their existence is to practice. They are going to practice immortality. They don't want to waste time on anything else.

However, when there are difficulties in the magical world, some of them will help out. In order to avoid interruptions, when their disciples go out to work, they generally do not name their own martial art.

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