Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 665: The horse is afraid to ride

Xie Yuqing listened to him and said in a hurry: "Then you can kill them all?"

"You said that the lightness of these ghosts seems to lie on the human body. In fact, it is in the body of the soul. The limbs and mouthparts are on the surface of the soul. If they are killed by external force, they will suffer from pain and will clench their souls. The soul is injured, and after the death of the body, the ghost liquid flowing out of the body is corrosive to the soul, so it is more troublesome."

Ye Shaoyang shook the red cloth and said: "My red cloth is dyed by black medicine and can kill these ghosts in an instant. This is the safest way."

Du Yi saw the disgusting ghost flies and listened to his explanation. Naturally, there is nothing to say.

With his consent, Ye Shaoyang no longer delayed, rolled up the red cloth, and fell into the eyes of Du Hu, then tightened at both ends.

Du Hu, who was originally demented, was blinded by the red cloth, and the whole body suddenly picked up and made a squeaking sound in his mouth.

"Mr. Ye..." Du Yi looked at Ye Shaoyang worriedly.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Normal reaction."

The words just fell, I saw the two eyes of the red cloth, constantly swelled, as if something had collided underneath, after a while it subsided, Du Hu also stopped squatting, but his face was red, violent breathing stand up.

Ye Shaoyang untied the red cloth and did not check the ghost flies inside. He rolled it up carefully and fixed it with a note and stuffed it into his backpack. Although the ghosts are annoying, they are also a precious medicine. Ye Shaoyang calculated it early and took the bodies of these ghosts to Lao Guo as a reward for helping him...

Soak the water with two symbols, stick it on the eyes of Du Hu, and then let the scorpion help, help him to sit in the place where the sun is in the yard, and move a chair and sit opposite.

"Mr. Ye, how is my father?" Du Yi asked in a trench.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to the jade lock on the neck of Du Hu and said: "Your father has this jade lock body. Although the ghost flies in his eyes all the year round, he has not sucked anything, but he has lost his energy and has more sun. Sunbathe, it will be awake in about half an hour."

Du Yi listened to this and couldn’t help but get excited. "If I can really save my father, I will definitely thank you!"

Xie Yuqing stared at Du Hu and frowned. "Who put those ghosts on his eyes?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't know, but someone implanted a ghostly yin in his body, attracting ghost flies all over his eyes. When I used five black medicines to kill ghosts, I pulled out the ghosts. gas."

"That jade lock, who gave him?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "Don't guess, wait until he wakes up and ask him, he knows everything."

Sure enough, for half an hour, Du Hu’s mouth snorted and twitched his hand, trying to remove the charm that was attached to his own eyes.

Ye Shaoyang quickly let Du Yi move him to the house. He has never used his eyes for a long time. He suddenly exposed to the sun in a blink of an eye and is easily injured.

After entering the house, Ye Shaoyang also greeted the door and window and closed the curtains to create a relatively dim atmosphere, which opened the eyes of Du Hu.

Du Hu opened his eyes a little. At first, it was a little dim, unable to focus. After a few minutes, the eyes became a little bit of a god. They looked at the people in front of them and swallowed with a tired voice. ...who is this, what is this place?"

Can see people, but also ask logical words, indicating that he can see things, Alzheimer's disease is also good.

Du Yi burst into tears and fell in his father's arms, calling his father in his mouth.

Du Hu seems to be very surprised that he has such a big son, and asks what is going on. Ye Shaoyang pulled the clothes of La Xie Yuqing and asked her to go out with herself and leave the time of this "reunion" to their father and son.

"Let's go first, wait for you to calm down and tell him the truth slowly." Ye Shaoyang patted Du Yi's shoulder and walked out of the door.

Xie Yuqing and Yan also came out and closed the door.

The three of them returned to the stone table in the yard and sat down. They said with emotion: "This is very pitiful to the father and son."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the distance and said silently: "It is not bad to be able to reunite in a lifetime. The real pity is that the child wants to be filial and not close."

Xie Yuqing saw that his expression was a bit lonely. He knew that he felt his own life and advised him: "Shaoyang, their father and son are reunited, you are promoted, and you should be happy."

"They are father and son reunited, why should I be happy?" Ye Shaoyang looked at her and smiled bitterly. "As a heavenly teacher, I have a way to promote the reunion of other fathers and sons, but I myself can't even see my father..."

Xie Yuqing still wants to say something, Ye Shaoyang puts his hand on the wicker chair and closes his eyes.

Xie Yuqing looked at his side face and thought that the guy who seemed to be omnipotent had a fragile and soft place in his heart.

After about half an hour or so, the door of the reception room opened, and Du Yi walked out from inside and called them in.

When Ye Shaoyang entered the house, Du Hu fell to the ground under the help of Du Yi, and he was going to hoe. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly blocked.

"Just right now, Xiaoyi told me something about it. I don't say anything, I don't say anything. In the future, I will use our father and son in the future, just open your mouth!" Du Hu grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and was grateful.

Du Yi also changed his attitude before, and thanked Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang puts his hand in the hand: "Five thousand dollars, hit my card."

"What five thousand!" Du Yi Li said, "I will give you 10,000, 20,000, and all the products will be for you!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "As long as five thousand, one more point."

Xie Yuqing grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s arm and shook it. “You can do it all right, don’t do it.”

"I don't care," Ye Shaoyang sneaked at Du Hu and his son. "But they are in trouble. I owe me such a big favor. If I don't want to return, then they will only report again in the afterlife. It’s a bit of money, it’s similar to saving lives, collecting less, and people can’t pay off. Five thousand dollars is the minimum standard.”

When Du Hu and his son heard it, they knew that Ye Shaoyang was asking them for money, but for the sake of them, they suddenly felt very much.

Du Hu sighed: "If you don't give money, my feelings are still unclear. I will be willing to be a cow in the afterlife, and I will be willing."

Xie Yuqing looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "When you saved me, I confiscate my money. Is it necessary for me to be a cow?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "If you become a horse, it is also a strong horse, I can't ride."

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