Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 961: Flying head pretty 1

Ye Shaoyang was helpless, but she couldn't stand her spoiled and had to promise.

The orange was happy to kiss him on his face and went out to sleep in his room.

Ye Shaoyang smashed the place where he was kissed by the oranges. He looked at the melons and melons. He also looked at him with wide eyes. He waited for him to open his mouth and said with a hand: "Boss, don’t send me to the ghost field to find out what news. I have been going back several times. You have to send me again, that is, you want to drive me away!"

"I won't go this time. I will go back with you and go down."

Gua Gua, "Boss, are you going to go yin?"

"Let's go down a bit, walk around what's going on, wait a few days. Sleep."

When Guagua heard that he would not go to the underworld again, he couldn’t do it happily, jumped onto the bed, lying on top of it.

Ye Shaoyang used to open it and lay down on his own. Guagua quickly climbed into his arms and glared at his chest.

Ye Shaoyang didn't smash a few times and screamed a few times. I sighed with a sigh of relief and had to lie down honestly.

Guagua is the demon of the ghost domain. It is said that it is not necessary to sleep, but he is a locust, sleep is cultivation, and he has to sleep like a person every day.

Ye Shaoyang put his hands behind his head and thought about the whole thing from beginning to end.

Ling Yuxuan died, the children were rescued, and the nine-tailed Tianhu was taken into the landscape of the Shanhe Society. The road was gone...

everything is over.

But Ye Shaoyang feels that there is no end, and many things have just begun.

Early the next morning, Jin Ying called and asked Ye Shaoyang to get the key. Ye Shaoyang guessed that he was instructed by Zhou Jingru. He had an appointment and got up and washed. In the past, the room was ringing.

"Who are you with?"

Qi Lengyu asked across the door.

"Nobody, just me."

This is the opening of the door.

芮冷玉 has not got up yet, his hair is unkempt, he is wearing pajamas and his face is lazy. It seems that it is a bit intimate, not quite the same as her usual.

Ye Shaoyang went into the house and asked, "Do you ask me if I am alone?"

"I don't want others to see how I didn't wash." Yan Lengyu said that he got into the bed again, leaned on the bed and took out his mobile phone.

Ye Shaoyang was so excited that he sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled. "So, can I read?"

芮冷玉瞪 came over: "Don't get cheap, you don't want to go out here!"

"I don't go, don't go."

Ye Shaoyang put her hands on her hands and smiled. She told her about her reservation and asked: "When you go with me to see the house, how?"

"Your house, what am I going to see?" Yan Lengyu deliberately laughed.

"What are you saying, what are you, please help me to see it, don't look back, I will buy it, you will not be satisfied in the future..."

芮 冷玉 pick up an eyebrow, "Your house, you live, shut me down."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I mean, just in case."

Yan Lengyu smiled and said, "Today, the oranges and the rain are about to go shopping, and there is Jingru. Let's relax together."


"Forget it, look at you poor, I will accompany you."

Ye Shaoyang is excited and laughs.

At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Shaoyang used to open the door and saw the orange.

The orange saw him also stunned.

"What are you doing?"

"I am not looking for you, I am looking for Leng Yujie." The orange pushed him away and saw the cold jade in the bedroom. "You are getting up early."

"Well..." Ye Shaoyang casually agreed. "Oh no, I am not sleeping in this house! I just came over like you!"

The orange grinned. "The boss doesn't have to make excuses, I won't say it!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Yan Yuyu gave her a look.

The oranges went over and sat on the bed, staring at the face of the cold jade.

"What's wrong?" Yan Lengyu touched his face and didn't have anything to look at.

"No, cold rain sister, you are blushing." The orange laughed. "I never thought, cold rain sister, you will actually blush!"

It’s even more embarrassing for her to be cold and jealous.

After a while, the oranges came out, and there was no big deal, that is, they didn’t have to sleep, and they remembered to go shopping, so they came over and asked her to get up early.

Yan Lengyu looked at Ye Shaoyang and said that it was difficult to accompany Ye Shaoyang to see the house. When the oranges are heard, they are also clamoring to go to the house, mainly to see the bathroom, how to put the bathtub is suitable...

Ye Shaoyang listened to what she said as her own home, and it was speechless.

The final result is that the three people go out together, Ye Shaoyang sees more people, simply call Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru, and everyone goes to see the room together.

So Ye Shaoyang, a man, accompanied the four beautiful women to the sales office. Jin Ying stayed directly. The next person looked even more shocked.

With the help of Zhou Jingru, the procedure was quickly completed. Ye Shaoyang handed over the money in the bank card. Originally, he thought that there were only a hundred thousand. Later, I remembered that when I was dealing with the Ziyue incident, I also earned a dozen from the school. Ten thousand, a total of three hundred thousand, all handed over.

Zhou Jingru did not want it, but although Ye Shaoyang was distressed with money, he really didn't want to be too cheap, and his attitude was tough. Zhou Jingru had no way to accept it. The discount was calculated according to the original house price, and the rest were all discounted.

The house is large, three rooms and two halls, finely decorated, several girls point to point, and they are like masters than Ye Shaoyang. However, when I got the key, Ye Shaoyang’s heart was also beautiful, so I had a house of my own.

After accepting the house, several girls clamored to go shopping, and Ye Shaoyang accompanied them. The result was treated as a coolie. The big bags were stuffed into his hands.

Shopping with a sister is a torment for men. I have accompanied four at the same time, and I have taken my own outsiders.

After lunch at noon, several sisters had to go shopping in the afternoon. Ye Shaoyang said that he was not accompanied by anything. He found an excuse to escape to Lao Guo’s shop.

"What furniture do you want to buy, cabinets, and so on, are you playing yourself, or are you ready to buy them?"

Lao Guo heard that after he bought the house, he congratulated him and asked.

"Take it yourself, it looks like a solid one." Ye Shaoyang figured in his mind that he had no money, furniture and appliances, can only be fooled by the pony, but this kid disappeared early in the morning, no one answered the phone.

Lao Guo soaked up the good tea and poured a cup on Ye Shaoyang and said, "If you play furniture yourself, you might as well give it to me."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What will you give to you, will you play furniture?"

"I don't like to hear this, the old man played a coffin for a lifetime-"

Ye Shaoyang sipped a cup of tea on his face. "You curse me, mom, I bought furniture, not a coffin!"

"The same is done in wood. The old man has been dealing with wood for a lifetime. Do you dare say that I will not play furniture?"

"You have to find a furniture that fights coffins, and you are dying, I don't want it."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is depressed, and it’s really a loss for Lao Guo’s thought!

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