Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 863: Save Jingru 2

"If you want her, I will kill the world's fox demon!" Ye Shaoyang shouted, but the phone has been hung up.

Ye Shaoyang squatted for a few seconds, slamming his head, and she should have reminded her, don't go to Lisa Building again, how to forget it! How to forget it!

Ye Shaoyang jumped out of bed and ran out of the door in a hurry, suddenly stood still, folded back into the room, tied the backpack and belt.

If Fox is trying to kill Zhou Jingru, he doesn't need any excuses. If he doesn't bring his own instruments, he will die if he goes.

After stopping a taxi on the side of the road, Ye Shaoyang reported the name of the place and urged the driver to open soon.

From the residence to the Lisa Building, up to ten minutes, time is enough, now is not a matter of time.

Ye Shaoyang forced himself to calm down, sorted out the ideas, and then called Xiao Lengyu. After talking in a few words, Yan Lengyu was shocked. He said that he is coming, but it is a bit far and will be late.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang immediately activated the soul print of Guagua, but did not get any induction, a heart is sinking:

Letting Guagua monitor the whereabouts of Sun Yingyue is to monitor the fox that is only with Sun Yingyue.

Zhou Jingru was kidnapped. He could not have known it, nor could he not do it.

Therefore, if Zhou Jingru has an accident, the melons must be fierce and less...

After getting off the bus, Ye Shaoyang immediately rushed into the building. More than five o'clock, it was the point of departure, and the people in the first floor hall came and went. Ye Shaoyang went straight to the stairs and went down in one breath.

The first floor is the parking lot, the second floor is the pipe between the telephones, the fire door is closed, and the sign of "free people are free" is hung on it.

Ye Shaoyang did not care whether the door was locked or not. He kicked it off and slammed it in.

It was dark in front of your eyes.

Ye Shaoyang took out two fluorescent bracelets and put the charging headlights on his head, looking around.

This is almost more complicated than the ancient tomb: there are four passages, the intersection is staggered, and both sides are dark water chambers in the tomb, and there is a continuous sound of dripping.

"Xiaoru, Xiaoru! Guagua!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted. Since the other party said that he had to come over, there was no hiddenness. He only wanted to know where they were now trapped.


The voice of Zhou Jingru came from a distance, very weak, and only faintly judged the general direction.

With a bang, the seven-star Longquan sword came out of the sheath.

Ye Shaoyang carried a sword and rushed forward.

After a turn, the headlights shined and saw a white-haired fox sitting on the ground, posing like a dog.

The size is huge, the tail is like a canopy behind it, and there are a few that are not clear, but at first glance, there are at least five.

Five-tailed fox, life and death five times, spent the day robbery, has stepped into the level of the demon fox, it can be regarded as a big demon.

The demon fox sat quietly on the ground, with two front paws supporting the ground, and a **** red scorpion shot a sly look and fell on Ye Shaoyang's face.

Ye Shaoyang walked quickly.

"Where is my friend?"

The demon fox opened his mouth and revealed a smug smile. He sat still and did not speak.

Ye Shaoyang did not say much, mentioning the seven-star Longquan sword, and slamming it against the head of the demon fox.

The demon fox turned around and was extremely agile.

Ye Shaoyang just had to catch up. From the water houses on both sides, they rushed out a few ghosts and flew to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and saw that these ghosts are all dressed up in the present. They instantly understand that these must be lonely ghosts, not willing to go to the sinister, and be recruited by the fox demon to act as a ghost.

Ye Shaoyang stepped back and said with aloud: "Maoshan Tianshi Ye Shaoyang came to the demon, no time to overtake you, I don't ask if you have any sensation, don't want to die, hurry!"

A few ghosts only paused, and they continued to rush, and no one escaped.

Ye Shaoyang is no longer polite, chanting a spell, sweeping the sword, and now several ghosts are destroyed, and there is no chance of exceeding the degree.

The two remaining lucky to escape a robbery, see Ye Shaoyang shot off several companions, scared on the spot, one of them cried: "Tianshi spares, we are caught by the fox demon..."

Ye Shaoyang’s sword has been lifted up, and after hearing this, he put it down and walked quickly from them.

Suddenly I felt a cold behind me. I turned around and looked at the two ghosts who had just been let go of them. One left and one right squatted on their shoulders, and they were blowing against their backs.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly picked up the law, his hand smashed the ghost of the left shoulder, and took **** to pull the ghost on the right shoulder.

"Tianshi is forgiving, I am willing to exceed..." The ghost once again begged for mercy.

Ye Shaoyang changed his hand and directly pinched it into a group of fines.

They have been given a chance...two times, they have no time to waste on them.

Running all the way, came to the next corner, the demon fox sat in the middle of the road ahead, looking up at himself.

But this time without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to get close, it turned and slipped away, leaving a burst of laughter.

Ye Shaoyang saw that it had six tails.

Six-tailed fox! It is a bit stronger than the repair of the five-tailed fox.

All the way to chase after the last six lumen fox into the door of a room, hidden.

Ye Shaoyang did not hesitate to chase in.

The demon wind blows the face, and the fragrance is not strong.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank, thinking that these eight achievements are the fox’s lair.

I used the headlights to shine. This is a very large and empty room. There is a reservoir with a cylindrical concrete structure like a water tower. I don’t know what it is, I am too lazy to take care of it. .

"Xiaoru! Xiaoru!"

Ye Shaoyang screamed softly.

A cry of crying came from the other side of the water tower.

Ye Shaoyang chased after him, just turned to that side and immediately stood still:

The six-tailed fox squatted on the ground, squatting behind dozens of smaller white foxes, two tails and three tails, standing one by one, staring at themselves with a pair of blood red scorpions.


Not far from the sobs, Ye Shaoyang looked up and used the headlights to shine, and immediately saw a picture that made him excited:

Standing on the pedestal of the water tower, Zhou Jingru was **** by a red rope and burned on the water tower. He cried and looked at himself with a look of anticipation.

"Shaoyang brother..."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will save you! I will save you!"

Ye Shaoyang trembled and forced himself to calm down. Since these foxes led themselves, the purpose was to destroy themselves, and of course they would not let themselves save people easily.

"Ah..." Zhou Jingru screamed.

Ye Shaoyang looked intently, only to see a three-tailed fox squatting over Zhou Jingru, her long tongue licking her forehead, sparkling mucus, and staying behind her face.

Zhou Jingru was so scared that she was eclipsed and wept.

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