I was startled by him. His face was rather cold, like a stiff zombie face.

"What did you say?" I was a little disgusted. Even though he helped me take care of my mother's affairs, he can't speak so harshly, can he?

"Follow me back to the villa now, and you can't leave. Otherwise, you have to bear the consequences."

With that, he turned and walked away. He ignored me, who had a confused expression on his face.

I hurried after him. At the same time, I noticed that the voice behind me had disappeared.

The villa seemed lifeless. His father was nowhere to be seen, as if his whereabouts were unknown.

And my brothers and sisters shut their doors. No matter how I knocked on the door, I still got the cold shoulder.

The house was deserted, and the point was that the atmosphere was eerie. It always seemed to me that this villa was strange.

Helplessly, I decided to get some valuable information from him.

"Who the hell are you? Why would he suddenly appear in my house? " I asked cautiously.

He frowned, as if he was very serious, and looked at me with disdain, "You only need to know that my name is Tathagata, and your room is number one, you definitely can't go to another room, especially the villa's front door. Without my permission, you definitely can't leave, I'll live in the west temple in the village."

Just when I was confused by his actions and wanted to continue questioning him, I realized that he had already left.

I've been thinking about what he said. His name is also very strange, Tathagata. Why don't you add the word Buddhist after it, that would be Tathagata?

I felt a little haggard. Even though I only came back for a short day, I had already encountered so many unimaginable things. I didn't know what would happen next.

I didn't know what to do, so I went back to room one.

There was a strange smell in the room. I couldn't tell what it was, but it made me want to vomit.

Night came quietly.

I'm really not used to it. Although this used to be my home, now it's completely different.

At midnight, my room was suddenly rung.

I was startled by the sudden sound. Who was it so late?

"Who?" I only asked a simple question.

"It's me, Eldest Miss. Open the door, I have something to tell you."

I said unhappily, "Why can't you tell me tomorrow at this late hour?"

"Eldest Miss, this is the villa's rule. Every night at 12 o'clock, you have to go to the Buddhist Hall to recite the scriptures, and everyone has to go."

Where's my God?

There was actually such a ridiculous thing?

There was actually a buddhist hall here?

And he had to read the scriptures at night?

Doubts crept into my mind one after another, making me feel even more incredulous.

I no longer hesitated. Since I had returned, then I would have to figure out everything here.

With these thoughts in mind, I casually put on a piece of clothing and opened the door.

It was only when I opened the door that I froze.

They only saw Xiao Wen standing outside the door, but that's not the most important thing, what shocked me the most was the clothes that Xiao Wen was wearing.

"You, why are you wearing a birthday suit?"

As you might imagine, my shock was verbal.

However, Xiao Wen said with a calm face, "Tathagata has to tell us everything. We have to listen to him no matter what she says. Young miss, you don't need to ask. You'll know everything after a while. "

Xiao Wen looked very anxious.

I don't know why but I feel extremely uncomfortable looking at Xiao Wen's clothes.

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