Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 937: Different roads

Ye Shaoyang rushed to the wind and hit a finger, like a child to invite merits: "Hey, how!"

The wind shook his head gently.

Ye Shaoyang understood what he meant and spit out his tongue.

After all, he is a mage. Revenge is revenge. Killing is already the bottom line. It is also deflated. I dare not go any further.

"What does she do?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Liu Rufeng.

Ling Yuxuan’s death has already spurred her, and the whole person is in a state of utter disappointment.

Although this woman is an accomplice of Ling Yuxuan, but after all, sin does not die, and ... she is a woman. Ye Shaoyang really didn't know what to do with her, so she let her go, and felt a little unwilling.

"Dao Feng... Shi Yan." Dust Master was too busy to complete the arrangement, standing up sweaty, rushing the wind and hands together, said earnestly:

"Liu Ruxu was a disciple under my door. Although he violated the precepts, he was not strict with his discipline. He also had responsibility. He had also expelled her from the division. It was a punishment. Ling Yuxuan was taken care of by himself, and he was not enough to die. From the light down..."

Longyang real people also went forward to persuade.

The disciples of the other sects met with them, and they also enjoyed their personal feelings and went forward to persuade them.

The road did not pay attention to them, turned to look at Liu Ruxu, said: "You are not a good person, but after you are really sincere to Ling Yuxuan, I can't bear to let your soul fly away and go back to humanity."

When everyone heard his last sentence, he was shocked and shouted.

The wind did not care, and a palm was shot on the door of Liu Rufeng. A horrible force broke open the crack in the void, dragging the soul of Liu Ruxu into the ghost domain, and went straight to the eyes of the reincarnation. Live, directly into the humanity, and went to life.

Everyone looked at each other and was shocked and shocked.

The dust collector changed his face too much, looking at the wind, and said coldly: "Although she has committed the crime of being heinous, after all, it is a man who is not a ghost. You are only a mage. What qualifications are there to send others to life and death. Today, I want to Look for Qingyunzi theory!"

The road faintly said: "You made a mistake, I have been expelled from the division, no longer a Maoshan disciple, what I do, I don't have to be responsible to anyone."

"You--" Dustmaster is too speechless. After all, Qingyunzi expelled him from the division. Everyone knows this.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the wind and didn't know what to say.

"What's going on!" next to the eye of the reincarnation, a ghost said, "There have been two people who have been beaten into the animal, and this one has been humanized!"

Another ghost said: "It must be done in the human world. This is not the first time. Let's hurry to report it!"

These two ghosts quickly left the bank of the Forget River, just arrived at the bridge, saw a majestic figure volley, and hurriedly fell to the ground.

"I have seen the Three Kings."

The king of the three kings said: "This thing has been known to the revolving king. He has already found out what he is doing. This king will go to the world to catch the demon road before the soldiers. You must not leave the job!"

After talking about flying away, the two ghosts went to the light and shadow to return to the river.


The pony picked up Ling Yuxuan’s whip from the ground, and happily ran to Ye Shaoyang’s side, saying: “How to deal with this baby? It’s better to give it to me!”

Ye Shaoyang grabbed it and said: "You are not a master, you can't use this, or a broken soul wand is right for you."

"Why am I not a gods!" The pony was dissatisfied.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him and walked into the crowd. His eyes swept away and found that no one was suitable for this thing:

This hitting whip is a Taoist ritual. The four treasures can't be used. The cold jade has the pine-grained ancient sword and the five-gold golden lotus. It doesn't need this. As for Xiaobai Xiaoqing and others, it is not a ghost or a demon, but it is not. Old Guo is suitable, but the mana is too low, he does not like to fight with people, so ignore.

After thinking about it, I came to Yue Heng and said, "Do you want it?"

Yue Heng looked at the whip and shook his head. He said: "I am used to using my fist."

Ye Shaoyang was scratched and scratched his head. Such a good implement could not be sent out. He was hesitating. Suddenly he felt a loose hand, and he wandered away from his hand and flew out.

I hurriedly turned to look at it, and the whip was caught in the hands of the wind.

"I want it." The wind raised the whip, gazing at it, a blue light, overflowing from the whip, and the gods sighed.

"Dao Feng, Ling brother died, and the whip should return to the door, how can you grab our things!"

"Yeah, you still killed two disciples in my sect, how can this account count!"

Several Kunlun disciples were not willing to scream.

The wind squinted at them and looked at them. "This account, I will go to your ancestral door, people will talk, and I will kill you, I will kill them. If you want to settle in advance, then come over." ”

A few people were shocked and looked at each other, only to swallow. Hiding in the crowd, no one dares to go forward.

"This account, someone will count with you in the future!"

Several Kunlun Mountain disciples knew that they were not opponents. They said that they were useless. They launched one person and cleaned up Ling Yuxuan’s body, together with the body of Liu Ruxue, and the two Kunlun Mountain disciples who were killed by the wind. , carrying the dingy away.

Suffering from such a great sacrifice, they did not have the heart to stay and annihilate the demon king. Moreover, because of the fear of the wind, they did not want to stay, so as not to be accidentally killed by this comet.

He said that to let Kunlun go out of the door...

"Time is not early." Zhang Wusheng stood up and said, "Other things, or later, let's talk about it. The two sets of formations have already been formed. We will activate the formation method and form a large array of water and land, and the seal demon king will matter."

Speaking of this sigh, his eyes turned to Ye Shaoyang, "Ye Shizhen, can now seal the demon king with peace of mind?"

Ye Shaoyang is embarrassed to smile. "You connect the array first, I will adjust the interest."

Sit down and sit down on the spot and start to use the big Sunday to breathe the heart to restore your anger.

Just a battle with Ling Yuxuan, he was also injured, and he urgently needed to adjust his interest rate.

Guagua, Xiaobai Xiaoqing and other ghost servants, all gathered around him to protect the law.

Behind him are the human members of the Ghost Federation: Yan Lengyu, Lao Guo, Xiao Ma, Yue Heng.

Wu Xiaoxu and Wu Jiawei glanced at each other and stood a little further behind them.

After experiencing those things, both of them have an idea: this "ghost catching alliance" is a solid whole, even more solid than any martial art.

Although acting sinisterly, regardless of the consequences, but only punish the wicked, have revenge, not only did not hurt innocent, but also saved so many orphans.

This kind of alliance of people, ghosts, demon, evil spirits makes them feel very novel, faintly want to join, but they are afraid that they will not accept new people, and their own plans, after the end of this matter, let Ye Shaoyang go and talk.

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