Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3394: 3410 Xiang Xiao Yu Yu

According to the evil thing of the jade face Raksha, he hit the palm of his hand and hit it on the surface of the jade face of the Rakshasa. A **** light came out, and the jade face Rakshasa tried to smack the little horse to reveal a smile. Then, the eyes Dissipated, the whole person melted a little bit and turned into a fine man.

The pony looked at the scene with disappointment, half a sigh, and made a scream of sorrow: "Xiaoyu!"

His fat body is like a blockbuster, squatting among a group of evil objects, killing a bunch at once, but his little jade is still dead.


The road wind rushed through the leaves and Shaoyang shouted, and opened the road with the five dynasties, rushing toward the depths of the clouds.

Ye Shaoyang was mournful and wanted to hug the pony for comfort, but there was no way. For the safety of his partners, he resolutely followed the wind and flew.

I am so strange that I am trying to stop the wind.

Wu Jiawei, Xiaoqing Xiaobai Orange and others rushed up and fought with the poor. They didn't add up to their strange opponents, but the purpose was to drag him down and fight back. There was no danger in a short time.

Yang Gongyi's long-sleeved shadow dance flew out of her sleeves from a number of chaotic spirits to deal with the evil things that were a little weaker.

Between the wind and the wind, the **** seas and sorcerers were unfolded. For a time, the demons flew out, and the ghosts were crying. They were afraid of evil things compared to the Taiyin Mountain, but they were absolutely obedient to the Taoist style. Under the leadership of the twelve disciples, the tides generally flocked to the evils of the Taiyin Mountain.

This is the card of the road.

He is hidden in the shadows, and thousands of horses are in his sleeves.

The battle also fell into a phase of stalemate.

Daofeng, Ye Shaoyang and Yang Gongyu successively rushed to the depths of the clouds.

Snow Magic mobilized all the power to try to block them three, but this time the pony has been chasing him to fight desperately, the snow magic strength is not under him, but in the face of the pony's crazy pursuit, it is difficult to parry for a while, only Calling for more evils to protect themselves, but they can't stop the pony.

Pony has no means, and encounters a roadblock. If there are few people, they will use bricks to open the road. Many people will directly hit the past.

He cultivated it as a horror, and seven or eight evils could not stop him. Under the impact, the lighter flew on the spot and stared at Venus. The heavy one was directly smashed by the soul, and the soul flew away...

"Brother, I will help you!"

Wu Jiawei Yu Jian flying, such as the eagle hit the sky, around the snow demon, blocked his retreat.

"Well, let's fight for one!"

Snow magic chanting, turned to attack, dragging the knife to the pony, the two sides fought.

Wu Jiawei wanted to help, but the pony was bent on revenge for the jade face Raksha, and he was not allowed to participate in the war. Wu Jiawei saw Xiaobai and they couldn't stop the strangeness, so they went to help.

The three people of the road wind are close to the clouds, just going down, suddenly a black light rises, holding a figure in the middle, sitting on something, slowly flew up.

It is a giant tripod, the clouds are foggy, sitting on the knees above, it is the appearance of the promise ghost king naturally or the cold jade, she looked up and rushed Ye Shaoyang smiled.

"I know that you are back, but they still want to lie to me and say that you are not there."

Ye Shaoyang was not curious as to why she could recognize herself at a glance. This kind of disguise on the skin is not in the eyes of the Promise Ghost King.

She did not sacrifice Qingzhou Ding, but sat on it. Does this mean that the sacrifice has been completed?

"Since you are separated from Lengyu, don't use her appearance anymore, otherwise I will tell you about the right to infringe on portraits."

The Promise Ghost Wang smiled. "If we are so familiar, don't sue me."

She flew down from Qingzhou Ding and reached for the lower end of Dading. Dading gradually narrowed down to the size of a small incense burner. She was held in her hands and looked at the wind and Ye Shaoyang respectively. She said: "I did worship here before. Refining Qingzhou Ding, but you have come a step late, Qingzhou Ding, has become my soul device."

"I am blocking her and taking everyone away!"

After the wind was over, he rushed up to the Promise Ghost.

Ye Shaoyang stunned, and immediately understood the meaning of the wind. Since the Promise Ghost King ended the sacrifice, and did not say that she had more Qingzhou Ding in hand, there are so many strong men in the hands, even if she is alone Don't take them, they are not opponents.

It was originally a sneak attack. Now it has been encircled by the other side. The action has failed. If it is played, it will only be wiped out.

"Miyazaki, you are going to take everyone away!"

Ye Shaoyang chased after the wind and he did not want to leave the wind to fight alone.

As a result, the wind turned and bounced on his fingers, and a streamer flew with a mighty force, stopping him and Yang Gongyi, and the two of them would streamline and solve the wind.

"I can escape at any time, you are in the way, Shaoyang, those people only listen to you, go!"

Ye Shaoyang clenched his teeth. He actually knew that the wind was right. If he didn't leave, the little friends were afraid that no one would leave, and at the end... they must die.

"You are careful!"

Ye Shaoyang yelled at him and grabbed Yang Gong, who was still hesitating. He turned and flew back, and greeted everyone to leave.

Everyone looked up at him.

"Run, leave here! Ghost King is alive, we are not opponents!"

Everyone is going through a hundred battles, listening to Ye Shaoyang saying this, they know that the situation has reached a very urgent moment, so they have launched a wave of powerful attacks, try to force off their opponents, get out of the battle, and then pull each other. Flying in the direction.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the battlefield. Only the pony was still dead with the snow magic. The four treasures and the evil martyrdom were still fighting, so they first joined the battle of the four treasures. They didn’t say much, and they cut the sword.

This evil singer did not know who he was. He looked at him and was attacked by Ye Shaoyang. This was discovered by his own mistakes, but it was already late. The first machine was completely occupied by Ye Shaoyang, and the four treasures were also In conjunction with the storm, it was directly hit by the loss of the power to fight back.

Ye Shaoyang broke his arm with a sword, and King Kong Luxe screamed and pulled back. Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment and didn't catch up. He knew that if he pursued it, he would be able to kill it within three rounds, but now time is life, and he can't afford to wait for a second. See you all quit the battle, began to rush back, the battlefield... only one pony left, still dead with the snow magic.

Ye Shaoyang sighed, he could understand the pony's current mood, but they must go.

Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures joined the battle, forced the snow magic back, and then persuaded the pony to leave.

"You go, I want to kill him!"

The pony does not listen to dissuasion, but also rushes forward.

Ye Shaoyang went up to stop the snow demon, and the four treasures clung to the pony and shouted: "Look at yourself, the ghost king has been refined into Qingzhou Ding, leaving a dead end!"

"Then I will kill him and die again! You let me go!"

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