When I thought of this possibility, my heart finally relaxed a little.

In the few days that my plan had been secretly carried out, things had gone smoothly. Although I hadn't found the room yet, my whereabouts hadn't been discovered.

In the first few days, I looked through the first three floors in the mansion but didn't find anything.

Now that there was only the fourth level left, my emotions were stirred up.

Because I feel that hope has gone a step further.

Tonight, I'm going to check it out.

When the night finally came, I was a little excited.

Strangely enough, when I reached the fourth floor, there was a strange feeling in my heart, a feeling that surprised me. I vaguely felt that there was something very close to me, a sense of familiarity that I hadn't felt in a long time.

Strange? How could I have such a feeling?

As I got closer to the end of the fourth floor, so did the familiarity.

"Did I come here before?" Why do I feel so familiar? It's like I used to come here a lot. " I muttered to myself as I walked forward with heavy footsteps.

Finally, when I reached the end of the room, I was shocked.

I stood at the entrance of the room with the number 10 written on it in a daze.

I looked at it in astonishment. I vaguely felt that there was something I needed in this room.

So cold!

I couldn't help but shiver.

I suddenly realized why I came here.

He had always felt like he was acquainted with this place, so he had actually forgotten his purpose in coming here. Fortunately, at the critical moment, I was able to recover my soul.

"Is this the room?" I pushed at the door, but didn't move.

The door was locked.

I was a little disappointed, but at the same time, I immediately felt relieved. Locking it isn't a big problem, as long as I find that mysterious room, then the first step would be considered a success. As for that lock, I think I will find a way to solve it.

It seems that I have reaped some benefits from this night, so my mood became more cheerful.

But after feeling happy, I was just about to leave first, but then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I knew I had been ambushed.

I endured the pain and tried to turn my head to look back, but all I saw was a blurry figure. Before that face could appear before my eyes, I had already fainted.

What I didn't know was that the person who ambushed me picked up a dagger and was about to stab me in the stomach.

"Stop!" A voice stopped her.

She glared at the man and said angrily, "Isn't this the day we were waiting for? Now that this room has been found, I do not understand why you did not let me kill her. "

"What do you know? Do you think finding this room is the same as success? If you want to take that out, you have to use her. "

"What?" I see that you are simply unwilling to part with her. You have fallen for her, right? "

The woman's voice was hoarse.

"You really are hopeless. You can still fight for the affection even at a time like this. If you want to continue to stay here for the rest of your hard work, then you should just kill her, right?"

The man's words angered the woman even more, "Don't use such provocation on me. Do you really think I would be afraid?" The woman gently slid the dagger across my face.

The man seemed to be in a hurry, but he didn't dare to say too much.

The woman repeated this action a few times before putting the dagger away.

"Okay, I'll let her go for now, but once she gets that thing, she definitely can't stay in this world." The woman gave me a hateful look. It was as though there was a deep hatred between her and me.

The man seemed to be relieved. When he left my side, he gave me a complicated look.

After they left, they walked to a concealed area. The woman's furious gaze landed on the man's face, "Are you deliberately going against me?"

The man shook his head and said calmly, "No, I don't think so. "You're overthinking it."

"You will always look that way!"

The man looked at the woman's flustered expression and said, "You'll never change that. I'll be leaving first. It's not appropriate for me to stay here for long. "

The man hurriedly disappeared from the woman's sight. The woman was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

"Damn it!" "You guys are really going too far. When we get our hands on the thing, I will definitely shatter your soul and never be able to reincarnate again."

When I woke up, I found that everything seemed to have calmed down. That episode just now didn't seem to have appeared in my memory.

But I thought it must have happened, except that I was not on the fourth floor of the villa, but in the room I had been living in.

All of this was extremely strange.

"How did I get back?" I sat up and saw my clothes. I clearly remember that I was wearing a sportswear before, but why am I wearing the same birthday suit when I went to the Buddhist Sangha?

"Eldest Miss, you really scared me to death today. But luckily, nothing happened."

"Xiao Wen, what happened?"

Seeing Xiao Wen's concerned expression, I knew that the matter wasn't that simple.

"Miss, don't you remember? At that time, we were going to the Buddhist hall to listen to Tathagata's chanting. When we were halfway there, you started twitching and talking nonsense like you were possessed. No matter how I pulled you, you couldn't stop you. And you even fainted, that's how I carried you back. "

I was about to express my surprise, but my head really hurt.

I couldn't help but touch it. So there was actually a big bag on my head.

It looks like what Xiao Wen said was true, I really got injured from the collision.

"How come I don't have the slightest impression of him?"

I clearly remember that I went to the fourth floor of the villa, but why is Xiao Wen saying something else?

Xiao Wen hugged me pitifully, "Ruxue, what exactly happened to you? How come you haven't had the slightest impression of what happened to you recently? Did something happen to you? "

Xiao Wen naturally changed the way she addressed me from young miss to Ruxue. I think the feelings and relationships between us are like family, so call me by my first name.

"Xiao Wen, I also feel that it's strange, I seem to have really encountered many unimaginable things, to the point that even I am confused by it."

My heart began to pound. Why?

No one told me what all this was about. It seems like only I am able to unravel this mystery.

The days passed as usual, but I felt as if I was living a year.

While I was feeling lonely and helpless, something strange happened again.

My head instructor, Zhu Rende, called again, saying that something had happened to my grave.

I was on the verge of breaking down, and now I was being worn out.

I hadn't been buried at all, and though I was now wondering whether I was alive or dead, I could still remember that I wasn't buried at school.

Tathagata was shocked when he heard the news.

Tathagata has told Zhu Rende over and over again, but he carefully observed my grave and did not move an inch. He said that he would be there shortly.

Naturally, he wanted me to go with her.

When I arrived at my own cemetery and saw my own body exposed in broad daylight, I felt my breathing quicken.

Although I'm standing here, I can still tell that someone is obviously targeting me, otherwise, they wouldn't bring out the body of a person they buried.

Tathagata was about to explode with anger. He looked at Zhu Deren and unexpectedly gave him a few fierce kicks.

"Zhu Rende, is this what you have done for yourself?"

Zhu Rende did not dare retaliate, but he continued to quibble, "I did not do it, I did not do it, I had also just received the news, so I hurriedly called you."

"Who told you that?"

Tathagata watched him closely. If looks could kill, he would have already died who knows how many times.

"It's him!" I can hear his voice, but I don't know his name. "

Tathagata was suddenly stunned. 'This fellow, isn't what he said the same as not saying anything at all?'

"Who is he?"

"The one who gave me the money to bury Mei Ru."

"So it's him!" Hmph, he really couldn't wait any longer. It had only been a short period of time, and he was already about to make his move? I know you're nearby, but don't you have the guts to face me head on? "

Tathagata yelled in disdain, as if he knew that the person hiding in the dark would be able to hear him.

However, when I looked around, I didn't see a single person.

Perhaps Tathagata was trying to stir up a ruckus?

Zhu Rende suddenly felt that his whole body had become a layer of millet, just that it felt extremely horrifying.

He looked around in panic and his expression changed when he saw the corpse on the ground.

He didn't seem to have any ideas, so he could only look at Tathagata and ask, "Then what should we do now? What should he do with the body? Why don't we hurry up and go? Don't worry about it. "

Tathagata was enraged, "What are you saying? If you think you can get out of this place yourself, do so. "

Zhu Rende was even more afraid now, he kept wiping the sweat on his forehead, as though he was worried about my corpse.

I forcefully wiped the sweat from my face and carefully said, "Don't say anymore. No matter what you say, I'll listen to you."

Tathagata said with disdain, "Then you should bury this corpse again now."

"Should I?" He took a step back in fear, and his hands began to tremble violently.

I'm really beginning to despise him. Wasn't it just a corpse? Was it that scary?

"If it wasn't you, could it be me?" Tathagata lost his patience as he said this in a bad mood.

Zhu Rende clenched his teeth and said, "Okay, I will do it. I will immediately do it."

Tathagata's cold gaze landed on him, making me feel a little baffled. Did he have to make things difficult for him? Or was it on purpose?

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