I quickly walked towards my own residence as if I had done something shameful.

He didn't dare to look back or look around along the way.

However, even if there was something in their hearts, it could also be said that they were afraid of something.

"Mei Ruxue, what's wrong with you today? "Why are you walking so fast?"

It's over!

This was my first thought. Tathagata must have known something. Otherwise, he wouldn't have caught up to me and said those words.

I had to stop and put on a casual face and say, "What's wrong with me? Can't you just leave quickly? "

At this moment, I was like a glib tongue in Tathagata's eyes.

However, Tathagata didn't fly into a rage this time. Instead, he seemed to have been distracted.

He kept staring at me, as if he was looking at some rare treasure.

Tch! What am I thinking?

How can he be like a pearl or a treasure to me?

I am truly impressed with myself. How could I think of such a ridiculous thing?

"It's so similar, so similar!" Tathagata seemed to be talking to himself, his eyes filled with sorrow.

I was a little confused. Could he have mistaken me for someone else? Or rather, he used me as a substitute for someone else.

"What did you say?" "If there's nothing important, I'm going back to rest. I'm very tired today."

I don't want a man to treat me like other people here.

"Mei Ruxue, I clearly know what you have done tonight. Let me warn you, you shouldn't have any hopes of winning against me."

He said he knew all about it?

Was he lying to me on purpose, or did he really discover something?

However, there was a saying, 'guilty of being a thief'. At this moment, I understood the true meaning of those words.

"What do you know?" I didn't do anything. I was in my seat listening to you recite. "

I couldn't meet his eyes.

"At that time, I didn't expose that you didn't want to do that, but I couldn't do that, because during the process of chanting, you can't stop yourself from doing that, otherwise the consequences would be severe. At that time, my heart hated you to the bones, so you said you couldn't just sit there quietly? You almost made a big mistake. "

The more Tathagata spoke, the more excited he became. In fact, he was even gnashing his teeth in anger. Maybe, I thought, if I hadn't been a woman, he would have started hitting me.

"Aren't your words a bit too serious?" I said, unconcerned.

Tathagata was so angry that he almost vomited blood. "If the corpse you saw were to stay outside for another ten minutes, it would turn into ashes and would never happen again."

Tathagata seemed to realize that he had spoken a little too much and hastily stopped.

And just as I was getting curious, I realized that there was nothing more to say.

"Why don't you finish it all at once?"

"You only need to know that you can no longer go to that room. That is not something you can control. If anything goes wrong, you will never see each other again."

Perhaps he had said too much, so he was in a hurry.

Tathagata was truly baffled today. Why were his words so strange?

It was the first time I'd seen him so new, and it only made me more curious.

Tathagata left in a flustered and exasperated manner. He didn't want to continue on with this topic. I couldn't help but shake my head. This person was simply bewitching.

After he left, before I could even catch my breath, Grandma Hao walked in front of me like a ghost.

I gasped.

"Can you not be like this every time? You know, people can scare people to death. "

I kept complaining, but to Grandma Hao, what I said was too funny for her.

She gave a strange smile. "You're wrong. It's not that people scare people to death. "

I felt that it was strange, what exactly did this Grandma Hao want to say?

I knew what she was going to say was definitely not good news.

So I chose silence.

However, Grandma Hao did not plan to spare me just because of my silence.

"You think you're human? Or am I a ghost? "

Grandma Hao's words made goosebumps all over my body.

"Can you not say that during these three nights?" It's really scary. " I grumbled as I looked at the birthday suit she was wearing. It felt really weird.

Grandma Hao laughed out loud, "Are you afraid? "Then how will you face your wedding husband in the future?"

Underworld marriage again!

Damn it!

"Don't say nether marriage in front of me! I don't want to hear it. " I screamed at the top of my lungs.

But Grandma Hao said word by word, "Impossible! Everything was arranged for you, if you don't want an underworld marriage, then how can you? Just be at ease and wait to be your bride! "

After Grandma Hao finished speaking, she laughed a few more times, still wishing for more, before leaving.

I'm in a terrible mood.

However, even worse was to be expected. After returning to my room, I immediately saw the familiar letter on the table.

It was a letter of urgency!

I know that I will come back sooner or later. This is probably fate, and no matter what, I won't be able to escape.

I trembled as I read the letter. After finishing, I had already guessed the ending.

This time, there was no doubt that the letter mentioned my fourth sister, Ru Qing, saying that she would die of a heart rupture in two days.

It was only then that I realized the last letter I had received about my death was probably just a prank. I had thought it was strange at the time, according to the order, it should be Fourth Sister's turn, and it definitely wouldn't be me.

Now it is true that my guess is correct.

I didn't have the ability to stop everything. It was just like what was written above. Everything was destined by the heavens, and there was no way to escape.

But do I have to face the pain of losing Fourth Sister?

I don't want to lose my only sister.

I ran to room 5 like crazy. According to the order, Fourth Sister was staying in room 4.

I could see the lights on inside, and Fourth Sister's shadow was reflected in the window.

I saw her talking to herself, then laughing and crying, as if she was performing something.

Is Fourth Sister really that weird?

What were they doing here, moving around in the middle of the night?

Or was she bewitched?

I didn't dare to delay any longer and hastily knocked on the door.

I heard the noise in the room stop.

Then the lights went out.

"Fourth Sister, Ru Qing, open the door. Open the door for me, I have something to say to you."

But no matter what I said, she never said a word.

I kept shouting, hoping to see a miracle, and she would come over and open the door and talk to me.

But the truth was destined to be an extravagant hope.

My imagination was shattered, and though my mouth was about to break, I never saw her open the door for me.

I could only return to my room in disappointment.

After I left, the light in room five lit up again.

Then, a figure started to twist around again and again.

It's just that I don't know anything about it.

This night, without a doubt, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

I stared and thought, but I couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.

In my nervousness, I don't know how these two days went by.

I felt that everything had happened too fast. Before I could think of a viable solution, that horrible day finally came.

Early the next morning, I woke up. I wanted to have a good talk with Fourth Sister and see if there were any results.

But he never would have thought that when he arrived at the door of room 5, he would find quite a few people surrounding him.

My heart rose to my throat. Could it be that something had happened to Fourth Sister?

I hastily separated those few people before I saw that Fourth Sister was really lying on the ground motionlessly with a pale face.

I broke out in a cold sweat.

"Ru Qing, don't be like this. Get up, don't you like dancing? Get up and show it to your sister, will you? I know you're just asleep, right? "

But Ru Qing didn't answer me, she just kept her eyes closed quietly, as if she would never open them again.

"He Bo, have you confirmed the cause of her death?"

When I heard the word "dead" from Tathagata, I suddenly felt that it was so ear-piercing. I suddenly shouted, "Tathagata, don't spout nonsense. Ru Qing isn't dead, she isn't dead. You're talking nonsense. "

Tathagata ignored me and continued to speak these words to He Bo.

"Young Master Rulai, I checked on Fourth Young Miss and found out that she was too excited, causing her heart to be unable to hold on and thus died."

He Bo's last sentence stung my heart deeply, and what he told me in his letter was fulfilled once again.

I didn't expect Fourth Sister to have a heart rupture from overexcitement. This result was slightly out of my expectations.

"Young Master Rulai, what do we do now to deal with the matters behind Fourth Miss?"

"As usual, she was buried in her own room. Because she died in her own room, she was buried here as usual."

This time, I wasn't particularly shocked, because after the previous few events, I knew that Tathagata would definitely make such arrangements, so I was already used to it.

I calmly straightened Fourth Sister's clothes and said, "Ruqing, you can leave in peace. You can now reunite with your parents and elder sisters. I believe that you will definitely be taken good care of by them. Don't worry, you won't be alone."

When I had finished, it was as if I had been relieved of one thing in my heart.

Just like that, my fourth sister left me and will never come back. So far, I only have one brother, my only brother. It was also the only bloodline in our family. I suddenly felt that the burden on my shoulders was exceptionally heavy.

I think that I must do everything in my power to protect him and protect the sole child of our family.

With this thought, I began to observe everything at all times.

I didn't dare be careless. Even when I woke up in the middle of the night, I would go to his room and see if he was safe.

However, this was not a long-term solution.

In just one week's time, I was very nervous at night, resulting in a sleepless sleep, causing my old illness, severe anemia.

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