Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 949: 诛仙阵1

The pony heard their conversation and then came up and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Is Zhang Guo old not the Eight Immortals, how can I do these bad things?"

"It doesn't matter to Zhang Guo. He is one of the three corpses that fell from Zhang Guo's body. The three corpses are greedy, jealous, and idiotic. After squatting, in addition to inheriting some of the roots and mana, it is actually a collection of evil thoughts. In this way, the deity can be innocent and prove the Yuanyuan Avenue."

Lao Guo explained to him that in this knowledge, he knows more than Ye Shaoyang.

"This Huang Yidao person is probably the mourning or disdain of Zhang Guo." Ye Shaoyang guessed.

"I don't know what I mean, what does it mean in the end?" Xiaomadao.

Ye Shaoyang gave him a look, too lazy to explain.

Xiaoqing came up and wondered: "Greed love is not a monk's statement. How do you do this priests pay attention to this?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at a few monks in the field and didn't have a good answer. The road faintly said: "I am a child, and Buddha is the way."

The interpretation of the letter is nothing but sorghum. I don’t care if I listen to it. The other monks are immediately unhappy. The dispute between the Taoist and the Buddha has never stopped since ancient times. It is only in modern times, the times have changed, no one has mentioned it, and the magical circles pay attention to cooperation and generally do not vilify each other.

However, the words of Daofeng obviously have the meaning of ignoring Buddhism. A big monk stood up and looked at the road and said: "The Taoist beliefs are different. There is no such thing as a high score. But if you say too much, you should ask for help from the poor. Buddhism is all four empty, no body and no me, the Taomen blindly refining Dan Slim, is the technique of the micro end, where is it better than the Buddha?"

He said that this was originally intended to counter the ethos, but it was also inevitable that the Taoist slogan was not disappointing. The road was not angry. It was still a sly look. "The master made a mourning."

The monk still wants to distinguish, and the interpretation of the letter swears: "Yuan Lan lived! The world ruined me and yelled at me, I avoided him to let him, blindly by him, why distinguish."

The wind was heard, and the corner of the mouth appeared a scorn.

Ye Shaoyang walked over to the side of the road, watching him face covered with a black air, cold and cold: "The ancient evil spirits?"

When Fang Fang took the shot together, Ye Shaoyang felt the evil spirit released by this guy. There was a familiar feeling, and the evil spirits were ever-changing, but each ghost demon spirit had its own unique atmosphere and could never be changed.

The deeper the cultivation, the stronger the individualized atmosphere. Ye Shaoyang is a master of heaven, and he is very sensitive to this. Only when this guy is shot, Ye Shaoyang will realize that he was the only ancient **** who was beaten by the self-killing spirit and was swallowed up by the repairing ghosts.

Later, it ran away from the ghost mother and fled, and he also investigated it, but there has been no clue. If the atmosphere is too familiar, Ye Shaoyang can't believe it. He actually became a man of the wind.

The evil spirit faced him and said coldly: "Ye Tianshi is good at remembering."

Sure enough, he!

When Sibao and others listened, they immediately stepped forward and touched out the implements.

Ye Shaoyang reached out and stopped them. He looked at the road and said, "How do you explain?"

"I, why explain?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly said nothing, slowed down, said: "As a mage, to accommodate evil and evil spirits, the wind, what do you want to do!"

Daofeng Jianmei was vertical, staring at his eyes, indulging in words, and a few moments, said: "Do you want to enforce the law?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart burst into pain, and the ear suddenly rang the question that Qingyunzi asked himself: If there is a battle between you and the road, how will you face it? Can you kill him?

After a short stay, Ye Shaoyang rushed to the road and said: "Don't talk to me like this, others can, you can't!"

The road wind smiled lightly. "I thought you grew up. It turned out to be so childish."

Ye Shaoyang still wants to distinguish, Yang Gongyi suddenly floated on his body, holding Ye Shaoyang a shoulder, whispered in his ear: "The road must do this, there must be his reasons, go back and say, I promise to give you an account."

Chen Lu also came forward to ask: "Shaoyang, you are brothers, have something to go back and say..."

Ye Shaoyang smashed his cockroaches, gnawed his teeth, turned his back, and commanded the pony, picking up the smashing nails and carving the mother's big money.

Sibao and others saw that Ye Shaoyang did not get the evil spirits for the time being, and it was hard to say anything, and they packed up their own things.

Xie Yuqing also greeted the police and gathered the dead bodies together. There were a total of twenty, and there were policemen and mages.

Ye Shaoyang thought that if the previous winds led the men to promptly shoot, they might be able to seal the demon king directly, and there would be no such things behind, and they would not die so many people. In this way, the mood is more complicated.

After packing it up, I turned to look at it and found that the mage was still sitting in a circle, as if they were in a circle, could not help but wonder: "What are you doing?"

Everyone did not answer, and the interpretation of the letter did not look forward to the wind, said faintly: "Architecture!"

Twenty masters have printed together, urging the instruments, spiritual assembly, countless auras, forming a powerful enchantment.

When they were arguing with their brothers, these wizards secretly moved their positions, formed an enchantment, and slammed the wind and surrounded them.

This change in the scene surprised Ye Shaoyang and others.

"You... what is this!" Ye Shaoyang screamed.

The road is indifferent, and he said to those who intend to enter and protect him: "When you come to you, you must go first."

"Maintenance on the Lord!"

The ten-way figure immediately flew away, and Ye Shaoyang was all on the road, seeing them fleeing, and trying to catch up was too late, and had to give up.

Zhang Wusheng sighed and looked at the wind. He said:

"I don't want you to tell the truth. Before I waited for the formation, I thought that I would meet with you. I have decided to attack you. Daofeng, you were born in Maoshan, although you are angry, you are eager to win, everyone does not like you, but because you demonize Wei Dao, the yin and morality accumulated, I can't wait for it, but also to serve you. Now, if you break into the magic road, it is a great loss in the magical world. You still don't wake up?"

The road wind is unchanged, said: "Who said that I am enchanted?"

Zhang Wusheng said: "Do not say anything else, how do you explain the evil spirits?"

The road stopped for a moment and said: "Why should I explain?"

Zhang Wusheng sighs. "They have escaped, but you are their masters. We must take you and then send them down."

There is no way to interpret the letter: "There is no end to the sea, turning back to the shore, the wind and the wind, you can see that the law I used to use is the ‘Dan Xian’s squad of the Taoist Buddha. How about you than Jiang Taigong?”

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao and others have heard that they are 诛仙阵, secretly inhaling: Legend has it that this method came from the Taoist school, and once succumbed to the five golden celestial beings, because many of the disciples have later changed Buddhism and become Buddhas. The evolution of this method into a double array of Taoist Buddhas is even more powerful.

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