I don't know why, but after I finally calmed down, I started to feel waves of sleepiness assail me.

My eyes began to fight, and even though I tried to stay awake, I couldn't do it.

I had to close my eyes to hear nothing.

"Ruxue, hurry up and go to sleep! After you fall asleep, you will gain something unexpected. Listen to me and close your eyes. You are tired. Go to sleep. "

The voice seemed to have a spell in it. When I heard it, I actually felt at ease and finally fell asleep.

I dreamt. In my dreams, I experienced what I was experiencing now. I saw Tathagata chanting with his eyes closed while the rest of them were sitting upright with their eyes closed. I didn't know if they were really listening or not.

What was going on? Why is this happening in my dreams?

I got up and walked over to Tathagata, but he didn't react at all. Maybe I was really in a dream.

Suddenly, I saw what seemed to be a door behind Tathagata. The door seemed to have opened by itself.

I couldn't help but feel curious and involuntarily walked in.

It was dark inside and I couldn't see anything. It took me a while to get used to the interior.

When I saw everything clearly, I almost cried out.

I saw several coffins inside.

At that moment, my mind went blank. However, when I forced myself to calm down, I took a closer look and discovered that there were a total of five coffins.

Five coffins?

I silently thought in my heart, what does this mean?

I found that my sweat was pouring out, and I couldn't help but think of my family members.

It didn't matter, I was startled.

Could these five coffins have something to do with my dead family?

Mom, dad, and my three sisters, there are currently five dead relatives, is there a connection?

I didn't dare to continue thinking about it. The excessive shock left me dumbfounded.

However, this matter was far from over. I discovered that the coffins had actually started to move, continuously rotating on the ground. There were even sounds of knocking from within the coffins.

"Let me out. I am not dead, save me, quickly save me. "

A cry for help came from the coffin. I was immediately terrified. How could something like that happen? Was he really trapped in a coffin without dying?

I couldn't imagine what it would be like inside, and I felt my hair stand on end.

"Ruxue, save me, ignore me, I am so wronged, open the coffin and let me out."

My nerves far exceeded my endurance. I couldn't take it anymore and rushed out screaming.

I saw the seat below, where I was sitting with my eyes closed.

Then what am I now? Could it be that his soul had left his body?

"Am I a human or a ghost?" I asked myself puzzledly as I walked towards my seat.

I walked over to my side and asked, "Who are you? Are you Mei Ruxue? "

However, no one answered me. I foolishly looked at the person who looked exactly like me, and the doubt in my heart became even more intense.

She ignored me and didn't answer. So what do I do now?

"She can't hear you, and she can't see you. It's just you." Grandma Hao said from behind me in a strange tone.

Why is she everywhere?

"Don't say anymore, I don't need you to care about my matters."

"Then can you go back to this body?"

"Why do you always have to be against me? What do you want to do to let me go? "

"Do you really want to know the answer? "Fine, I'll tell you then. After you marry Tathagata, I'll let you go and let you go. I'll let you have your freedom, how about it?"

I almost vomited blood. This wasn't the first time she mentioned marriage in front of me. No, it was actually about marriage.

"I don't want it, I don't want to marry Tathagata. Why do you have to find me? Go find someone else. There are so many women in the world, why are you looking for me? "

Although my voice was loud, I realized that the rest of them seemed to have heard nothing.

"Because only you can meet the requirements for the wedding, you cannot escape, you cannot escape." As Grandma Hao said this, she revealed her dense white teeth and started laughing.

I snapped out of my stupor and opened my eyes, only to discover that everything seemed to be normal. I saw that Tathagata was still chanting scriptures while the rest were still listening.

I immediately looked towards Grandma Hao, realising that she was also resting with her eyes closed. Was it just a dream I had?

But wasn't that dream too real?

Finally, Tathagata stopped. His eyes fell on me.

He came to my side and said, "Hurry up and go. Don't ever look back on the road. Remember, if you do, tomorrow will be the day you die."

I was so frightened by his words that my face turned red. Why did he suddenly say such words?

Just as he was about to ask about the details, he saw that he had already walked up to Grandma Hao and the two of them were whispering to each other.

These two people were simply too despicable.

When they were finished, Grandma Hao walked towards me and said with a fierce expression, "Mei Ruxue, quickly follow behind me, I will send you back to your room, but I must remind you, if anyone calls out your name, you must not turn back, if anyone pulls your hand, you must not follow them, do you remember?"

Grandma Hao spoke with a serious tone, which made me mutter in my heart, you must have done it in a mysterious way, right?

But even so, I decided to believe it, because there were too many strange things happening to me since I came to this villa.

Grandma Hao glanced at me, then walked straight out of the buddhist hall.

Walking in the yard, I felt as if the temperature had dropped by several degrees. In short, I felt that this was very unusual.

Along the way, I didn't dare to look around, only nervously walking behind Grandma Hao.

Suddenly, I heard a voice that seemed to be calling my name, "Ruxue, I'm mother. I've missed you so much, can you turn around and look at me?"

I was just about to turn around, but then I remembered what Grandma Hao had said. I endured and didn't dare to turn my head, neither did I dare to say anything.

Then, his father's voice came out again, "Ruxue, your father is here, father has made many mistakes. I was the one who killed your mother, please forgive me and let me explain to you, okay?"

My father said he killed my mother? My curiosity was so strong that I wanted to figure it all out right away, but my sense of reason stopped me at the crucial moment.

Afterwards, second sister, third sister, fourth sister, they all started to talk to me in turns. However, I still persisted in ignoring them.

The distance from the buddhist hall to my room wasn't too far, but today it seemed so far away to me. I felt as if I had walked for a long time before I finally arrived.

Grandma Hao stopped and turned around, saying, "Alright, isn't the journey just now very exciting?"

I suddenly felt a chill. Does that mean she heard those sounds too?

"Grandma Hao, was the voice I heard on the way here real or just an illusion?"

I knew that there wouldn't be any result if I asked her that question, but I still couldn't help but ask.

I didn't think that I was wrong this time. Grandma Hao actually said with a calm tone, "That wasn't an illusion, it really happened."

I said in astonishment, "Could it be that they really came to tell me that they were wronged?"

Grandma Hao looked at me as if she was looking at a monster, and said, "You think that's the case? "Then you are too childish."

Grandma Hao's tone returned to its original indifference once again, and this caused my heart to fall to the bottom in an instant.

"However, my family will not harm me. They only miss me and want to speak their hearts to me. I feel that I am a bit cruel."

I looked a little sad.

"Mei Ruxue, wake up, that's not your family at all."

I looked at Grandma Hao in a daze, "What did you say?"

Grandma Hao seemed to realize that she said something wrong and immediately looked away, "Alright, I should leave now, I've already told you everything that I need to say, you better take care of yourself."

Grandma Hao swiftly disappeared before my eyes.

When I got back to the house, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Eldest Miss, you're finally back." Xier said with concern.

I wasn't in the least bit of mood. I merely gave her a polite nod.

Looking at her, I suddenly thought of Xiao Wen. Where has she been these past few days? Why didn't she go to the Buddhist hall to listen to Tathagata's chanting? Was she no longer in the villa? Or perhaps Tathagata did not let me see her on purpose?

"Eldest Miss, you seem to have something weighing on your mind."

Listening to Xier's concerned words, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, as though something was about to happen.

I inadvertently glanced at the floor, but I was a little dazed.

I saw only my own shadow on the ground.

I looked at Xier in shock, could she not be human?

I looked at the ground again, but it was the same.

I really can't calm down, could it be that Tathagata has intentionally arranged for a ghost to stay by my side? But why was he doing this?

I can't figure it out.

I was a little afraid in my heart. If Xier was really a ghost, then that kind of feeling was really strange.

I endured the fear in my heart and probed, "Oh right, Xier, you have been here for many days, and you didn't tell me where you came from? And why did you come here? "

I casually looked at her. To be honest, I was extremely nervous.

However, Xier didn't seem to notice my abnormality, but instead, her expression became a little gloomy, "Young miss, on the contrary, you really have to thank Young Master Rulai. He was the one who called me here, my family was too poor and needed money very badly, thus he found me and asked me to serve you, and also said that he had a lot of money with me every month."

Was it really that simple?

I don't quite believe it.

Xier immediately said, "What I said was all true. Young miss, why don't you take a look, Young Master Rulai just paid me tonight."

Saying that, Xier took out a stack of bills from her pocket and said, "Look, there's around 3000 yuan worth of money inside?"

I looked at the bills and froze.

Xier was obviously holding on to underworld currency, okay?

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