My voice might have been a little high, so as soon as I finished speaking, I immediately looked towards the direction of the warmth. But luckily, she was sleeping soundly and wasn't woken up by my voice.

The cat disapprovingly said, "Last time I told you I wanted to form a united front with you. You didn't want to, but now I'm bringing it up again. Do you want to consider it?"

My head strikes the ground. In my heart, I am filled with admiration for this cat. Just what is it looking for me for? I don't have the ability to accomplish anything with it.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I don't know anything and I don't have any ability. Why did you find me?"

"Because you are not an ordinary person."

This answer made me feel a little drunk.

"Tell me, what is it?"

I was at a loss for words. Since it was so persistent, I wanted to see what it had in mind.

"I want to use your soul to give me a hand."

"What?" After hearing what the cat said, I was shocked to the extreme. I didn't expect it to be able to say something like that. It was indeed a strange cat.

"Don't think that you've misheard. Actually, you haven't misheard." The cat said, laughing as it approached me. Seeing its strange appearance, I didn't know why, but I suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What do you want to do?"

"Didn't I just say it? I need your soul. "

Before I could react, the cat pounced on me with incredible speed.

It was already too late for me to dodge. I could only tightly close my eyes and wait for its attack.

However, the pain that I had expected didn't come. After a while, I felt that everything had quieted down, as though there was no sound at all.

Did it just play a joke on me?

I opened my eyes slowly and found that the cat was gone.

I strangely thought, just what does it want to do to me? Why did he become so secretive?

I admit that I was about to go crazy from it, and my mood turned sour.

At this time, An Ran suddenly spoke out, "Ruxue, what's wrong?"

I was surprised. Had the voice just now caused her to argue?

"It's just that cat. It's so strange. Did it disturb your sleep?"

Warmth shook his head and said, "No, I just had a dream and woke me up. What do you think happened to that cat?"

I had no intention of hiding it from her, so I told her what the cat had said.

After listening, An Ran revealed an expression of disbelief, "Oh my god! "How is this possible? It's simply too strange. The dream I had just now is actually exactly the same as what you said."

I was also stunned. Warm words obviously made me more and more agitated.

"Are you sure you had such a dream?"

"It's true. The cat told me to help her get your soul, but how could I do that to you? So I woke up. "

"How can this be? It's too weird, too warm. I think there must be something wrong with that cat. "

"You think so too. Also, when I live in this room, that cat would do weird things to me. It scared me out of my wits more than once."

"Is it that serious?"

"I just never said anything."

"Then why don't you switch rooms with Ru Yu?"

Warmth smiled bitterly, "Tathagata originally disliked me. If I were to disturb him for this matter, I believe he would definitely treat me with even less goodwill."

Warm words were filled with sorrow, as if she cared deeply about Tathagata's feelings.

"Do you really like that Tathagata?"

I'm really curious, warm conditions are not bad, looks can be said to close the moon shy flowers, why must like Tathagata?

However, sometimes emotional matters are difficult to control.

Warmth silently sighed and said, "Yes, I have liked him since many years ago. Moreover, no matter what he did to me, I will never give up."

The warmth in her eyes was very persistent. I could tell that she might continue to be like this forever.

While we were both feeling a little sad, suddenly the sound of a good cat was quite good.

Our colleagues were all taken aback.

"It's that cat. Its cry is so scary."

Listening to her warm words, I suddenly remembered something Xiao Wen had told me before. She said that the cat had once opened the door to her room, and even said that his soul had possessed the cat's body.

"Gentle, no, this cat is definitely abnormal. Maybe there really is a soul attached to it. " At this time, I had already chosen to completely believe Xiao Wen's words.

Although this matter is full of strangeness and absurdity, I had to believe it because if it was only a cat, it would be impossible for it to speak.

Gentle Snow nearly fainted, "How can such a thing happen? I really don't know what to do now. "

I hurriedly hugged her and comforted her, "Don't be afraid. Right now, it's the both of us. I will always be here accompanying you. You can be at ease."

"But, if you keep staying with me, Tathagata won't be happy."

I secretly made up my mind. Even if Tathagata didn't agree, I would still stay here. After all, this place is really too frightening.

"Don't worry, I'll think of a way to get him to agree."

A strange light suddenly burst forth from her warm face. The cat that had been hiding in the dark all this time was looking at her with a pleased expression. She carefully nodded at it, as if they had reached a tacit understanding.

Only, to my surprise, Tathagata didn't object to my suggestion of living with him forever, so I agreed without a hitch.

Although I felt that something was amiss, I couldn't be bothered to ask.

At night, I fell asleep in my arms, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

I was really worried that the cat would pop up out of nowhere and say something strange to me.

I spent the night in a state of anxiety. Fortunately, nothing happened.

The next morning, when I woke up, I was shocked to see my big black eyes.

"Ruxue, you couldn't have not slept at all, right?"

Warmth touched my face with a bit of heartache.

I shook my head weakly. "I was afraid that the cat would suddenly appear and scare you, so I kept my eyes open."

"Thank you, Ruxue. You treat me so well, don't you blame me for the things I did wrong to you in the past."

Those things are over. I don't care anymore.

"Alright, there's no need to be so courteous between us."

Then, she stopped her tears and said, "You haven't slept for the whole night, how could your body take it? Now that I'm here to watch over you, quickly close your eyes and get some sleep. "

To be honest, I was a bit tired and my eyes were fighting non-stop.

I really couldn't hold on any longer, so I agreed to her suggestion.

I fell asleep very quickly, and I think it was very sweet.

Seeing that I was sleeping soundly, she gently clapped her hands and the cat obediently walked to her side.

"Cat Spirit, you have disappointed me greatly."

The warm words sounded alluring, causing the Cat Spirit to become alert, "I didn't do anything?"

"Hmph, is that true? You better not think that I don't know anything. Last time, I saw it with my own eyes, but you went to Mei Ruxue and suggested that we form a team.

The Cat Spirit lowered its head, looking like a child who had made a mistake. "I was wrong, actually, I didn't really think that way, I also wanted to quickly help you achieve your wish, which was why I wanted to test her."

"I already said that an animal wants to betray me. This is the point that I failed the most. Remember this: if you want to escape my control, you must help me obtain her soul."

Cat Spirit said as if she was trying to curry favor with her, "Yes, I will definitely help you get it."

"Then let's play this game now?"

She looked at me with a warm and cold gaze, her gaze was as cold as ice.

The Cat Spirit immediately jumped onto my body and started pressing on some of my acupuncture points.

In short, he was feeling a bit anxious from watching the show, but he was unable to help.

"How are you? "How was the test?"

The Cat Spirit seemed to be nervous as well. "Something doesn't seem right."

"What is it? What's wrong? "

"Her soul shouldn't be on her body. It should be hidden somewhere else, right?"

"Are you sure?"

"I've tried a few times already, but I couldn't find her. It seems that she really isn't here."

Warm disappointment was written all over her face. She wondered if she had really made a mistake.

"Cat Spirit, if that's the case, then there's no use in keeping this person alive, right?" Warm and disdainful, she stares at me with a face full of disgust.

The Cat Spirit hesitated and said, "Maybe, in the future I will still need her. After all, that is her own soul, maybe I can only find it by relying on her perception."

Warmth frowned, "That is to say, she can't die now?"

"I think if we think about the bigger picture, we should not die for the time being."

"Hmph, I didn't expect her to have such a long life. Fine, I'll keep her. I'll try and see what I can find out from her body."

The Cat Spirit said, "Yes, maybe we can try hypnotizing her."

"Hypnosis?" Gentle Snow was stunned. "Don't tell me you know hypnosis?"

The Cat Spirit said, "I learned some fur from my master, maybe I can try."

"That's good as well. Let's give it a try."

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