Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 964: Death of the lover 1

"I am going to return to life." Zhang rushed Ye Shaoyang arched his hand and said.

"You wait, I haven't finished asking yet." Ye Shaoyang said, "Is it because this group of Japanese devils is now sitting on a big force, so the sergeant sent a large army to collect?"

"Yes, it is not. The sinister is now fighting the Taiyin Mountain. You should know that after the sinisters are worried that they will really fight, these smaller forces along the way will fish in troubled waters and harass the Yin soldiers, so they will be sent out in advance."

Ye Shaoyang sinks and secretly snoring. These Japanese ghosts are doing bad things when they are alive, and they are so restless when they die.

Zhang walked toward the yard and smiled. "I really have to go, Ye Tianshi, I found this method is good. Next time I will be chased again, come back to you!"

"Rely, you have to quickly eliminate what mark!"

What kind of mark is on himself, it is simply a time bomb. If he is sleeping, he will be chased by Zhang, and he will not know how to die.

However, Zhang has already flown out of the room and disappeared under the rain.

Ye Shaoyang chased the yard and snorted at his figure. He turned and saw Lao Guojun at the door of the hospital. He couldn't hold anything in his mouth.

Going over and seeing, a five-tailed fork is squatting on the flying corpse, sucking the residual demon, and can not help but frown: "You are disgusting!"

"Can't waste it."

Waiting for the seven-tailed cockroach to **** the demon in the demon corpse, Lao Guo satisfied the seven-tailed cockroach and went to Ye Shaoyang, feeling:

"I didn't expect the little devils to die and still not stop, but if Marshal Zhong Rong personally leads the troops, it should be no problem to annihilate this group of devils."

Xiao Yang smiled, "Do you want to kill the devil?"

"These are the war criminals of the year. Who doesn't want to kill, but the battle in the underworld, our human master is completely useless, it is not our battlefield."

Lao Guo nodded. "There will be a chance. You must take me with me when I am, and I will kill a few devils!"

"Do you drive an excavator to kill a devil?"

Lao Guo laughed.

Suddenly the phone rang, Ye Shaoyang took out the phone and saw it, pony! Good guy, he is looking for him, hurriedly connected to the phone, Zhangkou said:

"I said where your kid went in the early morning, and quickly gave me two gold ingots, I want to buy coffins... Hey, buy furniture!"

When I answered the phone, I stared at the coffin in the store. I didn’t pay attention to the furniture as a coffin. I hurriedly spoke.

I thought that I wouldn’t laugh at the pony. As a result, the phone rang and burst into tears, scaring Ye Shaoyang.

"Small leaves, come on!" The pony yelled on the phone. "Peace is dead, come on, come on!"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled. “You say it clearly!”

"Peace is dead, I am in the hall, you come over!"

After a few seconds of pause, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly asked the address, let Lao Guo write down, urged him to open the store door and tell Wang Ping’s death.

Lao Guo also stunned after listening to it.

"Hurry, open the door!"

Lao Guo started to open the shutter, went out and closed the door, and drove his car over, to send Ye Shaoyang.

"How did Wang Ping die?" After driving the car, Lao Guo calmed down and asked.

"I don't know, the pony is sad, how can I tell me this?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was in a mess.

Lao Guo frowned and said: "The pony is so anxious to find you in the past, what are you doing?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned, yeah, people are dead, looking for their own past, what can be done, with the children, obviously impossible.

I thought about it: "I am his brother. His girlfriend is dead. Naturally, tell me, let me help me arrange the aftermath."

Lao Guodao: "If you arrange the aftermath, you should find me. I will give you a full set of gifts. What is the use for you? I will say that Wang Ping is not married to him, and he will not be able to arrange him after the event..."

Ye Shaoyang heard something in his words and asked: "You will just say it."

Lao Guo sighed and said: "I am afraid that the pony is overly sad. The purpose of finding you is to let you resurrect Wang Ping."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed it.


"It's very possible. Think about it yourself, how to deal with it."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly shook his head. "I can't resurrect when I die. I can't do this."

The car drove out of the city and opened in the suburbs for twenty minutes. At the entrance of a small town, the pony came from the side of the road and waved.

This is where they agreed to meet.

Through the window, Ye Shaoyang saw that the pony's face was very poor, his eyes were red, and he was sorrowful, and his heart was sighing.

When he got on the bus, he didn't wait for comfort. The pony first slammed between them and cried out.

"Don't cry, don't cry, what's going on, Wang Ping is good, how can he die?"

Pony wiped the tears, told Wang Guo’s position to Lao Guo, let him drive, and endured sadness. He said, “It’s an accident. She went to the reservoir with her classmates yesterday and drowned...”

Ye Shaoyang snorted and said: "Are you not at the hotel last night, you didn't know?"

"I don't know, she didn't marry me. She had an accident. The police naturally informed her family. I called her before, and her mother took it and told me..."

After I finished speaking, I burst into tears.

Through his intermittent retelling, Ye Shaoyang also knew the story: Wang Ping and his classmates were swimming in a reservoir. After drowning, they were rescued and sent to the hospital for rescue. The result was not saved...

Pony grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and said excitedly: "Small leaves, this time you must help me, save Wang Ping and help her rise!"

Sure enough, Guo Guo guessed it!

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and grabbed the pony's hand. He said hard: "I can't do this thing."

The pony glimpsed and grabbed his shoulder and said, "Why can't I do it, and when a person dies, it becomes a ghost. If you bring her soul from the yin, can you resurrect it?"

"Which is so simple! The life expectancy of a person is determined, and if it is dead, it is dead, how can it be resurrected!"

During the talk, the car turned into a farmhouse alley, and there was a white cloth hanging in front of a large courtyard. Needless to say, it must be Wang Ping’s home.

Lao Guo stopped the car by the side of the road.

"We are advanced, waiting for you to see Wang Ping, then say!" Pony pushed the door down.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and just got off the bus. Lao Guo grabbed his arm and shook his head. "Little teacher, some things can't be done, you can't do it!"

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was referring to the resurrection of Wang Ping and nodded. "Do not worry, I will not do things against the heavens."

Lao Guo sighed. "You are a soft heart, I am afraid of you... Hey, let's go and see it."

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