Was there some shady business between the two of them?

At this moment, I suddenly recalled that Tathagata had said that he lived in a temple behind the village. But now I realize that he has always lived in my house.

"I have done everything you told me to do. If the He Bo has buried the ice under the willow tree, then what are you going to do next?"

Hearing this, I became even more curious. I held my breath and listened carefully.

"Next, I'll have to use the swimming pool."

Grandma Hao seemed to understand, "I understand what you mean. Willow is a tree, of course it's wood, and there's water in the swimming pool, so it's water. So I think I know what's going to happen next."

"You're still very smart. It looks like I didn't choose the wrong person." Tathagata's words were emotionless from start to finish. They were completely ice-cold to the ear.

I became more and more suspicious of the two of them, and I was sure that maybe the ice really had something to do with them.

My heart was filled with fear. I discovered that I seemed to have sunk into an endless darkness, as though I couldn't see a single trace of light.

Every day here is so hard to bear, I even feel that I am on the verge of collapse.

In the end, there was no more sound. Instead, I just stood there foolishly until it was daybreak.

I felt as if I couldn't move, as if I didn't have any energy left in me.

I took a closer look around and saw that I was in a rather deserted area.

Why did I come here?

I even started to suspect if I really heard Grandma Hao and Tathagata's voices here last night.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there? " I realized that it would be impossible for me to leave here on my own, and I couldn't even move now.

At first, no one answered me. It really seemed like no one was there.

Was this really the villa's territory?

But why did it not seem like it.

I continued to shout, "Someone, is there anyone here? Can someone help me? "

But I didn't see anyone until my throat was hoarse.

Just then, I suddenly saw a grave before my eyes, and I could even clearly see the names and photos on the tombstone.

I saw more than a dozen tombstones. The names on the tombstones were all familiar to me. Looking at these tombstones made my hair stand on end.

Ah!" I cried out in fright, and my vision went black. I think I must have fainted.

"No, it can't be, how could it be?" I kept screaming.

"First Miss, are you alright? Wake up. Wake up! "

Why was this voice so familiar? I thought about it carefully and finally remembered that it was Xiao Wen's voice.

I calmed down a little at the sound of her voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that familiar face.

Xiao Wen's face was full of concern, but seeing that I had woken up, she couldn't contain her joy and said, "That's great, First Miss, you really scared me to death. Luckily, you finally woke up, otherwise I would be in deep trouble."

"Xiao Wen, how did you get me back?"

I was still thinking about what happened last night, how did Xiao Wen manage to find me in that desolate place?

Xiao Wen looked at me in shock, as though she was completely confused. "Eldest Miss, what did you say? You have been in your room ever since you came back from last night, and you have not gone out either. Furthermore, I did not go out to look for you.

A buzz went through my head. Could it be that what happened last night was not the truth? Or was it just a dream?

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