Therefore, no one cared about the warm feeling of being unable to extricate themselves from the extreme fear.

As for Xiao Wen, who was next door, when she heard the warm call, she revealed an unfathomable smile.

However, the cat refused to leave and kept on barking at him.

"Go away, why are you looking at me like that? I'm not afraid of you, I just don't want to hurt you. " Warmth mustered up the courage to speak as he looked at the kitten.

The kitten was still ungrateful and cried out even more fiercely.

"Tathagata, is this another good thing you did? "What's wrong with that? You want to get this cat? You're really pissing me off."

However, despite being constantly grumbling about it, the kitten didn't have the slightest intention of leaving. Instead, it jumped onto her lap even more fiercely.

Ah!" Gentle and warm let out a high-decibel cry.

"Shut up!"

Unknowingly, Grandma Hao's voice sounded from behind her. The golden gourd's voice was not friendly, but it made a warm feeling in her heart.

Great, someone finally came. That way, he wouldn't have to be afraid of this cat anymore.

"At least someone is here." "Hurry up and get that cat away from me." Warm and displeased, she said.

Grandma Hao's face darkened, and said coldly: "I am not your slave, you do not have the qualifications to make me work for you. I came here to tell you not to hurt that cat, or else. "

Grandma Hao said until here and then deliberately paused.

However, her warm heart was tightly pulled up, "Otherwise, what would happen?"

"That cat will take your soul, and all you have left is a driving shell."

"Can you not scare me? Wasn't it just a cat? Is there a need to make it sound so serious? "

In fact, the warmth in her heart was filled with extreme fear, but she still wanted to put up a tough front on the surface.

"Do you mind? My message has been delivered, and I'm leaving. You better take care of yourself. "

Grandma Hao instantly disappeared as if she had come without a trace.

If not for the fact that he always liked Tathagata, if it wasn't for his father making a deal with him, if it wasn't for him coming here to do something important, then he wouldn't even be able to come back.

With his identity, why did he have to suffer like this here?

"Mei Ruxue, this is all your fault. This is all your fault, you're the culprit behind this, you're the culprit behind this, I definitely won't let you have a good time."

After Warmth finished complaining, she felt a little tired. Just as she was about to lie down and rest, she realized that the cat was still staring at her.

She suddenly became nervous, but she didn't dare to speak to the cat in a bad tone. She could only speak in a soft voice, "Please leave, don't scare me, okay?"

The cat suddenly laughed, but the sound was not that of a cat. It sounded more like a human's laugh.

Warmth was so scared that she opened her mouth wide and finally muttered to herself, "So this is all true. I actually fulfilled it on the first day I came here. It seems that I really have to think about it carefully."

Even though he was still afraid, at the same time, he was also excited. His first step could be considered as a success.

Warmth had finally overcome her fear of the cat, and she was indeed tired, so she fell asleep very quickly.

After she fell asleep, a figure walked to her side and said, "I didn't expect you to come back, but what should have come didn't come. It's not bad that you came."

The person stared at her dumbly for a moment before disappearing in a flash.

It was as though a person had taken out the fan he had picked up when returning home from a secret room in the buddhist hall.

He looked at it with a blurry gaze, feeling somewhat conflicted in his heart. However, he still placed the fan close to his body. Because the fan's size was relatively small, it was very easy to accomplish.

After doing all of this, Tathagata let out a sigh of relief.

"With you, things might be easier in the future." Tathagata unconsciously touched the position of the fan.

Then, he found Grandma Hao, and said solemnly, "Grandma Hao, do you think it's time to prepare for the upcoming wedding?"

Grandma Hao nodded in agreement, "We should indeed be prepared. After all, it's only two months until the fifteenth of the seventh month. If we miss this chance, then we will have to wait until this day next year."

Tathagata thought for a moment and said, "Then let me ask you, if it was destroyed during the wedding, what would the result be?"

Grandma Hao didn't need to ask so she was stunned, but still replied immediately. "If it's really like this, then the consequences will be unimaginable.

Tathagata couldn't help but shiver, "No, I absolutely won't allow that to happen."

"I'll do my best to arrange everything properly, but I'm afraid that if someone has ulterior motives, it will be destroyed."

Grandma Hao's words were very solemn, as if she was even looking in a certain direction.

"What you said makes sense. You should arrange for her to meet me now, but you must be careful not to let anyone see it."

Grandma Hao's hands trembled, as if she did not expect Tathagata to make such a request. After a moment of silence, she still answered, "Yes, Young Master Rulai, I'll go right now."

In the secret chamber of the Buddhist Hall, Tathagata looked coldly at the person standing in front of him and said, "Do you know why I have called you here?"

That person was too respectful. "I have something that I'm not aware of. Please speak your mind."

"Today, someone came to the villa. He's called Gentle Heart. Don't you know anything about him?"

"Warm?" That person's eyes lit up. "Why is she here?"

"Because of the secret of this villa."

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"The grievances in this villa are very heavy, you know that. You must fill in the grievances before you can regain your calm. However, this is a very difficult matter."

That person looked at Tathagata in surprise and asked in confusion, "I know about that, but what do you want me to do?"

"You have sacrificed yourself once for the consequences we wanted, but now you must sacrifice yourself once more."

"What did you say?" The man was taken aback. "If I'm sacrificing, then what's my ending? Do you know? "

"Right now, there's no other way. As long as everything succeeds, I'll write down a great merit for you."

"Haha, haha." She kept laughing, as if she had heard the best joke in the world.

"Do you think that's possible? Now that we are all dead, what can we make up for it? "

When Tathagata saw that it was useless to waste his breath, he couldn't help but fly into a rage. "Then when you were doing all these things, did you think about the feelings of others?"

When she heard this, she was dumbfounded.

"Back then?" What did I do? I didn't, not me, I didn't mean to. " She began to babble, as if the memory of the past had come back to her.

"Alright, I've told you more than enough today. I don't want to continue. In short, you better take care of yourself."

After Tathagata finished speaking, he immediately sent her away.

She walked back in a daze, not knowing where she should go.

However, she was unwilling. Was she really going to turn into ashes?

As he was walking, he suddenly saw a figure that seemed to be lingering in front of him.

Taking a closer look, he realized that this person was someone he was extremely familiar with.

She frowned.

However, at the same time, she seemed to have thought of something, and a strange smile appeared on her face.

She rushed over to me with a sad look on her face.

"Ruxue, that's great, I never thought that I would be able to see you here."

Hearing this voice, I felt my breathing quicken. This voice sounded very familiar.

I whirled around, and there was a familiar face in front of me.

"Mom, is that you?" I shouted in surprise.

However, after the pleasant surprise, he was a little frightened.

Hadn't my mother already died?

But why did she appear in front of me now?

Could it be that what I'm seeing right now is my mother's ghost?

I started to lose my composure and looked at my mother who I had been yearning for. However, I didn't dare to step forward.

When Mom saw me like this, she was a little disappointed, but at the end she started to sob.

My heart suddenly hurt. Mom must have been hurt by me, right?

How could I treat her with such an expression?

Even if she really is a ghost and just a soul, she is still my relative. Isn't it a bit cruel of me to do that? Or did I do wrong?

Just as I was in a daze, I heard my mother's voice once again, "Ruxue, I know you're afraid of my mother, because I'm already dead. I'm just a ghost, it's just that my mother misses you too much, I just wanted to come back and see you, but I didn't expect that I would actually scare you."

His mother was distressed for a moment before walking to the front.

I cried hurriedly, "No, mother, don't go! "I missed you so much. I was wrong, I said the wrong thing. Let me have a good look at you."

's mother turned around and revealed a gratified smile, "Ruxue, good child, I have let you down in the past. I am feeling very regretful now, do you still remember to hate your mother?"

My heart hurts. How could those memories be forgotten so easily?

It's just that after my mother died, I thought everyone was dead. So I persuaded myself to forget, but there were still those memories in the back of my mind.

I forced myself to forget the unpleasant things.

"Forget it, mother. We finally met after so much difficulty. Don't bring up those things again."

Looking at my appearance, mother was a bit ashamed. "You are a good daughter and are my pride. It's just that mother can no longer accompany you in the future."

I shook my head and said, "No, Mother, don't be so sad. Tell me, what did you die for? There must be something behind this, right? "

Seeing my anxious look, Mom's face immediately changed, completely panicking. "Stop talking, Ruxue, it's good for you that you don't know."

My mother's words confirmed my suspicions.

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