Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 3372: 3434 focused teenager 1

Chen Xiaoxu talked about the kidnapping of Ye Xiaomu by the pepper figure. After the three people heard it, they looked at each other.

This comet, which has been missing for 17 years, actually went out again!

"How can this happen!" Four treasures marveled.

Lao Guodao: "This is not the same thing. You know all the peppers, and you are also evil. If you kill someone without blinking, she doesn't know that it is your son. You have to hurry to save people!"

Ye Shaoyang is also a bit flustered, summoning melons through the soul print, and then let Chen Xiaoxu and Wang Xiaobao lead the way to the vicinity of the incident.

On the road, Guagua also arrived. I heard that Ye Xiaomu was arrested, and he was anxious more than Ye Shaoyang. He was busy asking what to do.

"As long as you can find her, you can do it." Although the pepper map is a natural killer, he doesn't have much affection for himself. But knowing that she knows that Ye Xiaomu is his son, it will definitely sell a face. This is the confidence that Ye Shaoyang still has of. To take a step back, even if the pepper map does not give face, I really don't fear her.

By the time the accident occurred, the two bodies had been taken away and taken away.

Ye Shaoyang opened the altar and applied the sorcerer's technique. In principle, he could trace the traces of evils that had appeared within a few kilometers of the square. However, the information that Ye Shaoyang perceived through this spell was very messy and could not find traces of the pepper map. .

This is also expected by Ye Shaoyang. The strength of the pepper map is not strong. It is still difficult to trace her traces. He just tried it. Seeing this method is useless. I immediately asked Chen Xiaoshuo. The direction of departure.

Chen Xiaoxu pointed out the direction and said: "But it is not certain that she is in that direction. If she is in doubt, will she go back from here to another direction?"

"That won't."

"Why?" Chen Xiaoxu puzzled.

"Because she doesn't know our existence and deal with you, there is no need to do this. If you take someone to catch up, you will send more lives."

In the past, the pepper map was the first-class strongman. Nowadays, it has been closed for more than ten years (not to be out of the mountains for more than ten years, naturally it is practicing), and certainly has improved a lot, and there will be fear of Chen Xiaoxu.

So Ye Shaoyang licked a few words, let him fly slowly in this direction, looking for the whereabouts of the pepper map, and four of them found a place to sit down and wait.

Ye Xiaomu was caught in a cave. He didn't know how to come along the way. After entering the hole, the pepper figure thought about it, or turned and sealed the hole with a stone, and painted a few times on it. The fingertips crossed, leaving a reiki on the top, and then hidden in the stone.

"Although my cave is not very likely to be found, but if it comes, it will inevitably kill people, and it will be annoying."

When Ye Xiaomu heard her say this, she knew that the 80% she applied to the stone blocking the door was a hidden spell that could hide the entrance of Dongfu, like the protective color of insects, making it difficult for Dongfu to be discovered.

The pepper figure patted on his neck, and the feeling of numbness spread throughout the body, all consciousness was restored, and the infuriating was unimpeded.

"Come on!" The pepper figure pushed him back.

The walls on both sides of the cave are inlaid with many luminous long-eyed beads. They are all cold light. They can barely illuminate the cave. They sweep over and the caves extend in all directions. Like an underground labyrinth, they can’t help but look around. I took a picture and said, "Don’t think about remembering the road. There is only one exit here, and the rest are sealed."

The pepper figure drove him behind and walked to the hinterland of the cave. It was very wide. It was at least half the size of a football field. The middle was empty. There was a big water pool. It was probably connected to the underground river. You can hear the following. The sound of water.

Under the illumination of the night pearls on the wall, you can see the white steam rising up in the water pool. At first, the small wood thought that the water below was boiling, but as the distance approached, the surrounding air became more and more cold.

Going all the way to the front, the white steam fell on the body, and immediately became a frost, which is known to be air-conditioned, and the aura is very rich, but it is mixed with demon.

This abnormal phenomenon makes Ye Xiaomu feel very strange. If it is not a prisoner, he really wants to find out.

"The following is my repair shop. I like cold water, so I found a large piece of cold ice underneath." The pepper figure glanced at him and said, "Let's just find a place to stay, here is everything. No, you can go anywhere you want, and you can't go anywhere anyway."

After the pepper figure jumped directly into the pool, the whole body floated on the water, and Ye Xiaomu glanced at the water. Under the wet water, her figure looked exquisite and tempting...

Ye Xiaomu went to a corner of the cave and sat against the rock wall. Like most caves, this cave is warm in winter and cool in summer. As long as it is far away from the pool, the temperature is still ok.

"Why don't you talk all the way, are you afraid?" The pepper figure squatted on the rock wall, and a pair of big eyes looked far away from Ye Xiaomu.

Ye Xiaomu shook his head.

"What do you do with the look of a dead old man? I am afraid that I will kill you."

"What's so scary. If you kill me, you won't bother to bring me here." Ye Xiaomu sighed with a sigh of relief, "I was wondering why I was caught by you before."

"Why? Hahaha!" The pepper figure laughed. "You are very interesting. You are caught by me. Naturally, the strength is not good. There is something to think about, but you are a land of fairyland. The strength is not bad. However, nowadays this person is full of aura, and the immortals are at most equal to the master of the year."

Her words are quite a lot, probably because I have been alone for a long time here. Ye Xiaomu thought and said: "I can't beat you. It's easy to kill me, but you have released those ice cones before... I just been wondering how to crack."

The pepper figure gaze at him and said, "You can stay alone."


"It’s just a fight, but why?"

"If you can't beat it, there are reasons why you can't beat it. Even if you don't have the strength, you must at least know where the department is. Otherwise, if you encounter a similar situation next time, you will not be vulnerable."

"Of course, ask, or will you be helpless in the next situation?"

The pepper figure grinned: "Where is the next time, do you still want to go out alive?"

After talking about Ye Xiaomu, he did not respond for a long time. The pepper figure was more curious. He pushed up his head and said, "Hey, are you really afraid of death?"

After a long time, Ye Xiaomu looked up at her and said, "I think how to break your trick."

The pepper figure is speechless.

Ye Xiaomu spoke to himself about the method of cracking. The pepper figure was initially heard with a contemptuous attitude.

(The computer returned to the factory... Toss a day, using a new computer is not suitable, and I will try to write more points tomorrow.)

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