I didn't want to go on with what he was saying, because it might seem absurd to talk about it to a stranger, an unfamiliar person.

So I didn't want to talk to someone I didn't know at all about such a deep topic.

Seeing that I didn't want to talk to him anymore, Tianjia felt helpless. He had a bitter smile on his face.

"Alright, since you don't want to continue, then I'll send you back right now."

Hearing that he had finally agreed, I was overjoyed. Looking at this shocking place, I really didn't have the courage to stay any longer.

"Then let's go now!"

I was homeless and had gone through this terrible experience. I really wanted to return to my villa, which had become my safe haven.

Tianjia was startled, "You think it's that easy? If you want to leave, you can leave. It will depend on whether the Blood Wave Lake agrees to it. "

I was confused by his words. If I were to leave, would I have to wait for the Blood Wave Lake's consent? What kind of concept was this?

"Don't you think what you said was ridiculous? Can Blood Wave Lake speak? Besides, what did I have to do with him? "Why did you ask his permission?"

I seemed to be asking with a lot of momentum, as if I was so right.

Tianjia looked at me as if I were a childish child, his eyes made me seem like a pitiful and pitiful person.

"You think that after falling into the Blood Wave Lake s, you could leave just like that?" Tianjia asked.

"Isn't it?" My voice trailed off a little. He kept feeling that something wasn't right.

"You are really naive. You have also personally witnessed the power of Blood Wave Lake, don't you think that if you don't draw a clear line between us, you won't be able to leave? Even if you were to return to your villa or go to the ends of the world, he would still follow you like your shadow. "

Pursuing Shadow?

I don't want it.

Who would be willing to follow the Blood Wave Lake in that strange place?

I'm not full.

"I say, that person, can you tell me more clearly?" What exactly do you mean by that? "

I did my best to restrain my emotions. Although my heart was surrounded by a ball of fire, I still suppressed it and didn't want to make the matter too stiff.

"Let's not talk about anything else for now. Do you really think you can go and meet someone with your honor?"

Seeing Tianjia's gaze that seemed to be implying something, I was suddenly stunned. My intuition told me that there was something fishy on my face.

I instinctively covered my face and shouted, "What happened to my face?"

Tianjia shook his head and took out a mirror, "You take care of it yourself."

I impatiently took over the mirror, and in that instant, a person I didn't know was watching from within the mirror.

That face should be the weirdest face I've ever seen in my life, right?

It could be said that his facial features were almost deformed, right?

First of all, the two eyes met, and at first glance it looked so long.

Next was the nose, the nostrils were actually still pointed upwards.

Even his mouth turned green. It was as ugly as it could be.

These were his facial features and his skin. It was covered in a green glow, making him look extremely ugly.

This face can't connect me with my previous face at all. This is simply not the same person!

"How did my face become like this? It's your mirror, isn't it? That must be it. "

Tianjia looked at me sympathetically, "Miss, are you really not willing to accept this reality? Actually, the person you are looking at right now is the real you. This mirror is a treasure, and anyone who can see their true self from it, no matter who it is, can see whether they are a human or a ghost by looking in the mirror. If you are a ghost, then his ghostly appearance will appear. If you are a human, then his ordinary appearance will appear.

That's right, Tianjia had said it very clearly, even if I had a poor ability to accept it, I would still be able to understand it.

"You mean I look like a ghost now?"

I was a little dumbfounded by my own words. It clearly sounded like he was a ghost.

"You and I can't explain this sort of thing clearly with just a few words. As for whether or not you're a human or a ghost, you have to rely on your slow research in the future. One day, you will find out your true identity."

These words seemed to have a slightly puzzled tone to it.

However, at this moment, my attention seems to have landed on that mirror. I saw that the mirror seemed to be very special. It had a small shape and was an oval shape. It looked quite exquisite.

My eyes accidentally touched that ray of light and immediately felt a sharp pain.

Looking at that insignificant light, it could actually cause my eyes to feel pain. What kind of mirror is this?

I raised my hand to take a look at the mirror, but before my hand could touch the mirror, I heard a barely audible sound.

"Don't touch that mirror, or you'll get into big trouble."

Startled by the sound, I quickly withdrew my hand.

Although I do not know who is speaking to me now, but since she knows what I mean, it means that she is very close to me.

Tianjia's originally pleasantly surprised expression dimmed. He looked at me in disbelief, as if he was doubting why I had suddenly given up on taking that mirror just now.

I could even conclude that he had expected me to take the mirror, and it was not hard to see the disappointment on his face.

In that case, I began to wonder if there was something wrong with the mirror.

But who was reminding me?

Other than Tianjia and I, there's no one else here. Furthermore, from the looks of it, Tianjia did not seem to have heard that voice.

"You must strongly request that we leave this place. You must not spend the night here, or the consequences will be unimaginable."

Again, the voice spoke to me.

This time, it was very clear, much clearer than before.

After all, this voice was loud, so Tianjia would definitely be able to hear it. If that was the case, wouldn't he be the one who found out?

However, I immediately realized that my worries were unnecessary.

Tianjia was still the same as before, but from his expression, he probably didn't hear this voice.

I couldn't help but be curious. Just who was so capable that they wouldn't be overheard when talking to me?

I tentatively said in my heart, "Who are you? Where are you talking to me now? "

I originally only said it with a skeptical attitude, but I didn't expect the voice to answer me, "I was just speaking to you internally, just like you are speaking to me right now. We can't communicate like this with other people."

I suddenly understood. I understood, but at the same time, I felt that it was very strange. To think that there was actually such a way of speaking, does this mean that I have some sort of special ability?

I was thrilled by my own thoughts.

"Yes, this is indeed a special ability, you didn't have this ability before, but after arriving here, you can talk to anyone in your heart. Of course, I mean, under special circumstances, you don't want too many people to hear your words, so you can use this method. As long as you can speak to someone in your heart, only that person will be able to hear you. No one else will be able to hear it. "

What she explained was indeed very detailed. I admit that even though it was a bit long-winded, I understood clearly.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited. I didn't expect that this would be a blessing in disguise.

However, it was only a brief moment of joy at the moment. After that, there was endless desolation.

How can I face people when my face is like this?

Strangely enough, as soon as this thought appeared in my mind, she found out, and I wondered if she was a worm in my belly.

"Your face is not a problem. As long as you leave this place, I will help you recover."


I couldn't help but exclaim in my heart. I didn't expect her to have such a move up her sleeve.

Subconsciously, I made some comparisons. I would rather believe the owner of this voice.

I weighed my options and finally decided to believe her.

Therefore, I said to Tianjia, "Please send me away! Even if that's the case with my face, I don't want to stay here either. "

I could only pretend to be calm as I didn't want to anger him, so as to not cause unnecessary trouble.

Tianjia obviously did not expect me to still persist on like this, but the hand holding the mirror actually started to tremble.

The mirror became tighter and tighter in his hand, as if he had offended the mirror.

His face began to change as he stared at me, giving me a bad feeling.

I have a faint premonition that if I want to leave this place, it might not be so easy. Furthermore, even though Tianjia said that he was doing well, he is actually not a good person. Maybe it's just someone with ulterior motives for me.

I don't know why these people with ulterior motives always appear around me. I'm just a normal girl.

Aren't they tired?

Speak nonsense to me, do something inexplicable.

I have seen all of this, and I think they are truly eccentric.

It was as if the people around me were doing all this for some hidden purpose. I wasn't an idiot, so I could naturally feel it. I could see what they were trying to do with me, but what I couldn't figure out was, what could an ordinary girl like me do for them?

It's like, this Tianjia now, his appearance, and these two encounters, made me feel like it wasn't that coincidental.

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