Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 977: Yinshui River Distress 2

Ye Shaoyang immediately got up and went outside the cabin. Looking at the distance, he was shocked:

On the river not far from the opposite side, a layer of reddish mist was enveloped.

"What is this, a strong demon!" Ye Shaoyang said with amazement.

"Oh my God, this is a drug lord!" Mekong also found out, and screamed. "The poisonous scorpion that the water magic spit out, once inside, the ghost can't fly!"

At the moment, I used to force the boat and wanted to turn the direction, but it was already late: the direction of the vessel just turned, and it was carried by the river into the **** mist.

I was surrounded by a piece of blood, and I saw a blood red, and I could not see the river banks on either side.

The calm river was also fluctuating at this time, the waves were getting bigger and bigger, and the boat was shaking.

Both of them were kneeling at the bow and grabbed the ropes above.

One of the courage is still a little bigger, lifting a thing like a fish gun from the seesaw, and holding a rope, said to Xiao Yiyun who came out of the cabin: "Xiao Langjun, this is the black iron gun head, engraved on it. The pattern can kill the water magic!"

Xiao Yiyun heard it and put the javelin in his hand and asked: "What is the water magic?"

The grandson just wanted to explain that a sudden loud noise came from the bow, and something bigger than the boat broke out and slammed into the bow.

A bang.

The boat was slammed into the river and landed on the river.

Because Ye Shaoyang and others predicted the danger in advance, they all grabbed the boat and did not get out.

After the thing hit, it dive into the water.

"I saw it, what is that water!" Xiao Yiyun shouted.

Ye Shaoyang responded. The moment the monster volleyed, he also saw it. It was the numerous worms that had been seen in the main river before, like the otters and the two pairs of fangs.

However, the size is huge and countless times, just like a python, and the huge mouth opener swallows a person completely without problems.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that this should be something like a otter that was cultivated into a demon, and I don’t know how many years of cultivation. If I was on the shore, I was not afraid of it, but now the situation is different. People are in the water themselves. I didn't want to fight if I wanted to play.

"This ship is a special material that can't be broken." A savage warrior said, "The water magic is trying to upset the boat. Once we fall into the water, it will be over! The officers are thinking of ways!"

"You all go to the cabin!" Xiao Yiyun ordered, stood up, grabbed the black iron javelin in his hand, and walked on the bow without fear. He said to Ye Shaoyang, "When you go to the stern, whoever gets the hand will go to support!" ”

Ye Shaoyang untied the soul. He is yin with the soul, and all the instruments can't be carried. Only the soul of the soul is the thing in the underworld, which can be carried on the body.

Just climbed to the bow, suddenly a huge wave on the left side, the water magic has pulled out of the water, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly waved the soul, hit the head of the water magic.

Unexpectedly, because the hull was shaking, the shot was unstable, and the soul was not able to tie the water magic. It only crossed the road and spewed out a green mucus, which was sizzled by the spirit of the soul.

Ye Shaoyang took back the soul and wanted to fight again. The water magic turned his head, and the mouth opener, slamming, from the mouth of the dog's teeth, spewing a very stinky breath, and the smoked Ye Shaoyang almost stood unsteadily.

I hurriedly recited the hundred-hearted mantra, cleared the demon into the body, and only heard a scream in the ear, looked up, but it was a scorpion in the import of the scorpion, licking his legs, yelling.

The moment when the two pairs of fangs were about to bite, a javelin was tied to the long neck of the water magic.

The water magic grows up and makes a scream, and the servant in the mouth falls.

"Ye Shaoyang!" Xiao Yiyun shouted.

"I want you to say!" Ye Shaoyang explored the hooks, wrapped them in the gong, pulled them back, threw them on the floor, looked down, and the cockroaches were stunned, but they didn't seem to be hurt.

"You are all in the cabin!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

Two cockroaches crawled into the urine. Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang felt his feet sway, almost didn't stand, hurried down, turned his head and looked, there was only a straight rope on the water, and one was pulled hard by Xiao Yiyun.

The entire boat was swiftly swept in the water.

Ye Shaoyang instantly understood that the water magic body was hung with a black iron javelin and sneaked into the water.

Xiao Yiyun sat on the deck, with one foot against the boat, pulling the rope with difficulty, and said that Yang Shaoyang said, "You are going to kill it!"

"Why don't you go, I won't water!" Although the Water Devil was injured, Ye Shaoyang didn't think he had the ability to kill it in the water.

Suddenly I heard a plop, a figure jumped into the water, a golden tail swayed in the water, and disappeared.

"Orange!" Ye Shaoyang screamed, and the stunned squatting on the boat, shouted.

Orange is a monk, born in the water, the water is naturally good, but can not fight the water magic, Ye Shaoyang is really not sure.

Suddenly the pressure was loose, the rope of the Xuan iron javelin was broken, Xiao Yiyun fell to the ground, and immediately climbed over, and together with Ye Shaoyang, squatted on the boat and looked at the place where the orange fell.

After a while, I saw the splashing of the water below, and the waves were soaring. Needless to say, the oranges must fight with the water magic.

"I am going to help her, you are here!" Ye Shaoyang did not trust the oranges, but he had to plunge into the water, but was stopped by Xiao Yiyun, and he jumped first.

Thinking of him even more nervous than himself, Ye Shaoyang's mood is a bit complicated.

Xiao Yiyun also dive into the water and did not come out for a long time. The huge water splashes constantly, moving left and right in the water, suddenly coming in the direction of the boat.

A wave of water rushed to the sky, Ye Shaoyang hurriedly looked up and saw the orange and the water magic fighting on the water waves, the orange body exudes a red demon, twisted with the blood of the water magic, gradually gaining the upper hand .

Ye Shaoyang has the heart to help, but feels the empty waist, there is no magic, no instruments, only a hook, the length is still limited, deeply understand the incompetence of a clever woman.

The battle lasted for a few minutes, the water devil escaped, swimming around the boat, the oranges chasing after.

The water demon was also very clever, and the tail suddenly volleyed, like a whip, with a strong demon, and slammed down the boat.

If this is to be hit on the ship, it is not necessary to overturn the ship.

The trick of the water magic is also Wei Wei Zhao: the orange is faster in the water than it is, and it is stronger than it is repaired. It can't be beaten, and it can't run, but if you come here, if the orange wants to save the people on the boat, then only Go back and save.

With such a fallacy, it can escape smoothly, and even wait for an opportunity to come back to attack. After all, the boat is in the clear, it is in the dark.

"What really is when I don't exist!" Ye Shaoyang guessed the idea of ​​the water demon, roared, and ran the rate of gossip, and slammed it out.

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