Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 940: Heaven's Way 2

The masters and the first disciples of the various sects are still practicing, accumulating the power of the formation, and once again opening a gap in the 13th squad.

The mage who couldn't get the vegetables in the back immediately rushed up.

"I still want my ancestors to go out!"

The Huang Yidao people floated up, blocked the gap, and a few charms came out. Several Masters couldn’t resist it and fell into the blood pool. Two of them immediately turned to the shore, but one did not come up, in a scream. The quilt was eaten clean.

"You used to be!" Sun Yingjiao made a look at Ye Shaoyang. The mosquitoes generally said, "Others are not opponents."

Ye Shaoyang could not, but had to withdraw and quit, put Sun Yingjiao to Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and set aside everyone to go to fight Huang Yidao.

The Huang Yidao people came to see Ye Shaoyang, and they did not use any other instruments. They took out the Taomu sword and practiced it.

Ye Shaoyang fought against the sword and felt that the mahogany sword was extremely heavy. In the middle of a powerful spiritual power, there was also a demon, and suddenly thought of the words of the previous road: the Taoist in front of him, the real body is a white bat in the ancient chaotic period. ......

Leprechauns or Buddhists have been there since ancient times. They are generally coincidental. They are enlightened after listening to the Tao or Dharma. After the adult form, they practice or worship Buddha.

Although the difficulties are heavy, the speed is much slower than that of human cultivation. Fortunately, the fairy life is long-lasting, and the cultivation is several hundred years or even a thousand years. The high-savvy one can also stand shoulder to shoulder with the heavenly master, but such a fairy is influenced by the Dharma or the Dao. Generally, they are all repaired. Ye Shaoyang is the first time he has seen a goblin monk, but he has chosen evil.

"Kid, I told you before, about the cultivation of the heart, do you remember?" Huang Yidao said while playing the law, while leisurely and leisurely.

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "I am very curious, how do you get a cult evil?"

The Huang Yidao people shook their sleeves and shot eight pieces of five emperors. They hovered in the air to form a "gossip money lesson", which was released with pure spiritual power.

"Do you see this trick, can the evil repairs be done?"

Ye Shaoyang broke the money class with a sword, his brow wrinkled, and the sword went up.

The Huang Yidao people were not flustered, and their left hand was lifted up. Nie became an orchid finger, and it was made into a flower-like shape. A light bullet hit a Buddha light and hit the Ye Xing Longquan sword of Ye Shaoyang, bursting out a solemn Buddha sound.

"Do you see this hand, but what can be done by evil?"

Huang Yidao smiled. "My ancestor is the body of the demon, the Buddha and the rest of the buddha, my ancestor, I have a fate with you, and then teach you a sentence, listen to it: the people who cultivate the Tao, just be honest, do not need Sincere people."

Just be honest and don't need to be honest... Ye Shaoyang chews these two sentences, and there is a plausible feeling.

"What is good?" asked the Huang Yidao.

Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"What is evil?"

"Good is good, evil is evil!" Ye Shaoyang replied slyly.

The Huang Yidao people shook their heads: "If there is no evil in the world, is good or good?"

In the heart of Ye Shaoyang’s heart, I couldn’t help but think that if there is no evil, everyone will do good deeds, and naturally it’s normal, it’s not a good thing... I just think about it, but I forgot the attack.

The Huang Yidao people did not start, and then said: "One mind starts, good and evil have a sense of life, no good and no evil, the heart is never sorrowful. I kill thousands of people, save thousands of people, no good or evil in my heart. Read, nature does not be good or evil, if the world is evil, evil is good, evil is not good?"

Ye Shaoyang has a word and a word in the words, knowing that it is wrong, but faintly, there is some truth.

The thoughts in my heart flew, and the stream of light flashed in front of me. I couldn't help but close my eyes. Some of my minds were concentrated and collided with each other. The whole body shivered slightly, my eyebrows were locked, and a layer of sweat on my forehead was very painful.

The Huang Yidao people put their hands together and read a spell. They suddenly opened their hands, and a pure smoldering body burst out, forming an enchantment, blocking all the attacks of the mage, and slowly walked over to Ye Shaoyang, extending a finger and hanging. Stop at Ye Shaoyang's forehead, just wait for him to enlighten, and immediately go up.

"You have Huigen, I will be with you today, repair me quietly, to prove the mixed..."

On the treetop over there, Yang Gong slammed the wind and said: "You still don't shoot!"

“What are you doing?” The wind was a bit surprised.

"You will not shoot again, Ye Shaoyang may have to enter the devil, you will not save him, I can not see him ruined!" Then he will go to the body and be dragged by the wind.

"This is a test. Once you pass it, he may realize that the heart will be more stable." The style of the road is still leisurely. "People always have to go through several tests before they can grow up. I was like that at the time."

Yang Gongyi listened to him saying this, let go of his heart, muttered: "The demon said that it is not right, how can I listen to it and make sense? If it is not right, he relies on this heart, how is it made into a fruit? ?"

“Is the cabbage delicious, or is the meat delicious?”

"What!" Yang Gong stunned, completely unable to understand the clue, seeing the wind rushed to nod, knowing that he would not casually ask. Although the road wind also has a wonderful side, but no Ye Shaoyang is so ignorant, so honestly replied: "The meat is delicious."

The road wind smiled: "I want to think that cabbage is delicious, is it wrong?"

Yang Gong, Neine Road: "There is a difference in personal taste, and there is a right or wrong."

"That's it, the same is true of the monasticism. There is nothing in the world." The wind raised the door and said to Ye Shaoyang, "You have your way, I have my way, and my heart is firm." Everything is empty, and there is a heart. The monastic practice is actually self-cultivation."

His words, the sound of the sound into the ears of Ye Shaoyang, also drifted into the ears of all the Master, although the language is shallow, but many people are not clear, so can not comprehend.

The masters of several majors seem to have some enlightenment and are silent.

"Sin has been sinned, this thought is terrible!" The letter did not clasp his hands, shaking his head and said.

Ye Shaoyang flashed his forehead with a bright light, and suddenly opened his eyes. The Huang Yidao people laughed and said: "Thank you for the master."

The Huang Yidao smiled and reached out to his eyebrows.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his fingers, grabbed his fingers and slowly shook his head.

"You made me more determined, but your way, but not my way, you testify with evil spirits, it is your faith, I still believe in my way, the Tao is different, what do you have? Qualification points me?"

The Huang Yidao people lived.

"Even if there is no goodness in the world, evil or evil, even if everyone in the world is evil, and evil is good, I still insist on myself. Where the Tao is, although thousands of people, I am going!"

After the **** were forced, the sputum was transmitted, and the Huang Yidao people were shaken.

The road wind smiled.

"Ye Shaoyang has proved it!" Yang Gong's tone is very rare and reveals a hint of excitement.

Chen Lu is even more excited, blurted out: "The little uncle is terrific!" Suddenly thought that the wind was around, blushing and covering his mouth.

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