Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 933: Real celestial 2

Ling Yuxuan looked at Ye Shaoyang, and the light of the beast was released in his eyes.

Although he was defeated, but as long as he can defeat Ye Shaoyang, he can still find the way back, according to the previous agreement, become the first disciple of the magic circle.

The Longyang real person suddenly ran over and handed the ball: "The two heavenly masters, the formation of the law, and the two first seal the demon king, and then fight the law..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Longyang Shishu, I am not disregarding the whole situation, let me fight with such people, I can't do it at all. I am worried that he will lick my knife behind him. How can I go all out? The fighting is over, I naturally try my best. Go and deal with the demon king!"

Longyang real people still want to say something, the interpretation of the letter has not announced a Buddha. "Everything is causal, let them first but their own cause and effect, eliminate karma, and then set the center to deal with the demon king."

Zhang Wusheng called the Longyang real person to his side, whispering: "The struggle between the two factions, they have developed to this point, others have been unable to control it, let them solve it themselves, we can't hide in Longhushan, never participate! Just like the show."

Everyone is also holding this kind of mentality, looking at the two young heavenly masters, and the look is full of hopes that can’t be concealed.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time." Ling Yuxuan looked at Ye Shaoyang, put out his tongue and licked his lips. "You haven't brought the Tianshi card, you don't want to lose, and you argue that you didn't bring it."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him and raised the Qixing Longquan sword and rushed up.

Ling Yuxuan also fought a whip and flew up.

The two men battled into a group at once, and they didn't use any spells. They just boiled each other. You went back and forth, and the speed was extremely fast. The people watching were dazzled.

Xiaomara, Lao Guo, wondered: "How does this fight like a martial arts master, just cut and cut, not doing it?"

"In the beginning, it is better than the spelling, what is urgent." Lao Guo bowed his head and continued to play the phone.

When the pony saw that he was playing with music, he frowned. "I said, how do you feel that you are not worried about small leaves at all?"

"How are all winning, what are you worried about? Wait until you hit the wonderful time."

Pony gave him a white look, his hands on his lips, shouting: "Small leaves come on!" Go back and encourage a little partner, "Let's cheer!"

A few people looked at him and looked like a silly.

Yue Heng looked at the two sides with a look of anticipation. He seemed to be unable to hold back. He wanted to join the battle. Suddenly his brow wrinkled and realized that a beam of gaze fell on himself. He turned his head and looked at it. I myself, but then I turned my eyes away.

Ye Shaoyang and Ling Yuxuan struggled for a few minutes, suddenly shouted, the long sword shook, breaking through the protection of the whip, a sword cut on Ling Yuxuan's shoulder, blood spray.

Ling Yuxuan clenched his teeth, his left hand was sealed, and the second finger held the Jianfeng and bounced hard.

Ye Shaoyang also squeezed a lawsuit, and the two men saw the move and the fight.

Uh... every time a palm collide, there will be a spiritual impact. The two are in a lot of clothes, but the people stand still. After a few minutes, the two are soaked in sweat, and the speed of pinching is also increasing. fast.

Ye Shaoyang once shot, can change the handcuffs five times, Ling Yuxuan is not bad, see the move, the fight is not happy.

"The scorpion can teach, the scorpion can teach..." After the Huang Yidao people launched the thirteen murderous star array, they were relatively idle, standing on the demon spar to watch the battle. At this time, they saw two strange ways, and they could not help but admire. Out of voice.

The disciples of the magical circles who watched the war have already been shocked and unable to speak, and they sighed one by one.

Only one person did not watch the fighting: Chen Lu sat on the trunk on the left side of the road, holding his face in both hands, and a pair of stars stared at the wind.

"The wind..."

"What?" The wind looked at her.

"I will call you if nothing happens." Chen Lu's voice is as soft as water.

The road is speechless, as long as you pretend to watch the law seriously, no longer care about him. Yang Gong snorted.


A loud noise broke out from the palm of the hand that Ye Shaoyang and Ling Yuxuan met, and each of them retired a few steps. Ye Shaoyang was calm and relaxed, Ling Yuxuan was secretly breathing, his eyes were cold, and before he bullied him, he played three magical symbols, and with the number of three talents, he swayed toward Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang also played four charms and placed them into four-figure arrays to meet them.

The two arrays collided, Ling Yuxuan's three talents were broken, and the charms fell instantly. He then shot two charms, and the mantra was finished. The spirits lighted up and shattered the four elephants of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang immediately drew a real fire symbol, hit it out and turned it into a group of Ziwei Tianhuo. The Lingyu Xuan's aquatic characters were baked and burned to ashes and flew toward Ling Yuxuan's face.

Ling Yuxuan is not anxious or slow, and sacrifices two more water-like characters than the aquatic character, like the two dragons absorb water, one on the other, extinguishing the Ziwei Tianhuo.

Ye Shaoyang draws another character, and the mantra is finished. The volley is thrown out, and immediately a wave of squally winds is mixed with sand and dust.

After finishing the whole body and pinching, the two men fought again. At first, I saw the break symbol. Later, one of the characters was not enough. The two people quickly flicked the characters and played the characters. At one time, the air spirits around the two people flew in the air. The various creatures collided with each other and the collision continued. It was dazzling and stunned.

The low-ranking Taoist priests, each with a complex expression, can't help but reach out and follow the rhythm of the two men's tactics.

Daomen Fushu, there are "Zhang, Dao, Hand" points, just like the "style, stroke" of the martial arts master, a character is composed of several pieces, forming a matrix, the front one is still not old, the latter one is played again. And call one hand, wait for the end of the first hand, collide with the other party or the spiritual power disappears, re-type, and recalculate.

The Taoist of the real-life card can play three or four characters in a hand, which is considered brilliant. And Ye Shaoyang and Ling Yuxuan, at least six starts, sometimes fighting fiercely, and even able to play eighty-nine characters in one breath, simply surprised the crowd.

Every time a new one starts, the onlookers can't help but extend their hands and simulate the technique and rhythm of Ye Shaoyang or Ling Yuxuan. They often can't keep up with two or three hands.

"Forget it, I will not be able to cultivate this level for a lifetime. The way they play the characters is not what we can learn." A small Taoist simulated a few hands and gave up in the March 4th.

More and more Taoist priests give up the simulation and count the rhythm of the two people: "... five, six, seven, eight, nine! ten!"

When Ye Shaoyang hit the tenth sign, everyone shivered and followed.

"Twelve, thirteen!!!"

The crowd is boiling.

Ye Shaoyang is also in a state of near madness, constantly typing, cracking the opponent, hitting 13 characters in one breath, then withdrawing and retreating, hands-on seals, opening and closing, yelling: "Broken!"

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