At this moment, my mood is indescribable with surprise, my mood is simply wavy feeling.

The man still had a charming smile on his face, as if he was born with a smile.

"You're mistaken. I didn't bring you here. You were here when I found you."

The man's words seemed very plain, but to me, it wasn't that simple.

"What did you say?" Then why did you coincidentally meet me here? "

My intuition tells me that there is definitely something wrong with this man!

This is a forbidden place, I heard this from Xiao Wen. How can a forbidden place allow others to freely enter?

I'm an exception, because I didn't mean to be here, not without knowing it.

"There are too many coincidences. In short, this place isn't suitable for you to come here. Why did you make the same mistake again and again?"

The man seemed to have good intentions, and I also felt that although he was a little strange, he seemed to have no ill intentions.

After seeing this, I couldn't help but feel a bit more relaxed.

Needless to say, the feeling of being with this man was much better than the feeling of being with Tathagata, who had a stiff face every day.

"Did you always live here?"

My curiosity was still overflowing. Once my curiosity got the better of me, I wouldn't be able to control it no matter what.

"Is that important to you?"

I noticed that this man didn't really like answering my question directly, and when I asked him, he would return the question to me.

Forget it, it seems like I won't be able to get any answers out of him. The question now is how can I leave this place.

I no longer wanted to hear anything of value from him, because I thought it might be an impossible thing to do.

I looked around. It was the same as before, which meant that I still couldn't leave this place on my own.

Was she going to turn to him again?

I looked at him with dissatisfaction, but discovered that his eyes were fixated on my face the entire time. He couldn't help but blush and feel his heart palpitate.

What's wrong with me?

How could I have such feelings for a man I've only seen twice?

No way! Mei Ruxue, what are you doing?

I hastily retracted my gaze, but felt a little uncomfortable.

The man laughed and said, "Your expression is so rich. Today, I've really broadened my horizons. "Alright, since this is the second time we have met, it can be said that fate has brought us together. I will help you one more time and send you out of this place. I just hope that I will not see you again."

I was immediately overjoyed. He was truly a good person from the bottom of his heart.

"That's great!"

I looked a little naive, like a child that hadn't grown up.

As if he was familiar with the route, he escorted me to the entrance of Flowers Corpse Ground. Before he left, he suddenly turned his head and said to me, "My name is Qihai, remember my name. If someone with ulterior motives wants to hurt you in the future, tell him my name. But don't say you've seen me here. "


What a special name!

However, this name did have quite a character.

I silently nodded my head, agreeing with his words.

After leaving the Flowers Corpse Ground, life once again pressed down on me until I couldn't breathe.

It was only now that I realized that the legendary scary place might not necessarily be scary, but the seemingly safe place might not be safe. Just like when I was at the Flowers Corpse Ground, I actually felt very calm and relaxed when I thought about it.

I discovered that Tathagata was getting weirder and weirder. Everything he did seemed to be aimed at me, and no matter what I did, he would always find it unpleasing to the eye, always wanting to cause trouble for me.

I can't help but find it funny that a man like him should feel sorry for a woman like me. He's really shameless.

Today, I was bored and was reading a horror novel. Tathagata was staring at me intently. I was already used to his behavior, so I was not surprised by it.

He Bo walked in front of Tathagata in a slightly hurried manner and said respectfully, "Young Master Rulai, the Lord has sent someone over. He said that there's something important at home and wants you to go back immediately."

The name made me curious.

Tathagata's identity is that I think he must be a master or something, because he was the one who presided over my parents' funerals, and that's what they call him.

But this is the second time I have heard the He Bo call him Young Master Rulai, I really wonder, could he be the Young Master of a rich family?

But I could not connect a master and a young master.

Tathagata waved his hand, signaling the He Bo to leave.

I continued to read, as if I had no interest in his affairs.

However, Tathagata didn't intend to let me go.

"Mei Ruxue, dress up and follow me home."

My heart thumped, and I thought to myself, How am I so unlucky? I can be shot while I'm lying down!

I stubbornly said, "I'm not going. Why did you drag me home?"

Tathagata looked to be in a hurry, as his patience had run out. He abruptly pulled me up from the sofa. "You have to go even if you don't want to. You have to go even if you don't want to, understand?"

I struggled free of his hand. "Why are you so overbearing? Why should I listen to you? "Who are you to me?"

But before I could finish my words, he dragged me out of the door.

On the way, I continuously struggled, hoping to attract the attention of passersby. However, on the way, I met quite a few people, but no one gave me a single glance.

"Save your strength!" Do you think others can see you? Have you forgotten the head instructor? "

I abruptly stopped struggling. What he said still seemed to make sense. My memories began to return to the scene at school. He really couldn't see me.

And now the same thing happened again.

No one on the road could see me.

My heart went cold.

Seeing my stupefied expression, Tathagata coldly shook his head.

I decided to stop struggling because I knew it was useless.

Forget it, since I've already come out, why not follow me to his house.

After thinking it through, his footsteps became much faster.

Tathagata's home didn't seem to be too far away, and I felt that it wouldn't be long before we reached it.

I was not in the mood to watch the luxury of his home.

When we entered his living room, we saw an old man walking over. He had an expressionless face as he said, "Tathagata, you're back. The people I've arranged for you will be here soon."

At this moment, I was standing by Tathagata's side, but this man turned a blind eye to me. It seems that it really was as Tathagata had said, no one was able to see me.

However, I suddenly remembered something. Why is it that everyone in the villa can see me?

Something was wrong.

But now was not the time to think about such things.

When Tathagata took my hand, I could clearly feel the strength in his hand increase.

I cried out in pain.

My voice was so loud that I covered my mouth.

Fortunately, I now proved that no one could see me.

"Dad, what exactly do you want me to do here? Is it to see the guest you arranged? "

Tathagata's voice was impatient. I'm surprised he spoke to his father in such a tone.

However, what surprised me even more was that his father had no intention of getting angry.

"Tathagata, you are the chosen successor of our family, so the burden on your shoulders is too great. You must choose someone who can face it together with you. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Tathagata frowned. "What if I don't want to?"

"I can rely on you for the rest of the things, but this is not the only thing I can do."

Tathagata's father also spoke with determination. There was no room for discussion.

"I'm doing something very important right now. If it's not an extremely urgent matter, then please don't find me and come back, okay?"

"Tathagata, you are truly too stubborn. I am also a well-known person, and it can be said that I can do anything in heaven and earth. Anyone who sees me must give me some face and respect me.

So Tathagata's father's name was Ru Ri. I immediately thought of the words Ru Ri Tian.

"Alright, let's not talk about those things. I have to leave now." After saying that, Tathagata pulled me towards the door.

Just as he reached the door, he met two people.

"Tathagata, I've finally seen you again. Right now, it's really hard to see you again! Why are you leaving again when you just got back? "Don't, I brought a VIP over, why don't you chat with him for a while."

I inadvertently looked at them. Who knew that just by looking at them, I was already taken aback.

"Gentle!" Why is it you? "

I couldn't help the surprise and surprise in my heart.

The world was truly large, full of wonders.

I could coincidentally meet my best sister's best friend in college.

However, I immediately remembered that I could not be seen due to her warmth.

Tathagata seemed to care about face as he returned to the living room.

At this time, the person began to introduce, "Tathagata, this is the famous Wen Family's daughter. She came specifically to see you this time.

"Heaven's will, you're still so glib. You haven't changed your attitude even after so many years?"

Tathagata didn't seem to give her a warm glance, but I found that her warm eyes were fixated on Tathagata. Furthermore, I could tell that her gaze on Tathagata was filled with love.

It seemed that Gentle Tathagata truly did like her, but they should not know each other.

"Tathagata, hello. I'm here to have some warmth in my heart. I've come to stay."

Just a short sentence from Tathagata left both me and Tathagata dumbfounded.

"Ahh, it would be best if you didn't say it like that. You are truly an understanding child. We, Tathagata, have great fortune to be able to have your help."

Tathagata frowned as if he disagreed with his father's words.

"Father, please do not interfere in this matter. After all, this is my own matter."

When Tathagata saw this, he hurriedly said, "Uncle has good intentions. He told me to stay here for a few days because he knew I'd come from far away. Don't you agree?"

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