I was currently happily waiting for Qihai to happily say to me, "Alright, I'm willing to bring you along. We'll immediately leave this place and go to a paradise, a blissful life."

I even thought that if Qihai really said that, then I might really be able to give up on the so-called hatred, the so-called truth, and become someone who can give up everything for love.

However, after I said those words, I realized that I had fallen into silence.

I couldn't help but look at Qihai in astonishment. I actually saw a trace of hesitation in his eyes, and my heart couldn't help but hurt. Or did he love me, but not as much as I thought?

"You don't want to?" I finally asked again.

Qihai finally came to his senses from his deep thoughts. Just as he was about to say something to me, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes in the dark corner.

His heart was in pain, but he could not express his true feelings.

"I think we all need some time to calm down. Perhaps, as time passes, we will have an answer that really suits us."

What did that mean?

I felt a little dumbfounded. Is he rejecting me in a disguised manner?

Actually, that's what I really think.

Am I being sentimental, or am I misunderstanding?

Seeing that I was injured, Qihai said seriously, "Your body is currently very weak, wait until you recover, can we talk about these things? "Believe me, I'll definitely give you an explanation when the time comes."

Looking at his gentle eyes, I couldn't help but fall into his trap once again.

I nodded, not wanting to embarrass him. After all, our time together was limited, so it was understandable that he would say that.

When I thought of all these things, I felt a little better.

It's also true that I feel weak now. Even speaking is a little strenuous for me. After saying those words just now, I have already expended a lot of energy.

I nodded and said, "To be honest, I'm really a bit tired. But, can you tell me what happened to me?"

Qihai's expression was somewhat dejected, "The ghost absorbed most of the essence in your body, causing your vital energy and blood to run dry. If it weren't for the Spirit Returning Grass, I believe that you would have already disappeared into thin air."

I couldn't help but be shocked. So it turns out that the Female Cadaver absorbed all the essence in my body, and no wonder I could hear her voice calling me back in the next ten days. She was the one who tried to confuse me with her words, causing me to almost die in her hands in the end.

It was hard on me, but I still felt sorry for her. She had shed so many tears for her.

Thinking about this, I couldn't help but say angrily, "I really didn't expect that Female Cadaver was so vicious. I even shed so many tears for her, but I didn't expect her to harm me like this."

Qihai laughed bitterly, "Did you know? It is because of those tears that your essence is gone. You are a rather special person, and every single tear you shed represents the essence of your being. "

I only feel that she made me a little dizzy from what he said. When I think about it carefully, that's unlikely.

"If what you said is true, then who knows how many times I've cried before. I've already died countless times, haven't I?"

Qihai patiently explained, "It's not what you think, your tears can't affect the dead, the dead, the living, the demon, or the inhuman."

I somewhat understood now that I actually had this kind of ability.

"So, in the future, you have to be careful of people with ulterior motives. No, it's people with ulterior motives that want to draw your essence away from you. In short, in the future, you just need to try your best to avoid tears."

I can't help but laugh. Can I control these tears?

But he also said that because he cared about me, cared about me.

"I will be careful. But how do you know so much? "

Qihai was startled by my question, but immediately explained, "I coincidentally discovered it too, but I temporarily need to keep it a secret from you, you will know about it in the future."

Forget it, it seemed like he was going to keep her in suspense.

"Where are we now?"

I was slowly getting used to the situation, so I started to pay attention to my surroundings.

I discovered that I seemed to be in a rather cold place. The temperature here seemed to be much lower than in the villa. Moreover, all I could see were very deep colors.

Qihai said, "This is my home."

"Your home?" I was a little surprised, why was the atmosphere in Qihai's home so oppressive?

Moreover, I noticed that his room here didn't look like an ordinary room. It looked like a cave, which was why I felt that it was strange.

Qihai said with a calm face, "Do you think that it's very strange?"

I said, a little embarrassed, "I didn't have any other intentions. I was just curious."

"This place was passed down from my ancestors for generations, and my ancestors had made a will that the future generations could not change without permission, so I had no choice but to live here. "Actually, I think it's pretty good, but it's also quite unique."

Qihai seemed to be trying to make me happy on purpose, so he spoke in a manner that seemed like he was pretending to be relaxed.

I understand his efforts.

Thus, he naturally didn't pursue the matter any further.

"Then why are you at the Flowers Corpse Ground?"

I stopped questioning him about his family affairs, but then I thought of another, more sensitive topic.

Qihai obviously did not expect me to change the topic so quickly, but he reacted quickly enough, and casually said, "Isn't it because he wanted to stay and protect you?"

His words were clearly meant to be a joke, but I could hear that he didn't want to answer the question directly. My gut told me that he must be hiding something from me.

But I am also sure that he definitely had no ill intentions towards me. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much effort to save me.

He didn't say that he might have his own difficulties.

I believed in my instincts, so I believed he was a good man, or at least he was sincere to me.

"Then when are we going back?"

I knew that I wouldn't be able to get anything out of him, and I also knew that he wouldn't go far with me, so it was very likely that I would have to face the consequences of returning to the villa.

I looked sad.

Qihai also couldn't help but feel sorry for me, his eyes filled with regret.

"I'm sorry, I can't bring you out of here immediately, because if we can't get that thing, none of us will be able to escape, and even if we leave, we won't be able to remain safe. Therefore, the only way out for us is to find that thing, and then we can truly solve the problem." I'm sorry, I can't bring you out of here immediately, because if we can't get that thing, none of us will be able to escape.

So it turns out that Qihai still remembered that thing. I even had the misconception that Qihai approached me because of that thing, and I don't know if my thoughts were right or not.

I almost said it for a split-second, but I had already found it.

But at the critical moment, I swallowed those words back.

Because I still haven't figured out the secret of those two framed photos, I want to get all the facts straight before I hand them over to him.

I nodded my head and said, "What you say makes sense. Then, we'll do as you say."

I had no choice but to agree. I didn't want to make things difficult for him.

From then on, the distance between us has become much closer, I feel that my life seems to have some hope.

"Good, you are really considerate. You should start recuperating first. When you recover, we will return to the villa."

I agreed to his words. Thus, in the following time, every day, he would meticulously take care of me and help me change patterns to make delicious food.

Under his meticulous nurturing, I seemed to recover very quickly.

I was extremely happy, but it was only a short period of time. Three days later, Qihai told me that I would be returning tomorrow.

To be honest, when I heard his words, I was still a little disappointed. I really wasn't willing to go back and face Tathagata's face and that eccentric and hateful Grandma Hao.

However, I still sensibly agreed to him.

That night, Qihai watched me lie down before leaving my room.

In one room, the woman's voice was full of jealousy, "Have you been too concerned about her these days? I saw your true feelings with my own eyes. Don't tell me you're just playing on the spot, I can see it in your eyes. "

Qihai said in disdain, "Don't tell me you don't know about acting? If I don't use my acting skills, can she listen to my arrangements and return successfully? Do you use your brain? "Don't be blinded by jealousy."

The woman still didn't believe him, "You are so gentle to her, but when you speak, it is as if your love is revealed. Are you deliberately deceiving me? "

Seeing this woman's shrewd look, Qihai felt some disdain, "Do you think I have to be like you, to show all my expressions on your face? "Then you're wrong. With your status, I really don't know how you do things."

The woman said angrily, "Don't forget that I'm your superior, don't go too far!"

"I'm only trying to reason with you. I'm just being reasonable. Right now, you're so jealous. How could you accomplish anything big?"

Qihai's words stunned the woman.

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