Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 889: Grimace flower

The water body tossed for a while, see Xue Qi ignore, and dive.

There are four water tanks here. Since there are water bodies in one, there must be others.

Xue Qi can't figure out why he wants to keep the water corpse in the water tank. Who is it, what is the purpose?

What is the existence of this corpse ditch?

Suddenly, the whole body produced a feeling of being peeped.

Xue Qi immediately turned her head and looked at nothing. The open-air room separated by two cement walls is very empty and there is nothing on the ground.

But the feeling of being peeped is very strong, and it is impossible to have nowhere to go.

Xue Qi walked around the corpse pool, and finally her eyes fell on a stone in the middle of the corpse pool. The stone was angular and looked like a rock.

There are some lines that seem to be naturally formed. Before Xue Qi’s attention was on the water tank, I didn’t look carefully. I carefully observed it and suddenly found that these lines were together and turned out to be the shape of an animal.

Just a little abstract, I can't see it.

Observing a long while, Xue Qi confirmed that this is a fox! On behalf of the lines of the five senses, put together a sly face, two slender eyes, reflecting a shimmer in the moonlight.

It’s these eyes, watching yourself!

A fear of no reason, in the heart of Xue Qi surged.

Xue Qi pretends to find an abnormality, wraps around the back of the stone, jumps up the wall, and looks back at the whole time to make sure that this is definitely a demon array. Although I don’t understand the construction and mechanism of the formation completely, such a big handwriting is definitely not The general array method.

Jumping from the fence, Xue Qi walked across from the corpse pool, on both sides of the building, in the middle of the stadium and garden.

A closed sewer at the foot extends into the garden.

Entering the garden, Xue Qi immediately felt a strong yin, surrounded by a leafy tree.

Xue Qi observed it and found that these trees are not human plants, but some varieties of ghost fields: bloody, winter vine, soothing grass...

Xue Qi looked at the heart.

The plants of these ghost fields have the characteristics of yang and yin: absorbing yang and transforming yin. In the underworld is the normal state of life, but the opposite is true. If it is natural growth, unless it is in the cemetery where the tomb, the nest is extremely heavy, there is no possibility of survival.

However, the wisdom of human beings is infinite. There are some wizards who are cultivating and groping for the method of planting yin wood. They will go through the yin to find these ghosts and aliens, bring them to the world, plant them with secret methods, and use them to cultivate evil spirits or cultivate evil spirits.

But that is a small area of ​​planting, a two trees are OK, too much to serve.

Like a large area of ​​planting in front of me, forming a garden, if not seeing it with her own eyes, Xue Qi could not believe it.

How do you survive with so many pubes? Is it because the demon array here isolates the inner and outer space and changes the surrounding gas field?

It’s just that there are so many yin, the yin produced every day is enough to create a yin nest.

Therefore, so many species of yin are here, and certainly have a special purpose.

Xueqi walked along the sewer and walked to the middle of the garden, immediately attracted by the middle pattern, and was puzzled:

The sewer is not just the one under his feet. There are four in total, showing the word "Ten", which extends from four directions and merges into the middle pond.

Unlike the pool on the side of the wall, there is no concrete platform around the pond. It is a depression, a depression, and a purple flower around it.

The leaf is only one piece, still up, with a black pattern on it, forming a face shape that seems to be smiling in wickedness.

Grimace flower!

Xue Qi was a mage before his death. He also walked through the yin. He saw this plant in the ghost field. It was the grievance of the ghost. He grew up at the water's edge. Unlike the yin wood, the ghost face absorbs the yin in the air. Gas, through the roots, releases the yin into the water.

Xue Qi walked to the water and looked at the layers of ghost face flowers. It seemed that there were countless faces laughing at myself. This feeling was a bit shocking.

The openings of the four sewers are all in the pond, and the black water continuously flows into the pond. The strange thing is that the water in the pond is very clear. After the black water flows in, the black gas is immediately sucked into the bottom of the water and merged into the middle.

Looking intently, there seems to be something in the middle of the pond. Underneath the potential water, like a stone, the black gas flowing down the sewer, wraps around the stone, rotates quietly, and is absorbed.

Xue Qi looked up, her eyes slowly passed through everything around her, and her mind was calculated. There were some judgments: the yin wood in the garden absorbed yang every day and produced a lot of yin, and then these yin were again Absorbed and converted into water.

There are four water bodies in the small pool next to the wall. Every day, the corpse is constantly produced. It flows through the sewers and gathers in the water. It may also be purified into yin through some invisible transformation...

Even the demon array used to isolate the gas field of the orphanage is part of the whole process, in order to create an environment in which the pubescent and grimace flowers grow.

In this way, everything in this orphanage is likely to be for a certain biological service in the pond, to help it cultivate... What will it be?

Xue Qi’s mind flashed two words: the demon king!

Such a big demon array, such a well-intentioned design, if it is used to prepare for the demon king to be born, then everything is explained.

Thinking of all this, Xue Qi is so excited that she can't wait to tell Ye Shaoyang right away, but after thinking about it, it matters a lot. I still have to investigate more and determine the truth. After all, there are blood donated by those children. I don’t know where it is used. .

When I walked to the water's edge, Xue Qi looked up at the black-wrapped thing in the water. I really couldn't see what it was, and I didn't want to take the risk to check it out, so as not to be shocked, think about it, or investigate other aspects.

So I walked along the other sewer, and there was also a pool, exactly the same as the opposite: four water bodies were closed in the four tanks.

The other two sides don’t have to look at it, so it must be the same.

Four pools, each with four water bodies, together with sixteen.

Sixteen water bodies, the corpse that can be produced every day, is a terrible number, not to mention the generation of years.

Even if you throw an ordinary corpse in the middle of the pond, you will not be able to practice it as a corpse for a long time...

Xue Qi felt chilling when she thought about it. This matter is definitely not handled by oneself.

She returned to the dormitory and planned to stay for another day to find more secrets, and then informed Ye Shaoyang to discuss countermeasures.

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