It's fine now?

Is this the He Bo speaking to me?

I realized that if I closed my eyes, I would be able to see the appearance of the He Bo, and my body would be emitting waves of coldness.

"No, don't talk to me anymore. I'm begging you, I didn't harm you."

I didn't dare look at him. I could only close my eyes and tremble.

Then, I felt a pair of hands tightly hug me, hug me a little breathless, that kind of feeling is a little suffocating, but let me feel a little warm.

I slowly stopped struggling. I actually felt that there was something good about it.

Closing my eyes, I felt a rare sense of relief and pleasure, and was deeply intoxicated.

"Qihai, don't leave me. I need you. I really need your embrace. I need your warmth."

I only felt that the two hands hugging me seemed to be grabbing me hard, and I couldn't help but feel pain.

"You're hurting me, Qihai."

"Qihai? So you actually treated me as Qihai, or something like that. Open your eyes and look at who I am? "

The voice suddenly turned from gentle to irritable, instantly waking me up.

This voice did not sound like Qihai's, could it not be him?

I immediately opened my eyes, and realized that I had made a huge joke. This person was not Qihai, but Tathagata!

I was so scared that I immediately became spirited. With an extremely embarrassed expression, I asked, "You, how could it be you?" "Why are you here?"

Tathagata sneered, "Do you feel very disappointed to see that it's me? you are very disappointed that the person who appeared in front of you was not Qihai. "

I didn't dare meet his eyes and hastily lowered my head and whispered, "I was scared stiff by He Bo's matter. At that time, I remembered that I should have fainted, but I heard a faint voice just now, and I hallucinated. I heard Qihai's voice."

"Hmph, very good, since you are able to hear my voice as Qihai, then it means that you are still very familiar with him?" Tathagata's face seemed to be filled with hatred, but I didn't know if he was looking at me with such hatred, or Qihai.

"No, don't misunderstand. There is nothing between us, and we are not familiar with each other. It is just that he once saved me."

My voice became softer and softer, as though I was a child who had made a mistake. I didn't dare to raise my head anymore.

"Saved you?" Tathagata seemed somewhat surprised.

At this moment, I was somewhat calm, because what I said was the truth and I wasn't making it up on purpose. "Right, that was the time when I was poisoned, right? I met him outside. He did everything he could to save me and cure me of the poison. That's all. "

When I said this, I raised my head and stared into his eyes, as though I was angry. I didn't know why I felt so dejected when I mentioned this matter again. I was even thinking, why didn't the person who saved me, Tathagata? Why didn't he save me?

Didn't he just say that I was her fiancée? But even if he didn't have feelings, he should still have saved me.

Seeing my expression, Tathagata's attitude weakened. Naturally, he thought of the scene back then. Back then, he painstakingly looked for the antidote. After concocting it, he returned to find that I had already disappeared.

He just didn't explain these things to me. Looking at me now, his heart is actually very tangled up.

"Actually, after you were poisoned, I …"

"Okay, don't say anymore. I know that in my eyes, it's nothing, so naturally, you won't think about my life and death. Perhaps I'm just a tool you want to use."

I spoke in a very sorrowful manner. In my heart, it seemed that my identity had been designated as Tathagata's fiancee. I really didn't know what I was thinking in my heart.

When Tathagata saw that his words were interrupted by me, he didn't continue speaking. He only became a little disappointed.

"However, I can tell that Tathagata is still trying to make me think of him as Qihai."

"Alright, I won't bother with you anymore about Qihai, you just said that some He Bo scared you, what exactly is going on?"

I looked at him in astonishment, thinking to myself, the He Bo being hanged could be considered a big deal, but I realized that Tathagata didn't seem to have any expression at all. Could it be that he really didn't care about a single life?

Was he really such a cold-blooded person?

In my heart, I was even more disappointed with him. "How can you be so heartless? No matter what, He Bo has always been following you. Since he became like this, don't you have any sympathy for him? "

I started to lose control of my emotions. Towards such a person, I was truly disappointed.

"What are you talking about? Wasn't it just an ordinary fever? Have you lost your mind? "

Fever? Was he mad?

I looked at Tathagata in astonishment and asked puzzledly, "What did you say?" Am I having a fever? Am I not possessed? "

Tathagata shook his head and said, "It seems that you are really confused. You are just standing in the yard in the middle of the night with a cold, then having a high fever that causes you to fall unconscious. You can't be under the spell, right?"

"What?" Are you telling the truth? Then what about the He Bo? Where did you bury his body? "

Tathagata was a little confused by my words. He caressed his hair and asked puzzledly, "You mean the He Bo is dead?"

"Isn't it? I saw him hang himself from that tree, and I saw him do it first. "

"He Bo is now working outside. How could he be dead?"

I felt as though my brain had turned into a paste. I saw it with my own eyes, could it be that everything I saw was just an illusion?

All of these things did not make sense. If the He Bo died, Tathagata would not be able to remain this calm. Then perhaps what he said was true.

However, if what he said was true, how could he explain all of this?

Just as I was half convinced, I suddenly saw a person walk in. When I saw that familiar face, I cried out, "Ah!"

That's right, the person who appeared in front of me right now was He Bo.

He Bo looked no different from usual, his face was still indifferent, without any expression.

"You saw it too, isn't the He Bo standing here perfectly fine? How could it be that he is already dead? "

He Bo was startled, "Eldest Miss, you said that I'm already dead, I don't know what you mean by that?"

He Bo seemed to be blaming me, and I could tell that his tone wasn't friendly.

I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I just looked at him in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"Alright, He Bo, leave this matter to me. You should leave first."

Tathagata's face was still the best. Although He Bo was unwilling, he still left obediently.

Tathagata's tone returned to its former gentleness, "Don't be conflicted over this matter. Perhaps you are just thinking too much and feeling too tired. I believe that after a good night's sleep, you will be able to get better tomorrow."

What else can I say?

I could only hope that what he said was true. It was just a nightmare.

I lay down on the bed and slowly closed my eyes. I really should take a good rest.

Tathagata stared blankly at me, his eyes fixed on my face. He was watching me attentively without moving an inch.

I didn't want to ask, but I could feel his blurred gaze.

I had a dream very quickly, who would have thought that I would dream about the He Bo.

The He Bo in his dream was exactly the same miserable state he had when he was hanging himself, he said to me in grief, "Young miss, you must take good care of that Xiao, it is a rare treasure, you are its new master, I believe it will definitely help you overcome all the difficulties, and with me here, the effect it has on me is too small, so I can't keep it anymore, I can't leave it to you and I don't need to worry."

These words are really strange. The reason He Bo gave me this dream was to talk about this Xiao Yun, then I can prove that this is definitely not an ordinary Xiao.

However, when I looked carefully, I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.

After He Bo finished speaking, he looked a little sad. He bowed to me and said, "My time is almost up, I am unable to say my goodbyes to you, and can only use this kind of method to say my goodbyes to you. I am going to accompany Xier, this is a fact that no one can change."

Hearing this, I was immediately drenched in cold sweat. He Bo's words are definitely dead.

Or he would die soon.

However, all of this was complicated and confusing. Things had really gone in an unpredictable direction.

I forced my eyes open and realized that there were traces of tears on my face.

I must have cried in my dreams.

At this moment, I suddenly heard footsteps, and then, Grandma Hao walked in with Tathagata.

Their faces were filled with grief and confusion.

Looking at their heavy faces, I had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, as I was secretly guessing, I heard Tathagata say, "You're right, He Bo is really dead just now."

After I heard Tathagata's words, I didn't show too much surprise because I already had a premonition.

"Did he hang himself?"

"Yes, as you said before. Hanging upside down."

"So all of this really happened." I said this silently, feeling that it was extremely inconceivable. Back then, before He Bo died, I had already seen the truth of his death. Why was that so?

Grandma Hao said at this time, "Has anything special happened to you in the past few days? How can you see something that hasn't happened yet? How could it be a prophet? "

I thought it was funny. Her tone sounded like she was interrogating a mortal. You know, I really want to know the truth, right?

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