Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 633: Cremator 1

The lid of the hail opened, and the body of Li Xiaoqiang inside was gone!

Ye Shaoyang was blind for a few seconds. He thought that the body must be extinguished before the cockroach, and he concentrated on paying attention to the escape. The corpse will certainly not run. Therefore, the corpse must have undergone some change!

Don't think about it first, at least find it first.

Ye Shaoyang kicked a bundle of straw paper into the brazier with his toes, let the fire burn, and looked around with the light.

The room was very empty and I could see it at a glance. The body was no longer in the house.

At this time, the rest of the people also found the situation, and the situation that had been calmed down was once again excited.

"Zombies are not here, afraid of anything." Ye Shaoyang comforted a sentence, before coming to the hail, saw a sticky corpse on the side of the coffin, continued to the floor, continued to the outside of the corner.

Since there is corpse water, it is easy to handle.

Ye Shaoyang chased the traces of the corpse water, rushed out of the hall, and came out, suddenly smashed: Although the rain has stopped, but the ground water spread, the shallow traces of the corpse water into the water, completely invisible .

"Rely!" Ye Shaoyang snorted and suddenly thought that the corpse had to escape soon. The corpse must have some residuals. It could not be dissolved in the water so quickly. So he took out a magical symbol and drew a few strokes to form a water. Fu, touched the corpse water, then pressed in the rain, scratching the middle finger, dripping a drop of blood up, and cursing in the mouth: "The world is endless, too much water, rush as law!"

As soon as I let go, the magical character slipped out in the water.

Too much water, as long as there is a goal, whether it is the soul of a living person or the corpse of a zombie, can be traced.

Ye Shaoyang started the footwork, followed the waters of the Taiyisheng, and looked at the charms. He didn't look at the two rows of buildings. When he came to a row of houses, the charms stayed. Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw two iron gates with a metal sign on it, which read the words "burning house".

Look at the upper window, there is a piece of glass broken, some broken meat and clothes hanging on the broken glass, and some yellow mucus on the side.

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, even if there was no life in the water, he should have thought of this place: the body burned every day in the burning chamber, and the corpse accumulated, not to mention a dead body that has not yet been completely zombie. Even if you hide a corpse king, it is hard to find.

Ye Shaoyang thought, this shows that the thing attached to the body of Li Xiaoqiang, there is some intelligence, knowing this situation, finding a place to hide, it is easier to escape than to escape, but it certainly did not expect that he has such mana Can display too much water.

Looking up at the gap in the air window, especially those broken glass shovel, Ye Shaoyang did not try to enter from here, pushed forward the door and found that it was tightly locked, stood up and thought, first painted a blood The sticker was posted on the door, lest the body escape, then turned and walked, and planned to go back to find the worker on duty and ask him for the key to open the door.

The result came halfway, just to meet the guy walking along the wall roots, seeing Ye Shaoyang, immediately greeted and asked: "Master, have you found the body?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, and asked him: "What are you doing?"

"I want to go back to the office and call the leader to ask what to do," the worker said in a panic. "I don't know how to do this out of this kind of thing. Master, this is what you do, you can I want to help."

"Help you." Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and smiled. "I will help you get your body back, let's go."

"Looking? Where are you going?" the worker asked, shaking.

"Chongming room, go with me to catch zombies!"

When the workers heard this sentence, they stumbled directly. "Why... want me to go?"

"Because you have the key." Ye Shaoyang grabbed his collar and ran all the way to the door of the burnt corpse. The worker opened the door and wanted to escape. He was pushed in by Ye Shaoyang to let him turn on the light.

The worker touched the switch panel on the wall and did not respond after pressing it. He used the flashlight with his armor to see that the wire was broken and some sparkling yellow liquid was on the break.

The daring is broken by the body. Ye Shaoyang then grabbed the collar of the worker and pushed forward one by one. He said: "I don't know the structure inside. You lead the way, just to help me hit the flashlight."

The workers still wanted to resist. Ye Shaoyang shut the iron gate and went two steps forward. He looked back at the worker who was leaning against the door and said: "You can't walk, don't leave me, if the zombie comes attacking you. Don't blame me for saving you."

When the workers heard this, they had to smack their heads to Ye Shaoyang, and under his direction, they flashed around with a flashlight.

The incinerator room is also a hall. There are three crematoriums, standing in the hall like three giants. These few days of roaring machines are not sounding at this time. The room is quiet enough to cause people to collapse.

It was filled with corpses that ordinary people couldn't detect, and couldn't use the corpse-like spells. Ye Shaoyang had to let the workers hold a flashlight and look for it in an inch. He quickly walked through the room, but he disappeared from the shadow of the body.

"Probably ran, or let's go back and watch the monitor." The worker said slyly.

Ye Shaoyang looked around and found that there was no other exit in the burning room. He shook his head and said: "The body is here."

"Ah, where?" The worker looked around nervously, and Li said: "No?"

"Since the body is not outside, it must be hiding here..." Ye Shaoyang pointed his finger at the crematorium in front of him.

The worker slammed and squatted. Ye Shaoyang looked at him and couldn't hold it anymore. He drew a charm and posted it behind his head. He stood in the corner and took the flashlight from his hand. He came to the crematorium and wanted to start. It was difficult to ask again, "How does this open?"

"There is a handle underneath, and it will open when you pull it." The worker swallowed. "There is a peeping port on the side. It is used to see how the body burns. You can take a look and see if there is..."

Ye Shaoyang found the long-shaped peeping port on the side. It was a layer of glass. It was seen by a flashlight. You can see a rectangular metal trough like a coffin. It is obviously a place where the body is placed. There is nothing inside, so it comes again. Before going to the second crematorium, I didn’t see it when I looked inside. Then, there was only one last.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and went to the third crematorium. From the peephole, it was still empty, and the heart was very different. Can the body still fly?

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