Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 989: Recognize the thief as the father 2

Zhang Guo's face is unchanged, and his hands are dark and forceful.

Wang Ping immediately rushed up and asked Zhang Guo to let go of the pony: "Master, he just came to the ghost field, he doesn't know the rules, he can slowly enlighten, don't..."

Zhang Guo will come over and release the pony.

The pony immediately fell to the ground, slowed for a while, looked up, and looked at Wang Ping with surprise. "You... what did you call him?"

"The predecessors saved my life and came to meet us. I have already worshipped him as a teacher."

The pony looked at her stupidly, tears in her eyes.

"He is... wicked, how can you..."

Zhang Guo had to attack again. Wang Ping gave him a wink and said: "Master, let me go first, I will take him for a while."

Zhang Guo looked coldly at the pony, and left to leave.

Wang Ping stepped forward to lift the pony, grabbed his hand, and followed the path:

"Pony, in the ghost domain, there is no good or evil, everything is for survival, we have to live, to become stronger, we only have to find a hard enough backing."

Speaking of this, the voice is lowered. "Do you think that I am willing to worship him as a teacher? I just want to survive, for us to be together."

The pony was silent and said: "I understand, but we can't recognize the thief as a father."

"He is not a thief. He is an ancient celestial division."

"What Heavenly Master, I am afraid that it is the evil spirits of the Heavenly Master!"

Wang Ping said angrily: "Why are you entangled in this!"

The pony clasped Wang Ping’s hand and pleaded: “We don’t want to go, we can go somewhere else. In short, I don’t want to be with this kind of person.

I have always been demonizing with the little leaves, and I thought that one day I will become a group among them. I don’t like this feeling..."

The pony frowned at her and said slowly: "I feel that you have changed. It is not as simple as it used to be. It seems to have changed completely."

"Because I was a man before, now it is a ghost, I have to escape the swindler to hunt, I have no way."

Wang Ping's eyes were wet and looked at him. He slowly shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be such a person."

The pony stayed staring at her.

"Do you think that I am for myself? I am dead, I can go to reincarnation. Why should I violate the precepts and insist on staying, not to be with you!

I have paid so much for you, but now you are not willing to pay for me for the so-called morality, how do you match with me, you have to go, just go alone! ”

After talking about the anger, I turned my back.

The pony listened to this and stayed on the spot, silently walking over and putting a hand on her shoulder.

Wang Ping turned and threw himself into his arms. "We have no retreat. If there is a place to go, how can I come here? You have to remember that we are only taking shelter from the limelight and then making ourselves stronger. Then we can leave and do what we want to do!" ”

"I know, bear the burden of humiliation." The pony bit his teeth. "Let's go, where are you going, I will follow you."

Wang Ping broke into laughter and took the pony to leave.

Cross the mountain, all the way down. Tianzhu Mountain is like a barrier. It divides the ghost domain into two. After going down the mountain, there is an endless wasteland in front of it. The grass is sorrowful, filled with a faint black mist. It is not a good place to look at.

The two went all the way.

Pony's heart is different: Wang Pingming Ming died only one day, how come here, how could it be saved by Zhang Guo, how can I be so familiar with the road here?

However, she gave birth to a guilty feeling that she should not doubt Wang Ping. She would never deceive herself. She must have her own reasons, or she should not ask.

The more you go forward, the thicker the fog, the two hands in hand, the pony is surprised, but also fearless, and now it is too late to go back.

In the fog, there were some houses, and the pony glanced over the past. I saw some wooden houses. They were strange, circular, scattered on the plains, and there were several wooden buildings. Outside, it is a tall wooden fence, like a walled city.

There was a separate door between the fences, and each side stood guarded by four people. Because of the fog, they could not see the dress.

"Master said that this is where we are going."

"What are these houses built? How can a ghost have a house?" Pony asked curiously.

"Ghost domains are the same as humans. These houses are made of several kinds of shabby firewood. If the ghosts don't build a house, then there are so many palaces in the capital city, and what do the ghosts do."

"How do you know so many things?" Pony could not help but ask.

"I am a ghost. When I die, I will listen to it. I know a lot of things. Although you are a projection of the soul, you haven’t heard it."

The pony nodded and he was not suspected.

The two men came all the way to the gate of the city wall. The pony saw the appearance of several guards. They were all ghosts of plain clothes. There was nothing special about them. They were completely ignored.

A yellow shadow flew across.

Zhang Guo looked at the pony, faint smile, that means you are not coming.

The pony turned his head and didn't look at him. The teeth bite.

"Open the door!" Zhang Guo waved his sleeve and gave orders.

Several guards immediately opened the wooden door.

Wang Ping pulled the pony and whispered: "Go."

The pony hesitated for a moment, and finally walked in and walked in, secretly sighing in the heart, for fear that this step went out, there would be no turning back.

But fortunately, there was at least Wang Ping around me, so she held her hand tightly, for fear that she would leave.

I have not met anyone along the way. Zhang Guo took them to a small courtyard and said, "You will live here later."

There are three houses in the house, it is very simple, and the pony does not care. It should be said that the heart is not at all.

Zhang Guo saw that they sat down on the bed, but they didn't mean to go. They held their hands behind them and looked at the pony with great interest. They said, "Would you like to worship the poor?"

The pony looked at him and said calmly: "If you don't worship, will you kill me?"

Zhang Guo laughed. "You live in me, you don't live in white, don't worship the teacher, then pass on the big Sunday to me."

The pony was shocked, but it was not too unexpected. After all, I thought that this old monster could not help himself for no reason.

After smashing his mind, after experiencing this series of things, people seem to be a lot smarter, and now they are quietly asking:

"What do you want to do on the big day?"

Zhang Guo also sat down and said: "If you know my identity, I will not marry you. I was born with three corpses of Zhang Guozhen. Although it is evil spirits, it does not incite killing. I want to cultivate the immortality. Can be broken, the achievement is immortal.

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