I felt like I really didn't want to stay in the dream any longer, and the feeling made me feel uncomfortable.

I slowly forced myself to walk out of the dream. The moment I thought that, I immediately opened my eyes.

The warm eyes were always fixed on my face. At this moment, she immediately noticed my change.

"Ruxue, you're awake! You're making me anxious to death! What do you think?"

I thought I was asking how I was doing, how my body felt, but who knew I was wrong.

To my surprise, I said gratefully, "Warm, I feel much better. After this sleep, I feel my whole body is full of energy."

Gentle Snow's expression changed, and asked in a different way: "Oh yes, Ruxue, I just realized that you must have had a nightmare right? I heard you saying some weird things. What kind of dream did you have? "

I couldn't help but feel dejected. It turns out that I was just talking about the scene in my dreams. It seems that I fell too deep into my dreams.

"I, I dreamt it." I said a few words, but I suddenly stopped because I felt that my dream seemed to be too ridiculous. Wouldn't she find it laughable if he were to say this to her?

Seeing that I wanted to say something, she stood up warmly, "Why don't you say it, why did you stop talking so much?"

I was shocked by her anxious look. Her warm face seemed to be somewhat sinister. I was suspecting that I had just woken up and was seeing things.

I was confused for a moment, but I still tried to persuade myself that this might just be my imagination.

I forced myself to calm down. "Warm, the dream I had was so strange, my real parents weren't my real parents in the dream. They were my real parents' guests in the dream."

I may have been a little disorganized, but I didn't have a clue. I even had the feeling that I didn't know what I was talking about.

After listening to what I said, her eyes couldn't help but look towards the Cat Spirit hiding under the chair, as if asking for its opinion.

The Cat Spirit silently shook its head, signalling for her to stop asking questions. Perhaps it saw that I was almost unable to hold on any longer.

I don't have that much time and I don't have that much patience. Don't tell me that I have to pretend that nothing happened and wait for me to slowly recall everything?

Because I can already tell that I didn't think of anything substantial, I can't help but feel impatient inside.

She hatefully cursed in her heart. Just as she was about to flare up, at this moment, she felt the piece of devilish jade, passed down from her Wen Family, tremble violently.

She suddenly became alarmed, this piece of Devil Jade would not easily tremble, one must know that she had long since trained it to be her trusted subordinate, if nothing special happened, the Devil Jade wouldn't have sensed anything, and would have told her through trembling methods, reminding her.

Once the devil jade trembled, it would mean that something special happened to the head of the Ancient Tomb of Wen Family.

At this moment, Wen Jiuze was dead, and the only person left there was only true warmth. She had been locked in the secret room by him, so he shouldn't be able to cause too much trouble.

Then what was so special about the Ancient Tomb of Wen Family?

Warmth knew that the Devil Jade wouldn't lie to her, and thus, she was unable to remain calm. What she was worried about was that if she really did escape from that secret room, it would be a disaster.

All the hard work he had put in would be for naught.

As he thought about this, he felt a chill on his back and did not dare to tarry any longer. Right now, the most urgent matter at hand was to return to the Ancient Tomb of Wen Family to clarify things, so he could ignore this place first.

She finally decided to let me go after weighing the pros and cons in her heart. Thus, she tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart and spoke to me in a calm tone as much as possible, "Ruxue, think back to your dream first. "Let's see if there's anything else I can think of. I have something urgent to take care of so I need to go home."

For the moment, I forgot the trouble that the dream had caused me. "You're going home? Didn't you just come back? Besides, isn't there no one else in your house? "

"It's almost my dad's seventh head. I have to go back and guard it. Maybe he will come back to see me."

I was moved by her warm filial piety. "You must be careful."

"It's fine. Then I'll be leaving immediately. We'll talk properly when I get back."

After she had finished speaking, she could not wait any longer and left without taking anything with her.

When everything calmed down, I started to recall the scene in my dream once again.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the Cat Spirit's voice suddenly sounded. "You seem to be obsessed with it?"

When I suddenly heard its weird voice, I realized that it was looking at me with a weird expression on its face.

I felt my scalp tingle, as if I had seen a ghost, and I felt sick to my stomach.

I don't know why, but I have a special feeling about this cat. Even I, who like small animals, find it annoying.

"What, you seem to be ignoring me? Am I wrong? If I'm not wrong, you must have had a very strange dream, right? You must be very suspicious of that dream, right? "

The Cat Spirit seemed to be looking at me with ridicule, as if it was playing with me.

I abruptly looked at it. Could it be that it really has divine foresight? Is it clear about what kind of dreams I had?

"How on earth did you know? Just what are you? "

In a moment of desperation, I actually said this sentence.

The Cat Spirit seemed to be unsatisfied with what I said about it.

"What do you mean, what am I? How can I be anything?"

Why did this sound so awkward?

I felt that it was laughable, the Cat Spirit seemed to realize that its own words were a little inappropriate. He decided not to continue on this topic.

"Tell me about your dream! Maybe I can give you a hint? Who asked me to be the almighty Cat Spirit? "

At this moment, the Cat Spirit was already speaking bluntly to me, as though she was not hiding her true identity at all.

So it was a Cat Spirit!

No wonder it would reject an animal that looked like a normal cat from the bottom of its heart. It was actually not a real cat.

Although I don't know what a Cat Spirit is, I can still feel that it is definitely not an ordinary cat.

"Cat Spirit? You say that you are a Cat Spirit? I really don't know what a Cat Spirit is. "

The Cat Spirit laughed proudly, "To put it bluntly, Cat Spirit is a cat demon, the ruler of the cat tribe, a fairy who has cultivated for many years, do you understand?"


I secretly exclaimed in surprise. I didn't expect that this cat had such a special identity. It was actually a Cat Spirit.

"You said that you are a Cat Spirit that isn't properly cultivating, why did you insist on coming here to stir up trouble? How did I offend you? You want to disturb me like this? "

To tell the truth, when I found out who it really was, I didn't feel any particular fear. Instead, I felt a sense of anger.

I don't even know why I didn't feel too much fear facing a cat demon.

The Cat Spirit said, "I also want to properly cultivate, but even if it was you mortals who insisted on dragging me into this mess, I really can't bear to see all of your actions, but right now, I'm being forced into a corner, so this is the only way."

The words it said seemed to have some depth to them.

"I don't understand your words. I just want to ask you not to appear in front of me so strangely in the future. I need to go back now."

I got out of bed and thought about getting out of here. I really didn't want to be with a cat demon.

"Don't you want to know the whole truth? If you beg me, maybe I can help you find the truth that belongs to you. "

I was moved. I naturally wanted to know the truth, but I didn't want to work with a cat demon.

After careful consideration, I decided to give up.

"Forget it, the truth is something that can only be found and not sought. I don't want to know everything through you."

Seeing that I actually said it in such an indifferent manner, the Cat Spirit seemed to be somewhat surprised.

At this moment, he was thinking in his heart, Compared to I, I'm more fond of a personality like mine. But the problem is, since my junior sister is still in her hands, I can't get rid of her for now, so I can only continue to cooperate with her.

The Cat Spirit watched me leave the room in disappointment. It started to worry for Junior Sister's safety.

Where did that woman hide her junior sister? If he could find her and save her, then he wouldn't be threatened by her. He hated being threatened the most.

It began to pace non-stop, racking its brains to think of a solution.

It still believed in his abilities, but the key point was that he was not free to leave since that damned woman had placed a barrier at the door, so he had to break the barrier before he could leave.

As long as he left this place, he believed that he would definitely find his Junior Sister's whereabouts.

It would be great if he could try to attack from the boundary.

I stayed in this warm place for two days. After returning, Tathagata just gave me a nonchalant look, so he didn't make things difficult for me.

"I'm back."

Tathagata's words stunned me.

Because before, when he faced me, not only was his attitude, but even his tone wasn't very good. But now, I couldn't hear any hint of awkwardness in his words.

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