Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 808: Horror child 1

Ye Shaoyang squatted in his ear and said, "You follow them and give me a good eye. If they encounter any other baby, don't let them eat alone..."

Guagua nodded and said a little unwillingly: "Does the boss really want me to be a light bulb?"

Ye Shaoyang sneaked into the cold jade, did not have any reaction, took a look at the melon, and greeted the cold jade and walked down the stream toward the downstream.

Along the stream, there was nearly a hundred meters. There was a blue-brick road in front of it. The mountain rock on the side was also polished very clean. There was a wall hole in every section, and there was a bronze candlestick.

“Where is this place?” Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself.

"Of course, it is also an ancient tomb." Yan Lengyu looked around and said.

"Double-layer ancient tomb? Why did Ming Taizu do this?"

Yan Lengyu did not answer, squatted down, picked up a broken blue brick and said: "The plum-shaped tomb brick, this is called plum brick, is a special product of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jin people are self-proclaimed and elegant, since the plum blossom, so at that time The royal family and the princes of the royal family used this plum to lay the graves.

However, this kind of masonry is very expensive. When the South-North Dynasty was in a melee, the national strength was weak, and there was no such custom. Therefore, this ancient tomb must have been in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. ”

Ye Shaoyang was shocked: "How come, isn't this the Ming Taizu repair?"

He was cold and white, and he glanced at him. "Are you paying for the IQ? Is this just two ancient tombs? The above is Ming Taizu’s repair. The following... I don’t know which royal prince in the Eastern Jin Dynasty repaired."

Seeing that Ye Shaoyang is puzzled, he is even more shocked and has to explain further:

"From ancient times to today, many royal families will look for dragon veins to repair the tomb, but there are so many dragon veins. Many places have been repaired tombs, and later generations are repaired. It is also normal. This is called the grave tomb.

I remember where Loulan is still there. There is an ancient tomb like this. The two ancient tombs are only a few meters deep. Since this place is a dragon, it is normal to have two ancient tombs. ”

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought about it and asked: "Others have already repaired the tomb and built another one on it. In Feng Shui, it is taboo."

I only know Yang House Feng Shui, and I don’t know much about the feng shui of the Yin House - that is, the tombs, but the basic knowledge still knows some.

芮冷玉道: "So before the tombs were repaired, the original tombs were generally destroyed and the bodies were removed. There were also direct squats.

However, the movement of the earth's crust will cause the tomb to sink. If the time is too long, the descendants will not find the tomb below, and rebuild one on it, which is really a double-layered tomb. ”

It turned out that... This is the case, Ye Shaoyang took photos with his headlights and sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Leng Yuyu.

“How many years have you been in the Eastern Jin Dynasty?”

I took a cold look and said: "From the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has been 1,600 years."

Ye Shaoyang's body swayed, almost fell, and smiled bitterly; "One thousand six hundred years, mother, if there are zombies in this tomb, it is a thousand years and six hundred years of cultivation..."

He looked at him with a cold head, "Are you afraid?"

Why not be afraid! The 1600-year-old zombie, decisively became the corpse, as long as it is a mage, no one wants to encounter such a hard battle, and the traitor Lin Sansheng and the powerful female ghost are likely to be in this ancient tomb, think about it. Both have headaches.

Yan Lengyu looked at him and his eyes flashed. "Ye Shaoyang in my mind, but nothing is afraid."

Ye Shaoyang blew his hair. "Who said that I am afraid. Under the earth, there is no thing that the teacher is afraid of."

Going forward a few hundred meters away, the tomb turns into a right angle, and the front is covered by mountains and rocks.

"It's not right here," Ye Shaoyang suddenly stopped, frowning nervously. "I feel a thick corpse, there is a demon in the middle, the two are combined, is it... there is a demon body?"

Because the atmosphere is pervasive, I can't judge the root cause, I have to take out the yin and yang disk and make a move. Unexpectedly, this breath is not from the tomb on the left, but on the right.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned around and headlights shined:

The stream formed a pond-like deep pool below the rock wall, and 80% of it went down to the ground. However, the original clear stream became muddy here, with a kind of miserable green, and a layer of faint white steam.

"This water..."

Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to finish, the calm water suddenly burst into a blisters, and then something floated out, round and white, much like a gourd scoop.

Ye Shaoyang took a few steps to look at it, and the heart immediately tightened: What is the gourd scoop, what is special is a person's head, but the hair on the top of the head is sparse, almost invisible from far away.

"Plopping..." The head turned over and looked up, a doll-like face out of the water. From the perspective of the five senses and shape, it was a child no more than five years old.

Of course, it is not a living person. I saw that the eyes of the dead child were round and round, and there seemed to be a layer of white obstacles. Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of the ducks, not only the ducks, but also the skin of many beasts.

How can the characteristics of this animal appear on a person?

The dead child is well-rounded, but how to see it has a feeling of evil spirits, Ye Shaoyang looked back and licked cold jade, and she was also nervous.

Indeed, in such a millennium tomb that is dull and depressed, surrounded by darkness, no one will feel fear in seeing such a picture.

Fortunately, the two are masters, and they are afraid to scream early.

Suddenly, the dead child did not see the movement, but the head slowly flowed in the water and floated toward the shore.

"Shaoyang..." The sound of cold jade is a little trembling.

"I went to see!"

Ye Shaoyang turned back and gave him a "all things with me" look, slowly descended to the water pool, watching the slowly drifting dead child, the heart is also a bit drumming.

Soon, the dead child drifted to the shore and did not move.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, took out the hook, wrapped his head and pulled it ashore.

"Ah!" Yan Lengyu grinned his hands and exclaimed.

Ye Shaoyang also has wide eyes and his face is full of panic:

This is a dead child. It is clearly a four-legged reptile. It looks a bit like a crocodile. It has long red hair. Look carefully at where it is hair, but a living thing like a red dragonfly. !

I don’t know if it’s growing on it or on it, it’s so dense, it’s squirming around, it’s so disgusting!

Ye Shaoyang almost vomited.

But what is even more terrifying is that the child's head is growing on the body of the monster. There is a red circle in the middle of a group of suede on the neck. It does not seem to have a patchwork feeling.

What special thing is this ghost thing!

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