"You're here."

Just as I was deep in thought, a sinister yet familiar voice sounded from behind me.

My heart jumped, could this person be Xier's family?

At that time, my emotions were unexpectedly complicated, to the point that I didn't dare to turn around and face this person.

If it's really the person I know, it's getting more and more interesting.

"You don't dare to look back at me?"

His voice was heartless, but it also carried a trace of disdain.

Although the voice was familiar, the tone was unfamiliar.

Forget it, forget it. Since he had come, there was no need to worry so much. Let's see what he was here for first. or maybe they were Xier's relatives or not.

After thinking about it, I forced myself to calm down. Actually, if I was able to calm down, it wouldn't be that scary anymore.

I whirled around, and sure enough, the person standing behind me was him!

"It's really you? I really did not expect that, if not for your voice, I would not have believed that you were actually Xier's relative. "

When I saw the person in front of me, I felt like I wasn't that scared anymore. I even said those words out of anger.

He looked at me with a sneer. "You seem to have forgotten the code?"

I immediately took in a breath of cold air. Right, Xier seemed to have told me that she was going to use a secret signal, but due to being nervous just now, I had actually forgotten all about it.

However, since this person was able to say the secret signal, then it proves that he is indeed Xier's relative. Otherwise, he wouldn't know about the agreement between Xier and I.

I touched my head and said embarrassedly, "Sky King's Earth Tiger."

Actually, when he added on this code, he felt that it was rather laughable.

Why does this look like a special task force?

However, he immediately uttered the next code, "Pagoda-suppressing River Demon."

I felt a chill. How could I say such strange things to him under such circumstances, in such places, in such an atmosphere?

"Are you really Xier's relative? He Bo. "

I finally called out his name, but after saying it, I felt a little strange.

"Where are the items?" He Bo had a stern face, as if he was unwilling to speak another word of nonsense with me.

It looks like he's here to get something, not to talk to me.

I was stunned for a moment before I replied, "He Bo, are you here to take that money?"

"Cut the crap. "Hurry up and bring it to me."

How could the He Bo be so anxious, and even be so agitated?

Although he gave me the impression that he wasn't good with words and didn't have any facial expressions, I didn't expect him to be like this. It seemed that he was pretty much the same as before.

"Can you tell me what your relationship is with Xier?"

I actually mustered a lot of courage to ask this question, because no matter what, I was unable to link Xier and He Bo, these two people who don't seem to be related at all.

He Bo seemed to be annoyed, he fiercely glared at the pair of fierce eyes and said angrily, "This is not something you can know, just give it to me."

I am also a little unhappy in my heart, but isn't He Bo's tone too bad?

However, I have also proven that he is indeed Xier's relative, so he can't possibly withhold the money from others, right?

It could also be said that this money was actually like a scalding potion. I didn't want to take it with me for a while. Just thinking about how it would only be some underworld money made my heart shiver.

Forget it, since he doesn't want to tell me anything, there's no need for me to ask any further. After all, there are many secrets here, so I don't mind having one more.

I quickly took out the money and handed it over to him. "Alright, here it is."

When He Bo saw the money, his eyes immediately lit up, as if he was extremely greedy.

I don't get it. Why is he so interested in the money these dead people can use?

He Bo held the money and looked at me meaningfully, then said with a warning tone, "Remember, no one is allowed to speak about what happened today."

After throwing down those words, the He Bo left in a hurry.

I looked after him and shook my head.

I wondered how I could get out of here now.

"Ruxue, you're here. Since you're here, why don't you talk to me!"

I knew that I might encounter him here every time.

"Qihai, what do you want to say?" I didn't look back, but I knew it was him.

Qihai said with a sad tone, "Don't tell me you don't miss me at all?"

Could I understand that he was expressing his feelings for me?

However, I still haven't digested the matter of Qihai confessing to me yet, so I really don't know how to face him now.

"Don't say anymore, I came here today for a reason and not to find you. I think it's time for me to go back."

I hurriedly wanted to leave, but due to my nervousness, I twisted my ankle. Instantly, my ankle swelled up.

I was in so much pain that my expression immediately changed. "How unlucky! How can you be like this just by walking on a road?"

I muttered to myself softly, but felt Qihai's aura. Presumably, he was already very close to me.

I became even more embarrassed. Just when my mind was rapidly thinking about what I should do, I suddenly felt that my body was completely empty. I think that I was probably being carried by Qihai.

My face turned purple. "What are you trying to do?"

I struggled to get out of his body.

"Do you think your feet can walk? Don't talk, I know what I'm doing. "

Hearing Qihai's unquestionable tone, I could only shut my mouth.

However, I didn't dare to continue looking at him with my eyes wide open. In my heart, I frantically closed my eyes.

It was only until I felt that my body was empty that I realized that Qihai had probably let go of me.

I opened my eyes tentatively, as the scene before me made me feel as though I had been pulled out of reality.

"You, why did you bring me here? "What is this place?"

I was surprised to find that I was in the same place where I had seen my own tombstone the first time I came here.

This discovery immediately made me turn pale with fright. I even had the thought that Qihai had another goal.

Qihai ignored my panic, and said indifferently, "This is my place, don't make such a big fuss."

I pointed to the tombstone that was only one step away from me and stammered, "This, what is this? Don't you see? "

Qihai glanced at it, and said disapprovingly, "Of course I saw it. I live here everyday, how could I not know that this is your tombstone?"

Wasn't his answer a bit too casual?

It was as if he was talking about something ordinary, but to me, it was like a clap of thunder.

Just by thinking about it, one could tell that I was facing my own grave, my own tombstone. It would be strange if I could remain calm.

"Can you tell me what's going on? If you say that you've always lived here, then you must know about this. Let me ask you, tell me the truth, am I a dead person or a living person? "

Facing Qihai's attitude, I couldn't help but ask out the doubt in my heart.

At this time, Qihai suddenly kneeled in front of my grave, stared at my tombstone with deep emotion and said, "Ruxue, you really forgot, you forgot me completely. We were actually a pair in the past."

"What?" It was a shock to me to hear that.

I used to be a couple with him?

But I can't remember a thing about it.

It's no wonder, Qiduo had told me before that I had lost a part of my memories. Maybe the memory that she had just lost was the part she had shared with Qihai.

However, I still find it unacceptable. You said that I was simply sent here to look for someone, but who would have thought that I would cause such trouble?

I looked at Qihai with a headache, and didn't know what to do.

"Here is where you are buried. Actually, Ruxue, you are already dead. Otherwise, why did Tathagata insist on marrying you? Actually, he is also a dead person, but he is just a higher ranked dead person. "

My head hurts even more. If what Qihai said was true, then this fact was indeed too cruel.

"How do you know so much?"

"At that time, I personally saw you die by my side, but I was powerless. After you died, I personally buried you. I stayed here all this time because I wanted to revive you one day."

Aren't I a little too shocked by what I hear?

Why did it feel like Qihai's words were a little too ridiculous?

"I don't really understand what you're saying."

What I said was the truth. It just felt a bit messy.

"Let me put it this way, the reason why I wanted you to find that thing was to save you. It can revive you, so I don't want you to leave me forever. That's why I destroyed it when you were holding an underworld marriage ceremony with Tathagata."

"You, you mean to say that you caused the death of the Aunt Li?" I looked at him in disbelief.

Qihai did not deny it but nodded happily, "At that time, as long as Aunt Li found Grandma Hao, then everything was set in stone. Therefore, I could only come up with this plan to kill a Aunt Li for you."

Qihai's words made me have a strange feeling in my heart. He did this because of me, asking for the Underworld Marriage, but I felt that I couldn't quite accept this kind of method.

"But no matter what, the Aunt Li is still a human life, how can you do that? Besides, didn't you give me a special dagger? Let me stab Tathagata in his bridal chamber and beg him for help. Why are you still going to hurt Aunt Li? "

Qihai frowned, "Giving you the dagger is just a good plan, I am afraid that if you fail, then there is nothing that can be done, I might as well put in more effort on Aunt Li."

"But this is too cruel." No matter how hateful Aunt Li is, she will not die. I don't want her to die.

"You're just too soft-hearted. If you don't do this, then I'm sure you've already followed Tathagata into the bridal chamber and become his woman?"

When I said these words, I could hear that Qihai's tone carried an obvious jealousy.

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