Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 983: Sneaky 1

Yang Siling rushed Ye Shaoyang to smile. "Like you said to the Thai wizard Liang Daosheng, it is sometimes necessary to kill and kill."

The shouts of the mountains were everywhere, and the voices were full of people. The crowd looked down together and saw countless fine flying, almost covering the line of sight. At the foot of the mountain, Yue Jiajun had already encircled, blocking the remaining few devils in a gap in the mountain, and was launching a general attack.

The war in the ghost domain is different from that of the people. The sinister soldiers are not high-level. Basically, they are almost like each other. They will not fight like humans for so long, so the war is going very fast.

"It's over." Li Xiaoqiang looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "We have to go back to life, Ye Tianshi, will you go with me to see the general?"

"The general of cattle... ox?" Ye Shaoyang remembered listening to the storytelling "Yue Fei Chuan" when he was a child.

Li Xiaoqiang nodded: "The general is the black tiger essence under Zhao Yuanshuai. After he and Yue Yuanshuai, he has stayed in the Yuejia Army. I was born with him and I took care of me. This is his master."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment: "I have something to do when I go back to the world, I will not go, I will have a chance next time."

Li Xiaoqiang did not force him to take a bamboo sleeve arrow from his shirt and hand it to Ye Shaoyang.

"This is the contact used by our military. Wear the cloud and fly the arrow. If you are in danger of dying next time, you can directly use the suffocating gas to fire and shoot through the cloud arrow. I can immediately sense the position and immediately lead the troops to rescue. I am also a pioneer, and there are some subordinates. As long as there is no war, it is very easy to dispatch."

Yang Siling gave him a glance and said: "What kind of mana is Ye Shidi, where do you need to help?"

"Can't say that, I won't let you save it today. Right, what happened to this Japanese soldier?"

Li Xiaoqiang explained that these Japanese soldiers belonged to one party and occupied the mountain in the Tianzhu Mountain area.

The ultimate goal of Yue Jiajun’s action is not to them, but to get closer to the depths of the ghost field and look for the entrance to the Taiyin Mountain. However, they are worried that these Japanese soldiers will be chaotic, so they must be annihilated first.

These Japanese soldiers naturally resisted, so they had such a battle.

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he asked: "Is there a Zhang in your army, was it a stone city ghost?"

"Zhang, that is a teasing." Yang Siling grinned. "He went to spy on the military, not in the army."

Ye Shaoyang listened, only to know that the monster who chased Zhang was really from this party. However, why is it so clever that Wang Ping was killed by the Japanese monster here?

I don't have too much time to think too much. I hold the bamboo tube that Li Xiaoqiang gave to the cloud arrow and said: "Is this the ancient arrow used to pass the letter? What the words say."

"A pair of clouds and arrows, thousands of troops to meet each other!" Li Xiaoqiang arched his hand, "Our husband and wife take a step, wait for you to summon!"

After saying it, he also greeted Xiao Yiyun and then flew down the mountain.

Xiao Yiyun came over and yelled at Ye Shaoyang: "You can be acquainted with many people. You have inserted people in several departments of the Yin Division, even in the army."

"Don't talk about it, who is inserted, it is the Yin Shi himself."

Ye Shaoyang took a breath, his body was almost exhausted, and his body was soft. He said: "Okay, I have to go back, I have to catch Wang Ping back."

The oranges are unknown, so after asking, the three are all embarrassed.

Xiao Yiyun said: "The ghost is leaking. This is a small matter. You must take her back, or you will have trouble. I will not speak well when I get there."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Xiao Yiyun figured out three pieces of money, volleyed out, tearing open the space, and there was a dark void in the middle.

Going back from the Yin Shi, the best way to go yin and yang, but now the distance is too far, it can only be broken directly into the void, but Ye Shaoyang is the celestial division, there is a Tianshi brand body, can stand up to the illusion of the void, will not be Suck in.

Ye Shaoyang said to the orange: "Go."

The orange is a little reluctant to look at Xiao Langjun.

"You... can you have time to go see the world?" said the orange biting his lip.

Xiao Yiyun nodded, and his eyes were incomparable.

"You have a ghost card, you can come to the Yin Shi at any time, come to me, I can go to find you." Xiao Yiyun waved his hand and smiled slightly. "Let's go."

Turning head to Ye Shaoyang said: "You must take care of her."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him, thinking that the orange was originally his own person. When is it your turn to say so, it sounds weird.

When the orange is pulled down, it is thrown into the void.

Xiao Yiyun looked at the crack in the void and disappeared a little. His heart was lost, as if something was missing suddenly.

Standing alone on the top of the mountain, I stayed for a while, and I had an impulsive thought in my heart. I rushed toward the direction of the yin. I had to go to see Cui Fujun, ask an idea, and ask him to approve...

"Orange, what do you think of the little white face?" Asked Ye Shaoyang when flying in the void.

The orange is dissatisfied with his mouth and discriminates: "The people are not white faces..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "Well, I already know the answer."

The orange is blushing and not good.

"He is the rhythm of taking you away from me."

"The boss doesn't talk nonsense." The orange hurriedly resolved, pinching the hand of Shaoyang and said, "I am your sister anyway, no one can replace your position, at most... just like you."

Ye Shaoyang felt it in her heart and said to her: "Below, let him see how he behaves."

After a burst of space, the two felt their bodies sink, and the soul returned to the flesh and opened their eyes one after another.

Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief and sat up, feeling uncomfortable.

The wounds of the soul will not be brought to the flesh, but the wound is still in the soul.

"How is the boss?" Guagua swooped over. Lao Guo is also on the side. The cold jade is also there.

Ye Shaoyang looked at them and said that Wang Ping had escaped from the underworld. The two were stunned.

"Where do you go to find her now?" Lao Guo said with a frown.

"She returned to the world, the purpose is to resurrect, and now most of the time has come back, not necessarily dare to appear in the daytime, you are now going to Wang Ping's home, urging her family to arrange to bury..."

Lao Guo said with a distress: "I am afraid this is not the case, and the pony must not agree."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it too, and said: "Then you go to the body first, pay attention not to let Wang Ping's soul have a chance to return to the sun, I must now adjust the interest rate, and then go to find you."

Lao Guo and others immediately agreed, not to mention, go out directly, leaving only the cold jade left.

Ye Shaoyang rushed to her and nodded. She sat down on the knees and began to adjust her interest.

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