Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 871: Love rivalry conflict 2

In the evening, he put on a black suit and looked very handsome, but in Ye Shaoyang's eyes, it was just two words: the ratio.

"Ye Shi brother is also here."

Ling Yuxuan smiled at Ye Shaoyang gently.

Ye Shaoyang did not pay attention to it, and he wondered, this little white face came to find the cold jade at night, what is the attempt?

Suddenly thought, he said that he had chased her before...

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, why are you not calling?" Ling Yuxuan looked at Yan Lengyu, with a kind of intimate blame in his voice.

"Do you know, I am worried about you."

The little fire in the heart of Ye Shaoyang’s heart burned into a big fire.

"You worry about what I do, I don't have to worry about you." The cold and cold tone of the cold, so that Ye Shaoyang feels a little relieved.

“What about it?”

"She went to the South to get a batch of forensic medicine, which she personally ordered."

Yan Lengyu squinted at him, thinking that Liu Rubu was not there, and he came to the door to harass himself.

"What is the matter?"

"We have already determined the scope of the demon king's birth. I came to you specifically to search with me." Lin Yuxuan said.

The expression of cold and cold is unchanged. "You are so kind, don't you be afraid to grab your inner Dan when you arrive?"

Ling Yuxuan smiled. "I know that you have done a lot of work to hunt down the demon king. Of course, you have to share the benefits with you. After all, it is your own. Let's go, those guys have been waiting for some time."

Yu Lengyu hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Ye Shaoyang. "Are you going?"

"Go, why not go."

Ling Yuxuan smiled and said: "Is Ye Shixiong also want to share a piece of cake?"

"The demon king is your home?"

Ye Shaoyang asked, in fact, he was not interested in the big demon, he just wanted to protect the cold jade, and very reluctant to let Yan Lengyu alone with this guy who hit her idea.

"The demon king is not my home, but when I can win the inner Dan, I will look at my own skills." Ling Yuxuan said.

"You can find it first." Ye Shaoyang is too lazy to make a dispute.

Outside the door, Ling Lixuan stopped the Bentley in the daytime. He first opened the front passenger's door for Yan Lengyu, and then told Ye Shaoyang: "You can sit behind."

Ye Shaoyang got a depressed car.

Along the way, Ling Yuxuan kept talking to Yan Lengyu about how he united the masters of the major sects, and then scattered a sand as a disciplined whole. The words revealed the meaning of controlling everything.

"These people cooperate with each other and finally set the scope within five kilometers. I want to practice tonight, use the five ghosts to find the exact position."

Ye Shaoyang's heart and soul, the five ghosts and the same heart, is a very high-level magic of the Taoist, to curse the ghosts, to stimulate the keen perception of the ghost, to find a place near the yin gathering.

However, the use of the five ghosts and concentric arrays is very labor-intensive, and only the above-mentioned tablets can be used.

Ling Yuxuan will use the five ghosts to move the mountain array, indicating that he is at least a heavenly master.

At his age, breaking through the Tianshi tablet, even in the long history of Daomen, is extremely rare, no wonder won the "Golden Boy" nickname.

Ling Yuxuan smiled at Ye Shaoyang through the rearview mirror: "With Ye Tianshi's mana, it is not a problem to display the five ghosts."

Ye Shaoyang did not hear it and did not want to answer such a naive question.

After stopping for a while, Lin Yuxuan asked: "Ye Shixiong, where did the Taoist brother go, do you know?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him through the rearview mirror and said, "What do you ask him?"

"When he was the most beautiful in the past, unfortunately I was still young and could not catch up. When I came back from school, he did not know where to go. I really wanted to see him and talk about it..."

"The road has never been told."

The madman didn’t know what to call. Ye Shaoyang even suspected that he could carry a complete passage.

"Then fight the law." Ling Yuxuan said, "I really want to see how the so-called "human god" is how strong."

Ye Shaoyang snorted.

Ling Yuxuan said: "Is it funny?"

"It's really funny, sorry I can't help it." Ye Shaoyang waved his hand. "I really don't know, where is your courage."

"Do you think I will lose very badly?" Ling Yuxuan disapproved. "Any person who has disappeared will generally be said to be amazing. In reality, it may not be so powerful."

"Well, I really hope that you have a chance to fight with him," Ye Shaoyang said. "But the premise is that he is willing to do it with you."

Ling Yuxuan smiled a little, and some disdain.

The car drove out of the city, came to a mountain, and went up the winding mountain road to the top of the mountain, stopping in an open space.

After getting off the bus, the seven or eight figures immediately greeted them, and they smiled and dealt with Lin Yuxuan.

"Why did Lin Shixi come, we waited for a while." A young man said, but there is no trace of blame in his tone.

"I am going to pick up a friend," Lin Yuxuan stood behind Yu Lengyu and introduced him. "This is a rumored disciple of Master Yigu, who is lucky enough to have studied with Master Yigu for a while, so she is also considered to be My sister is."

In turn, they asked them to introduce them one by one.

Ye Shaoyang listened to the side, both of the Buddha and the Buddha, the Eight Diagrams Gate, the Heavenly Taoist Temple, and the Lingyin Temple... are young disciples of some small sects, and the maximum is no more than 30 years old.

Behind this group of young mages, they stood two people, all in their forties, one Buddha.

It is a generation of disciples of Longhushan and Jiuhuashan. The aura is leaking, indicating that the mana is not weak.

"I almost forgot, I also invited the brother Ye Shaoyang from Maoshan to help."

Lin Yuxuan turned and introduced to Ye Shaoyang. "In my years of studying abroad, Master Ye has made a great reputation in the magic world. You may have heard that this time, Ye Yexiong can help us, and it is also a big boost."

A few people and Ye Shaoyang simply saw the ceremony, the attitude is very cold.

Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that these guys are Ling Yuxuan's younger brothers. They seem to know the grudges between them. One guy said to Ling Yuxuan's flattering: "With Ling brother, you can control the situation and you don't need anyone to help. It is necessary to bear the human feelings."

The other said: "Yes, Master Ling, this time you lead us to kill the demon king, you will certainly shake the magic world, the name of the first disciple of Daomen, you are none other than you."

Ye Shaoyang sneered in his heart and didn't want to argue with silly.

"Ye Shiyi." The 40-year-old Taoist priest came forward and made a head. "I didn't want to meet here today."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it for a while, and saw some good, but did not know, but also returned a gift, said: "Uncle know me?"

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