Why am I here?

At this moment, I seemed to have suddenly woken up. Looking at my surroundings, I wasn't only stunned.

"Why am I here?"

I asked myself in confusion, as if what happened just now really didn't have any impression at all. It was as if it had never existed in my memory at all.

I looked at everything that happened here in a daze. I realised that apart from trees, there were also trees. If someone were to walk by this place, they would definitely be unable to see me.

I wanted to quickly leave this somewhat sinister and terrifying place, but I found that I seemed to have gotten lost. This place was like a maze. I can't find my way out.

But I couldn't help but be confused. Did I just walk in by myself?

I couldn't find an answer.

I had to start looking for a way out like a headless fly.

Just when I was feeling dejected, I saw a person under a big tree. I couldn't help but feel ecstatic in my heart. The chances of meeting someone here were extremely small, but now I met them. I was really lucky.

Since he had already seen the person, he would have the chance to leave.

I hastily walked to the person's side and asked, "May I ask, how do I get out?"

When I finished, I waited nervously for his answer.

He was both excited and happy.

The man raised his head, revealing a pale face. His eyes seemed to be black, and his lips were purple. He seemed to be lifeless.

I gasped when I saw him.

I tightly covered my mouth. I felt as though my breathing wasn't as smooth as before. A sense of visual terror tightly surrounded me.

My heart felt empty.

How could that be? How is this possible?

There are many strange things in this world, but the weirdest thing happened here.

I looked at the person in front of me in a daze. I didn't dare to imagine that this person was actually my dead father, Mei Zonggong!

For a moment I couldn't accept it.

It was really too hard to accept.

I forced myself to calm down and grabbed his hand while trembling. "Dad, why are you here?"

Even though my father was a gambler when he was alive and didn't work properly, he still wanted to die. After all, he was my relative, so when I suddenly saw him, I felt a bit sad.

When he heard me, he slowly raised his head. There was not a single trace of emotion in his eyes. He only indifferently looked at me, as if he was looking at an insignificant person.

My heart suddenly tightened. Did he not have any impression of me?

"Daddy, don't you know me anymore? I am Ruxue, your daughter. Look at me. "

I began to worry about why he was here. What I wanted to know most of all was why he was here. Or was he dead or alive?

He was still looking at me foolishly, but suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched and he opened his mouth wide. However, the moment his mouth opened, I saw many beads of blood continuously flowing out and it seemed that they wouldn't stop flowing. Very soon, there were a lot of blood stains on the ground in front of me.

"Dad, what happened to you?" I was at a loss as to what to do.

He suddenly shut his mouth, and only then did the blood droplets stop flowing out.

"Don't, don't treat me like this, Tianjia, I was wrong, spare me, spare me!"

Dad finally spoke, but instead of answering my question, he said something inexplicable.

Why was it Tianjia again?

Does father know Tianjia?

His mouth was begging for mercy to Tianjia. What was going on?

But Dad didn't seem to know me. How was I supposed to know all this from his mouth?

"Father, look after me carefully. I am your daughter Ruxue, if you have anything to say to me, just say it out. Do you know that Tianjia? What did he do to you? If you say it out loud, I might be able to help you. "

I said a lot of things, but he didn't seem to hear a word of it. It was like he was playing a lute to a cow.

It was just that he kept talking about what he had said from the beginning to the end.

When I saw this, I could not help but feel sad.

Dad is dead, and I actually saw him again. And I saw him, but he didn't recognize me. What is this?

Suddenly, waves of whistling sounds could be heard. His father's expression changed drastically, as if he had heard something terrifying. He quickly gathered his concentration and walked towards a certain direction.

I was stunned by this sudden scene.

Before I could even understand what was going on, he had already disappeared without a trace.

Where did that howl come from?

There must be someone around here!

I'm sure of it!

Furthermore, my father was afraid of this howl. It seems that this howl was directed towards my father, right?

Curious, I concentrated and called out, "Is there anyone here? Who's playing the flute? "

I finished, but there was no echo.

Was my judgement wrong?

But my ears would never be wrong.

Then it's very likely that the person playing the flute is trying to avoid me.

However, there were only a few people in this villa. Who in the world was trying to be mysterious?

Everything seemed more and more confusing. I had seen my dead mother, and now I saw my dead father. And dead as ice.

My mind was suddenly in a mess.

But how am I going to get out of this grove?

"Eldest Miss, what's wrong with you? Why did you come to this place?"

My nerves tightened. I was frightened by this sudden voice.

However, I immediately recovered, because this voice unexpectedly gave me a very reassuring feeling.

And I remember this voice, the owner of this voice is Dr. Zhou.

"Dr. Zhou, why are you here?" I abruptly turned around and looked at the person in front of me with pleasant surprise.

That's right, the person standing beside me is indeed Dr. Zhou.

In my impression, he was actually a very good person, even though I had only met him once.

"Eldest Miss, I'm here to see a patient. I just happened to pass by and found you. Are you lost from time to time?"

A doctor?

Come to this place?

I looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Could it be that there is someone living here?" How did you come to this place to treat people? "

"Eldest Miss, you don't need to ask what you shouldn't ask, how about I take you out now?"

Of course, I was hoping for nothing. I didn't have time to worry about the questions on my mind as I hastily followed him out of the backyard.

I swore to myself that I would never come back to this place again.

At the same time, however, it struck me as odd that the last time I had come here, the back yard had not been like this, and now there was a complete change.

"Dr. Zhou, I really have to thank you today. Why don't you come to my room and take a seat?"

Dr. Zhou's eyes were fixated on my face the entire time, causing me to feel a little embarrassed.

"Eldest Miss, are you not feeling well today?"

I was stunned. He knew I wasn't feeling well just from looking at me? He really was a godly person.

"Yes, it's true. How did you know?"

Dr. Zhou frowned and said, "Bring me to your room now, I'll treat you well."

Of course, I couldn't wait, I wanted to find Xiao Tian to treat me, I just didn't know if she had been there yet.

After reaching the room, it was so strange that the moment I stepped into the doorway, I lost consciousness.

The Dr. Zhou sighed, "Eldest Miss, your soul left your body, but you didn't know it, but luckily it hasn't become a big mistake, and you haven't reached that stage yet, luckily you met me."

As Dr. Zhou spoke, he did something for me and stealthily left.

The moment I opened my eyes, it was as if everything that had happened before had been completely forgotten by me.

I must have been asleep for a long time, right?

But why am I sleeping on the floor?

I shook my head and thought, "Mei Ruxue, you're getting more and more outrageous."

My stomach growled. No wonder I was hungry after sleeping for such a long time.

To be honest, the taste of hunger was really unpleasant. I immediately got up, intending to go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

In the kitchen, I saw that Tiantian seemed to be busy.

I patted her shoulder and said, "Xiao Tian, give me something to eat first. I'm starving."

I noticed that Xiao Tian's body shuddered, and seemed to tremble a little.

Then she turned around, and my first impression was that she was looking at me like she'd seen a ghost.

I asked in astonishment, "Little Tian, why are you looking at me like that?"

Xiao Tian came back to her senses and hurriedly said, "No, I didn't mean anything. I was just preparing food for you. I wanted to prepare it and send it to your room, but I didn't expect you to come running here so late."

I felt a little embarrassed, "I don't know why, but I just feel so hungry that I can't take it anymore, so I came looking for something. Is there anything ready-made?" "Give me some first."

Xiao Tian seemed to be deliberately hiding her panicked eyes. In short, I felt that it was weird, what was she trying to hide?

But even so, I didn't have any doubts about her. I just thought she had some sort of idea.

I took a piece of cake and started to eat it in big bites. The food was really sweet and delicious, as if I had never eaten such a delicacy in my entire life before.

One cake went down to the belly, but I didn't feel full at all, so I picked up another to eat.

Thus, I ate five cakes in one go before I was full.

Xiao Tian looked at me incredulously, as though doubting how I was able to eat so many cakes.

I felt a little embarrassed by her stare. Yes, I also thought it was strange. Previously, my appetite wasn't that great. It was just like the cake I ate. I would be full after eating two servings.

But today, it broke the record.

"Eldest Miss, are you sure you're alright?"

Xiao Tian finally asked the question that was on her mind while trembling.

I blushed, as if this question wasn't easy to answer.

"Lil 'Tian, are you saying that it's a bit abnormal for me to eat so much? Seriously, this is something I've never used before."

"Eldest Miss, I feel that your behavior has been weird recently. Have you encountered something abnormal?"

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