Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 921: Crisis 2

Xue Qi rings in front and directs the young children out.

"What person?" asked a voice.

Xue Qi walked out of the gap and looked at it. There were a lot of policemen armed with guns and bullets. Just about to open, Xie Yuqing came over and saw Xue Qi, his eyes brightened.

"Snowy, are you okay?"

Xie Yuqing touched her head and squeezed her face. The two had been alone for a few days, and Xie Yuqing had always treated her as a younger sister. Xue Qi had no choice but to accept it.

"Only you alone?" Xie Yuqing glanced at the gap, and the black-painted one did not see it.

"There are two mages, saying that they are friends of Shaoyang."

Xue Qi also looked back and didn't see the two people.

"Forget it, it is estimated to help me in it. You have to pick up the children. Go back and talk."

Xie Yuqing immediately greeted his men and took the children into the car one by one.

These children simply don't resist, almost like vegetative people.

"They... can they recover?" Xie Yuqing asked worriedly.

"As long as you clear the corpse, no problem, it will take a while."

Watching the young children being sent to the car one by one, Xue Qi’s heart was completely grounded, and it’s not a good idea to spend a few days on the underside.

Xue Qi showed a satisfactory smile.

Xie Yuqing came up and screwed her face and said: "The little girl is not bad. Go back and ask for iron squid."

"Okay." Xue Qi smiled slightly. As a ghost corpse, she didn't have to eat anything. She didn't dare to be interested in ordinary human food. Only after Xie Yuqing took her to eat the sizzling squid, she remembered the taste. She doesn't know why.

Two vans, all the children were connected, Xie Yuqing had to personally send them back, and then arranged, Xueqi would go back to help Ye Shaoyang, so bid farewell.

"You have to be careful!" Xie Yuqing walked two steps forward and said, "Tell Ye Shaoyang, let him be careful, don't miss your arms and legs."

Xue Qi smiled and watched the car drive far away. She walked back from the wall hole and saw Ling Yuxuan and Liu Ruxu stand a little farther. They walked over and asked, "Why don't you follow the past?"

"You can do it, we are here to help you, let's go, there is already on the side, let's help."

Xue Qi did not suspect him, followed up.

Ling Yuxuan smiled at her and said: "This is really thanks to you, dozens of children, your merits are infinite."

"I don't do it, and naturally someone will do it." Xue Qi said with a sigh of relief. "But it can make so many children free from death, and I am happy too. Even if I die, it will be worth it."

"No wonder you will be Ye Shaoyang's ghost servant, you are like him..." Ling Yuxuan suddenly stood and stared at her forehead. "How do you have ghost prints on your forehead?"

"What?" Xue Qi reached out and touched.

"You don't move, I am coming!" Ling Yuxuan extended his finger and pressed in the middle of Xue Qi's eyebrows. “What is the feeling?”

"It's very hot." Xue Qi said, "What happened?"

"The heat is right." Ling Yuxuan smiled. "I didn't finish the sentence just now. You are like Ye Shaoyang. They are all... 榆木疙瘩."

The fingertips slammed hard, and Xue Qi felt an irresistible force, sucking out his three souls, and the body slowly fell to the ground, unconscious.

Ling Yuxuan put away the glittering five emperor money, watching Xue Qi fell to the ground, a smile.

"It's better to destroy the corpse," Liu said.

Ling Yuxuan shook her head. "It ruined her body. It is legal to kill. It is not necessary. I use her three souls to come to Ye Shaoyang."

Liu Ruxue said with a bit of dissatisfaction: "How good is Ye Yangyang? It is worthy of your calculations. I have lost my mind before I even lost."

"I have the confidence to beat him, but I always have to do more. If I lose, there is at least something to marry him."

Liu Rufeng sighed: "I don't think you can use it at all. You haven't met an opponent yet, what can you do with Ye Shaoyang?"

The two walked down the sewer and walked quickly toward the middle of the garden.

Ye Shaoyang and other masters are still struggling to kill the enemy.

The devils who jumped from the monster flag were fierce, and the almost innumerable zombies and all kinds of goblins and evil spirits were almost black and pressed.

It’s just that these ghosts and corpses are nothing, but it’s a pity that the thirty-three-legged demon squad is like a yin nest. The strength of all evil spirits has been strengthened by three or four times in the demon squad. It’s the thirty-three evil spirits, each with the strength of a ghost, which is very difficult to deal with.

There are also a large number of people in the magical world, and they are not the elders of a certain sect. They are the chief disciples. They hold the door to the strong implements in their hands, and they form a circle. Together with the offensive and defensive, they can resist at first, but the more they fight. Going down, the more crazy these sorcerers are, and the demon has a terrible place:

Extremely strong yin, can reduce the recovery time of the monster after the injury, some ghosts and monsters once they are injured, immediately flee, or how long it will recover. Unless killed.

But the suffocation in these wizards is limited...

Fortunately, under the cover of everyone, Zhang Wusheng finally found the demon flag of the main array of the demon squad, and broke it with the dissident master. The yin immediately dissipated and the formation was broken.

The strength of the sorcerer's corpse immediately fell, and many of the mages counterattacked and shattered it.

"There is no need to pursue the ranks. Several of us have already encircled the encirclement around the wall. Any evil things can't go out. Let's seal the demon king first, then search slowly!"

After Zhang Wusheng finished, he took the lead in rushing into the woods. Everyone quickly kept up.

The trees are still overcast, and almost no fingers are visible.

The pony opened the wolf's eye flashlight and took it out, but he only saw a dark mist and was surprised. "This is so smog, even the wolf flashlight can't shine!"

"You and Guo brothers are behind me, don't go away!" Ye Shaoyang commanded, opened his eyes, and in the heavy shadows, saw a bloody, shocked heart.

Although there is no evil thing around him, but he has a hunch, the hidden things in the cloud in front of him, I am afraid that the demon is even more terrible!

Everyone went together and walked for ten minutes. It was still dark.

"This is not scientific!" The pony first picked it up. "We have so many people together, we have been walking for so long, we can almost go from the head of the orphanage to the other end. Why haven’t they gone out of the woods? Is it a ghost wall? Already?"

Everyone read the curse of the martial art, or sacrificed the magic weapon, and the beams of various colors flew out, dazzling, but after returning to calm, the magic barrier remained.

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