Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 690: Purple moon clear sky

In the past 30 years, in addition to his white hair, he did not look too old, even the skin was rosy and bright, and suddenly there was a ridiculous thought in his heart: Is this old goods a tonic like "golden meat" every day?

After the two sides chilled, Wu Leyi greeted the two people sat down, and personally brewed a pot of kungfu tea, let the two taste, first greet Zhou Jingru's father, casually chatted a few words, Zhou Jingru led the topic to Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang also immediately expressed his desire to visit his collection.

"The mundane goods, nothing interesting. Young man, since you have a calligraphy, I recently got some broken posts, just ask you to taste."

Ye Shaoyang immediately said that he did not dare.

Wu Leyi rushed to his son and nodded. Wu Xujun immediately went upstairs. He took a bamboo box down and opened it and put it on the coffee table.

The box opened, and Wu Leyi personally took out a few yellow-colored copybooks from the inside. At first glance, it was an antiquities, most of which were fragments, with some brush writing on them.

Wu Leyi separated the copybooks and placed them on the coffee table. I politely asked Ye Shaoyang to appreciate them.

Ye Shaoyang read it one by one and saw several fonts on the copybook. He had to catch the ducks and put a few words on calligraphy.

These shallow terms, listened to Wu Leyi, a veteran fan, are simply outsiders, but just smile, and ask Ye Shaoyang to judge the authors of these textbooks.

Ye Shaoyang did not look at it and said: "I don't know."

Zhou Jingru listened to him saying that he couldn’t help but worry about it. Even if it is a policy of progress, it should be installed like a point, so as not to be questioned by people, it is difficult to round the field.

Sure enough, Wu Leyi smiled softly and said: "With such a characteristic handwriting, Mr. Ye can't recognize it?"

Ye Shaoyang said frankly: "I don't recognize anyone's handwriting. I liked to practice words since I was a child. I used to have copybooks everywhere. When I practiced, I threw it. I have never seen who the author is, and no one told me this."

Wu Leyi smiled and said: "What is the use of practicing words without seeking the root cause?"

Ye Shaoyang also laughed: "I am practicing words, what do you do? You eat an egg and eat it. Do you have to know the hen that lays the egg?"

Wu Leyi sneaked, and then laughed heartily, and ordered Wu Xujun to put the copybooks together, spread the rice paper, and talk to Ye Shaoyang. "Since Mr. Ye disdains to read the book, he is always good at writing books. Please write a picture, let the old A view."

Ye Shaoyang is not in a hurry, please Wu Leyi first write a picture, this is also considered as a guest respect for the owner.

"Okay. Old blaze throws bricks to attract jade." Wu Leyi resigned, picking up a thick and thick wolf from the pen holder on the side of the table, stained the ink, and sneaked on the paper, laughing at Ye Shaoyang, "Looking up." .

When Ye Shaoyang went up to see it, he wrote two words on the paper: Heaven.

I wrote the script, which looks very positive and very hard.

Ye Shaoyang praised a few words from the heart. Wu Leyi smiled lightly and pointed at the two words: "All said that the text is like a person, and Mr. Ye has seen what I have seen from these two words?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and carefully observed it. He said slowly: "The formality of the font is square, and it is stable and stable. It shows that the old gentleman is honest and honest. The style is restrained and the inside is tight. It is obvious that the old man is full of confidence and has a strong mind."

After stopping, Ye Shaoyang went on to say: "The most important thing is the word chosen by the old gentleman. Heavenly words, the two words themselves are very heavy, which shows that the old gentleman is not clear, and there is a ambition to replace the heavens."

Wu Leyi laughed. "For the sake of heaven, how can it be, conform to the heavens, and have an ideal and a good world. What does Mr. Ye think?"

Ye Shaoyang felt that his words had a meaning to the outside of the question. He asked: "How is it to conform to the heavens?"

"It is not clear, it is strong and weak, and the brave is responsible." Wu Leyi said, "This is only one aspect."

Looking at his persevering eyes, Ye Shaoyang believes that he is telling the truth, and it is also doing this. This old man is not a bad person in essence.

Staring at Wu Leyi’s face, Ye Shaoyang then asked: “Where is the right and wrong, what is the standard, is it yours? If so, how can you guarantee that you are right?”

Wu Leyi gave a slight glimpse and said slowly: "What do you say is to follow the heavens?"

Before Ye Shaoyang came to the table, he grabbed a pen from the pen holder and took the pen and the dragon snake. After the word "天道" written by Wu Leyi, two words were added.

Wu Leyi and Zhou Jingru immediately curiously came together to see.

Ye Shaoyang wrote cursive scripts, mad grass, but because the strokes of the words are few, it is very easy to identify. Even Zhou Jingru reads the book at a glance. He writes two words: the human heart.

"Tiandao is too perfect, perfect, it is not real enough, so I agree more with my heart and heart."

Wu Leyi stared at the rice paper on the table, the words "天道" and "人心", a script, a cursive, a square, a freehand style, a different style, and a completely different temperament. This contrast led to Wu Leyi. Some thoughts.

"Good word!" Wu Leyi observed half a mile, giving the evaluation of these two words, needless to say too much nonsense, these two words represent his attitude.

Ye Shaoyang took out the rice paper and held the brush. He wrote four words in one breath and retreated to the side. He smiled and asked Wu Leyi: "How about these four words?"

Wu Leyi looked up and the eyelids immediately jumped up. Ye Shaoyang wrote: Purple moon clear sky.

Wu Leyi’s emotions converge, and for a moment, he said with a blank expression: “It’s also a good word.”

Ye Shaoyang bent his mouth and bent his mouth. These four words were thought of by his temporary intentions. It was a very clear suggestion, but Wu Leyi’s stupid performance made him not satisfied. He bit his teeth and pointed to the "Ziyue" two. The words said: "Is these two words ok?"

Wu Leyi said: "Okay."

"What did the old man see when he saw these two words?" Finally, the window paper was broken.

Wu Leyi looked down at the two words, silent, and had no expression on his face, which made him guess what he was thinking.

"I, I thought a lot." After a long time, Wu Leyi said slowly, looked up and looked at Ye Shaoyang, and he was not angry and arrogant. "Ye Tianshi, you have something, why not just say it?"

The words "Ye Tianshi" made Ye Shaoyang's heart relieved. It turned out that he had already known his identity. It seems that his speculations are not wrong.

Zhou Jingru also stood up nervously and stood behind Ye Shaoyang.

"That half of the notes, in your hand?" Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said.

Wu Leyi is still an expression of the ancient well without waves, saying: "I don't know what you are talking about."

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