Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 914: Mysterious fox 2

"It is estimated that almost all foxes will participate in the war. Even some foxes who are fascinating in the world will not be tempted to join them. When the war is opened, it will be a battle between the sect and the magical world. At that time, the war will spread to the whole. Yaozu... I ask, can the Yaozu defeat the magical world? Even if it wins, will the Yinsi sit and watch it?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned. "You have no confidence in Jiuwei Tianhu?"

"I don't have the confidence, because there are people in the world, there are a lot of powerful wizards, and there are three gods of the yin and the gods... the Yaozu, it is impossible to win, even if the nine-tailed fox is repaired, the best result is also scored. Ghost domain, hide.

The magical world will sweep the world and clear the remnants of the demon. That is the real disaster of the demon. At that time, our foxes can only sneak in the ghost domain.

Now, I feel very good. The balance between humans and the demon family, even if there is a evil spirit of the evil spirits, will be killed by the mage, the shape is not a big storm, those who are repairing the fairy, are not affected. ”

Speaking of this, Sun Yingjiao sighed. "Not to mention that once the battle of the **** occurs, our fox is the first to bear the brunt of it. I will not be able to think about it. So, the nine-tailed fox is born. For us, it is actually A curse is not the gospel."

This remark made Ye Shaoyang’s heart shake and could not speak for a while.

芮冷玉喃 said: "It is true that whether it is human or ghost domain, what is needed is balance, people, demon, ghosts, evil spirits, all need to balance, mutual restraint, once a certain kind of life is alone, it will cause The disaster..."

Sun Yingjiao nodded. "I have already enlightened, so I think more, but most of the fairies don't think so."

Four treasures inserted: "There is no shortage of spirits in the goblin. Why don't most of them think so?"

"After all, the nine-tailed fox is too strong, and the big goblins can't stand this temptation, and most of them don't know the strength of the human master. They think that the nine-tailed fox can sweep the world, but I know...

Of course, there are also a lot of demon singers who have seen the greed, have already hid themselves, and are afraid of getting into trouble. Most of the temptations of the foxes are some of the cults, and they are not safe. ”

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and thoroughly understood. Looking at Sun Yingjiao, "Why do you want to help the Foxes to do things, to be a spy?"

"It was my master who sent me. I waited for three years with my foxes. I was a seven-tailed fox, and I was a deeper one. Secondly, I was also a fox genie, so it is easy to gain trust. Three years later, I have long been Become a fox confidant."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me the truth early?" Ye Shaoyang wondered.

"Although I am a fox confidant, but she is suspicious of nature, I dare not take it wrong. I usually don't dare to come out. Today, I still hold a blood sacrifice with my fox, I can't distract myself, I find the opportunity to come out and tell you this."

Sun Yingjiao took a map from her clothes and said:

"I don't have time to say too much. Everything is on it. You can understand it when you look at it. The demon's demon squad has a valve. I mark it on it. To save the children, only the vent is out. The blood sacrifice is 10%. The demon king is born, just at the moment of day and night, everything looks at you, Shi Shu."

Sun Yingjiao finished, facing Ye Shaoyang, bowed and walked toward the window.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai did not stop, let her fly away from the window.

"I didn't expect this to happen," Sibao looked at Sun Yingjiao's direction and sighed. "There is a reason for her to do it. We have a little more control. You can see the map in Shaoyang."

Ye Shaoyang didn't worry about looking at the map, looking around and saying: "Do you think that her words are credible?"

Everyone is holding back.

“Did she be a liar?” pony exclaimed. “It’s not like watching.”

"The liar is not, it is indeed her, guiding Xue Qi to find the layout of the demon array. Since she knows that Xue Qi is sent by me, even if it is to defraud my trust, there is absolutely no need to pay the bill."

Yan Lengyu followed the words and said:

"This is one of them. Second, if she is a group with the fox, it is absolutely unnecessary. We don't know that Xue Qi's identity has been leaked. She can use this to create more conspiracy, but Looking now, she didn't lie to us, just telling us the terrain, it's not logical..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "So, she shouldn't lie in this regard. But in her words, there is a fatal loophole, have you found out?"

Everyone looks at each other.

Yan Lengyu sank a bit, said: "Since she was the master's life to sneak to the side of the fox, even if her master can not beat the fox, can also publish the placard, ask the world mages to go to the discussion, there is no need to drag to three In the year, before the nine-tailed fox is about to be born, it will tell us the truth."

When everyone heard it, they suddenly realized it.

Ye Shaoyang nodded: "This is the case, and she said that there is no chance to tell me the truth. This is not realistic. After all, we are not investigating this matter for a day or two. Even if there is no chance recently, we can tell other mages before... he is Come to tell us the truth at the last minute, don’t you think it’s too good?”

When Sibao heard this, he finally understood and thought for a moment and said: "So, this Sun Yingjiao and her master must have their own purposes."

I slammed my head, "I thought of it! Their purpose is to make the demon king come out!"

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "How is this possible, if the demon king is born, tell us what to do?"

"No, no, don't, listen to me, her master is even stronger, and certainly not the opponent of the nine-tailed fox. We don't say how this priest knows that the demon king is going to be born. From his perspective, think about it:

If you inform the magical world in advance, then the demon king has not yet reached the time of birth, the fox is not a climate, there is no power, as long as she got her, the seal demon king is a piece of cake, but this priest can not get any benefit Now, the Fox is full and we are hard-working. Even if we can win, we will lose a lot and lose both."

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes lit up: “Then the priest is fishing in the water and fishing for the benefits?”

"Nedan, his purpose must be Nedan!"

Four treasures took a deep breath and said: "Nine-tailed Tianhu is too strong. He is afraid that we are not an opponent. So I will tell you at the last minute. When we rush over, the demon king is almost born. In a big battle, this Taoist mana must not be low. He watched behind the cold eyes, and he shot at the crucial moment, and he was very likely to grab Nedan!"

The pony snorted. "Mom, let's be shot by this master and the disciples!"

Four treasures: "Yes, too early, the demon king was sealed, he did not have the opportunity to **** the inner Dan, too late, the demon king was born, we are not opponents, so it must be this time to tell us the truth, it will cause a fight This Taoist, my heart is deep!"

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