Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 624: Moving corpse 2

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he couldn’t help but ask: "Don't you be curious when you saw his performance?"

Lin Yongchang said: "I thought that he was drinking too much like me, or it was a broken love. Anyway, it was blown up and vented. I shouted loudly to come and talk. He ignored me. Later, I was stupid. Pick it up with him..."

Ye Shaoyang brain filled up, two big men, screaming in a lonely place in the middle of the night, no need to ghost, these two people can scare people.

Lin Yongchang sighed for a long time and said: "I thought he was venting like me. When I thought of it... he was so dead. I knew that I had to hold him anyway."

"Later, when was his body discovered?"

"The next morning, I was discovered by a few guys who came back from the Internet cafe night."

“Package night online?” Ye Shaoyang wondered, “How can I go to that place when I go online?”

"There is a gap in the wall on the south side of the Garden of Lifen. From there, the Internet cafes going out to the street will be closer, and the dormitory will be closer, but few people usually go there, unless there are many people and they are bold. You may have heard that Lifen Garden is haunted."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "Slightly heard, but how a haunted, have you seen it?"

Lin Yongchang said: "You are really joking. If I have seen it, still standing here?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and continued to inquire about the death of Li Xiaoqiang. Lin Yongchang told him that after someone found the body, he immediately reported the police. The police took the body away and then conducted various investigations at the school.

"I was the last one to see him, so I was the key concern. They let me come to the kiosk. The policemen were really good. I checked the pavilion all over. Finally, guess what, in the waterfront." On the corner of the cement, a piece of clothing was extracted, and a small piece of skin smashed on the cement. After the comparison, Li Xiaoqiang was judged, and he was judged to be in the water..."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he couldn’t help it. He frowned and said: "Wait, he died in the water? Why is the body found outside the door of Lifen Garden?"

Lin Yongchang smiled meaningfully and said: "So, everyone said haunted, I told you..."

Ye Shaoyang’s interest was mobilized and waiting to hear the following. Lin Yongchang’s girlfriend slammed his arm and shouted: “You don’t want to promote feudal superstitions. You can’t do it. Xiaoqiang is gone. You say these, it’s for him. Do not respect, I don't want to listen to these!"

Lin Yongchang smiled and waved at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "If you don't say it, you will have a chance to say it again."

Ye Shaoyang squinted and turned his eyes, this guy, in the future is also a fear of his wife's goods.

Lin Yongchang hit a car and sat behind his girlfriend. Ye Shaoyang sat in front and headed for the funeral home.

On the way, Ye Shaoyang asked Lin Yongchang: "Are you going to have a funeral for him, how is it held here, and his loved ones have not taken his body back?"

Lin Yongchang looked at him curiously and said: "You are a middle school student with him. It must be a fellow. Do you not know, is Li Xiaoqiang an orphan from childhood?"

"Oh..." To wear a help, Ye Shaoyang’s eyes turned and said, "I know that he is an orphan, but I am not sure if he has any other relatives, just ask."

Lin Yongchang said: "The school tried to contact him. He did not have a relative. So we have a good relationship with the classmates. We discussed a funeral for him, then cremation, and deposited the ashes in the funeral parlour. One way."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said with emotion: "How much money is needed, I will also get a copy when I get there."

When I arrived at the funeral parlour, the three got off the bus. Lin Yongchang led the way to the hall for memorial service. It was called Siyuan Hall. There were a few wreaths on the wall outside the door. There were some scorpions on the floor, and several young men and women sat. On the raft, I am folding grass and ingots.

A female classmate came over and looked at Ye Shaoyang and asked Lin Yongchang: "This is..."

Lin Yongchang made an introduction. The girl nodded and picked up a white big paper box from the ground. She wrote a "make" word on the red pen. On Ye Shaoyang said: "This is the collection of Li Xiaoqiang. If you are convenient, give it to you. Point, to do his funeral, if it is left, donate it in his name."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and touched two hundred dollars and stuffed it into the cardboard box. Then Lin Yongchang’s girlfriend gave 50.

The female classmates thanked them and led them into the hall. The hall has been arranged like a mourning hall. There are two white flowers on the wall facing the door. There is a big photo in the middle. It is naturally Li Xiaoqiang. Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes, Li Xiaoqiang was very thin, his eyes were big, and his length was very ordinary.

I don't know why, when Ye Shaoyang and the people on the photo look at each other, there is a feeling of coolness, frowning, picking up a bunch of incense from the front of the hall, placing it on the long candle and then inserting it in the incense burner, then withdrawing. Let Lin Yongchang’s girlfriend go up to the incense.

Ye Shaoyang looked around and asked Lin Yongchang's body of Li Xiaoqiang. The answer was that it was hot, and sent the freezer. Then he told him that today is the first seven of Li Xiaoqiang. According to local customs, a simple body farewell ceremony will be held here today. A good friend who was alive before his life would be here to guard the spirit.

It is said that there is a habit of guarding the spirits in the funeral homes in the north. There is no such thing as Weinan. However, because Li Xiaoqiang is an orphan and has no relatives, he can only arrange the halls in the funeral parlour.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said that he would stay.

"Right," Ye Shaoyang remembered a question, saying: "Li Xiaoqiang is dying. Is his body receiving an autopsy from the police? When can he be cremated?"

The female student replied: "The autopsy was completed a few days ago. Today is his first seven. We just want to wait for a farewell ceremony today. After the night, I will be cremated tomorrow morning."

Ye Shaoyang looked down at the three offerings in front of the mourning hall and said: "These apple bananas can't be used. Who can help, buy three eggs, three white noodles, and three ginkgo nuts."

The female student asked inexplicably: "Why can't I use banana apples? I see that other people's home supplies are all these."

"That is natural death, the soul is not suffocating, it does not matter for anything, Li Xiaoqiang is dying, the smell of eggs, taro, ginkgo, will make the ghosts like it, it is easy to attract his attention, let him return to the night make trouble."

After listening to him, the students at the scene cast a strange look.

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